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Everything posted by the_raven

  1. Since I recently uploaded Mark Pride for JA, I can definitely suggest Communication Force by Nazar Group Design for JO (if you can find it anywhere that is). Other than that, I don't know, haven't played that much JO...
  2. may I suggest you update the tattoos? at least on the face?
  3. eh, it's ok, I was making the pk3 from a rar archive instead of a zip archive. move along.
  4. heh, never much liked this myself, but as long as we get TFU outfits, it's all good! this kinda reminds of me the Sith Masters from KOTOR2 put mixed with Sith Trooper
  5. Yeah, it's a lot of fun, one of the best M&B mods ever released, I think (that's not me advertising, the guys were actually praised for the mod by some gaming magazine or another). Too bad they left the mod with a bunch of glitches, but it's still playable, and it gives you the original trilogy feel, try it! You can find the mod on moddb, just make sure it's M&B, not M&B Warband
  6. What? Btw, have you ever played Star Wars Conquest mod for Mount & Blade? There was a Kota there, but he was god-awful!
  7. namely the zabrak female ones I love zabraks
  8. Version 2


    What is this? It's the protagonist from Nazar Design Group's total conversion mod for Jedi Outcast - Communication Force. His name is Mark Pride (yes, it's official), and he's basically a mash up of Kyle and Jedi Trainer (the way he was designed for the mod). Why? Because I was feeling nostalgic, and wanted a new bot. It's just a Jedi Trainer with standard red skin! Um, no it's not; it's Mark Pride, damn it! He's got...abilities! Bugs: Can't find any myself, perhaps you could report some?
  9. you mean, that ain't this mod?
  10. aye, I checked it again, turns out I had a pack of robed characters installed, and that's what was causing the 'excess'...silly me as to the vanilla characters missing icons, I don't mind, it's good having them available, though the mutant rancor is too much
  11. Nah, it was one of those maps in the Tattooine+Hoth pack. But anyway, as the stormtroopers say. Move along, nothing to see here.
  12. I reinstalled the JA++ files, and it seems to have fixed this issue. It was something about Client and Server files not wanting to work together I think
  13. Ok, so I created a bot using BotTool, I followed the instructions to the letter, but the bot doesn't appear in the bot-list when you create a game. Anyone know why this happens? The reason I'm asking is because my previous bot - Klavika - worked absolutely fine, it still does. Any ideas?
  14. One thing I noticed about the JO/ JA at-st is that it's cockpit is too small. In RotJ we see it being twice that size where Cheewie highjacks one.
  15. Hey, so I downloaded OpenJK and JA++ files. Installed them according to isntruction, and launched the game. Now, when I go to "Profile", the pre-made character list has a ton of new skins (mainly movie characters and aliens in Jedi tunics and robes). Now, one issue is that they're missing icons (instead I get question-mark icons); another issue is that some of them are missing textures, or have invisible heads, and so on. Is there a way to remove these excessive skins, because I have other skins I want to use and I'm afraid they'll be cancelling each other out, not to mention that one of these skins crashes the game outright. Also, I didn't understand what I needed to download for JA++ - "Client" or "Server", so I downloaded them both. Could that be a reason?
  16. I seem to have this problem too
  17. Ooh, I remember that one. Want it as well
  18. It'd be simple to do though - a standing version of lvl1 Force Heal it'd be activated like lvl1 and lvl2 Force Shield and Force Absorb
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