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Everything posted by the_raven

  1. But there's only one part of the map where you can fall to your death (the bridges part)(based on the picture) Still, it's a pretty cool looking idea, if anything, it could be used to machinima or something.
  2. I always thought the weapons shot slower, but I guess it was because my character was supposedly moving faster, as it seems, the shots did fly faster. Hah, I always thought it was some alternate skin, kinda like the fat Rodian (and yeah, I know that was a standalone character in JO) Really? Aside from Mind Trick and Dark Rage (hello suicidal cultist!), haven't seen any of these effects. I knew they sometimes picked up weapons, sometimes even while you're still looking at them - pesky buggers, they are. The Kyle bit never happened to me, but instead, he'd sometimes start attacking me for no reason! The Jedi on Korriban would sometimes do it too! (even when I'm lightsided) Ok, my turn! 1) Sometimes, when a sniper shoots at you, Force Speed kicks in, and you dodge the shot. This is not dependent on your Force Speed level, as long as you have it. Force-wielding npcs do this all the time, so it's next to impossible to snipe them. 2) Alora's Jar'Kai has custom animations that you too can use if you type 'saberstyle alora' in the console (or what was that command?) 3) On Korriban, if you, for any reason, kill a fellow Jedi while being lightsided, the game doesn't count it as a betrayal of your friends, as it would should you attack Kyle or Rosh. 4) If you edit the game files and give a lightsaber to an npc but not Force powers, they will still use Force Push when you Force Grip them. 5) Kyle is the only npc that can Force Pull the player's lightsaber, but only does so if the player is darksided. 6) Only npc's can Force Push explosives (mines, tripmines, grenades), even when those are attached to surfaces (mines, tripmines) 7) The green cultist is the only character in the game to wield two pistols at a time. 8) When using level 4+ Mind Trick on npcs armed with ranged weapons, they shoot a lot faster, and it seems, have a lot of ammo (which can be quite useful with rocket launchers and that purple laser gun), however, it depletes quite fast, and the npc goes ammo-less until you lose control of them, or until you make them die. Either way, once they're free to act on their own accord, they can resume shooting normally. 9) The fate of Jedi Trainer who's fighting reborns atop of a Sith building in the Valley of the Dark Lords on Korriban is unknown, and, as per game mechanics, irrelevant. This is rather strange, considering he's been 'promoted' to a full-fledged character in JKA, whereas the Jedi Master replaced him as placeholder for most of the teaching staff.
  3. 1) Knew it, and it's especially annoying 2) Knew it, and they still don't die from it! 3) Knew it, but it's only when they have a load-ton of health so they don't die when the fall-death script kicks in 4) Didn't know that, mostly because of the annoying sound, but also because it was hardly relevant to me. 5) Didn't play DF2, but I did see some playtroughs, so I knew that. 6) Ah, I forgot about this one!
  4. A bit of an offtopic, but whatever happened to Dooku's saber? Don't tell me Anakin just tossed it aside... Back on topic: R - Retards
  5. 1) Didn't know that, though I think I've used it at least a couple of times during my playthroughs (especially on Hoth, in JKA) 2) Knew that they gave me something, but didn't understand what it was 3) Knew it, though it almost never happened when I used a staff (and I use a staff almost all the time) 4) Didn't know that (though I did know the same actor voiced Revan in TOR) 5) Didn't know that Also, the thread's called "Top 10 things...", so where' the other 5?
  6. 1) But is he an actual alien, or a near-human\ sub-human? 2) Still doesn't explain why use traps for padawans. Eh, I'll take it as a 'chaotic good' character. 4) But then, how does Vader still use his own saber in the movies? Also, how can anyone change a crystal's color anyway?
  7. I'd imagine the main reason is the MP-exclusiveness, since even the more SP-friendly MP games, like the classic BF's, don't have many pirate servers, or players thereof - basically, it's just not worth the effort. But the ones that focus on SP, I don't know. Most likely, you're right, and it's the improved anti-piracy protection games are getting (though I did come across several articles that spoke of Denuvo finally being cracked, Rise of the Tomb Raider being one of the cracked games that uses Denuvo, but if I remember correctly, there was no proof, just the pirate group boasting about it). Another reason might be the games' size (as dg1995 mentioned), since it still takes some time to download even 20 gb, even nowadays, whereas most of these modern AAA games have ~35 at the very least - add the banning of net neutrality, which everyone is afraid will drastically slow down the internet, and it's a (not) pretty picture.
  8. wait a second, is he too in the habit of collecting lightsabers?
  9. My gods, the guy in the last video has an annoying voice! As to the topic, personally, I never understood the point of these battle simulator games. I mean, if you want to play model soldiers - like those green ones we all (most of us?) had as children - it can be fun, especially when you have different open-air maps like town, castle, factory, ship, etc., with platforms and levels of different heights, but most of these simulators only offer one plain map with the occasional trees and boulders littered about, and the A.I.'s are generally pretty weak too. I just can't see the point. Still, I suppose a proper Star Wars battle simulator could work (for ground battles at least). Methinks that since someone could make a classic fighting game in JKA (Jedi Fighter), something like this should be quite possible. Way I see it, it could be a custom game .exe with its own menu; maybe take the spectator mode from MP, and add some spawning menu from one of those other mods (sorry, can't remember what mods had them), and add a 'start\ stop' and 'victory\ defeat' commands and\ or triggers. Maybe even have the possibility to switch between npc and bot A.I.'s. Yeah, technically, if one has the programming knowledge, if should be fairly easy to make. All one really needs is motivation.
  10. I haven't read the comic (I don't follow comics actually), so I have a bunch of questions: Why is the Jedi gray-skinned? He's not human, I take it? Or is it just the 'lighting'? Why is he setting up traps for Padawans? That part of their training, or is he a 'chaotically-good' kind of character? Is that a training bot, or an assassin bot? Did Vader take his lightsaber for himself, or was there some reason for it? What's the post-impressionist character in the final image?I'm not afraid of spoilers, nor am I going to look up the comic, I'm just curious. If spoilers are a problem for others, please PM me. Thanks in advance! As to the request, it should be fairly simple to make, provided you have a good model to retexture, and have some skill.
  11. Sounds like something that should be on the starting page, eh?
  12. Nice! Reminded me of Jedi Fighter a bit Also, it's pretty cool how different Starkiller outfits have their own signature animation, kinda gives them more character
  13. I love this thread, so much good music!!
  14. I haven't played Rising (in fact, I can't even find it, is that the game's full name?). What I think of the combat system in JKA, well, 1) I disliked how the saber's been nerfed - you know, no proper dismemberment or one-hit-kills (even compared to JO! I see the point of it, but still); 2) it does have its weak spots (as I already mentioned, it's silly that the floor stabbing animation doesn't always toggle when you're attacking a lying-on-the-floor enemy), like the high-chop animation being restricted to the red style, and again, not always toggling when attacking and jumping, or not being able to kick with a single saber (without mods or other edits), etc. As to how natural the handling feels, I always thought that it's because the 'blade' isn't a hard object (you know, like a bat? but yeah, that's a lame excuse). When it comes to regular swords in JKA, their blades are always misdirected. With a lightsaber it's not an issue because it's 'blade' can cut in any direction (theoretically)(and the 'blade' itself is cylindrical anyway), but with an actual sword - the sharp edge of the blade (the cutting one, in case it's a sword and not a saber) is always pointing to the left in vanilla yellow stance, it just looks stupid. What do you think of Mount and Blade's combat system? It's simplistic, yeah, but they say it uses good physics, is well-scripted (in regards to the player character's stats), and actually takes a lot of practice to master (this much I know for a fact)
  15. So there were different versions of TFU then, huh?
  16. Then it's settled - we all move to Rising and improve its combat system!
  17. Ok, we're all happy for Langerd for winning the Halloween contest, but it's already been X-mas and New Year, but the frontpage hasn't been updated. Yes, the holidays have passed, and no point in updating it now, but timely updates would still be nice, if anything. And yes, I know the admins are busy with their own lives, but it's something that we, as regular members actually can't do. Just a piece of my mind.
  18. I actually made a mod for an OP character, but I made the undershirt look kinda shirtless, and the 'inside' shader went missing. I'm not sure if I still have it though since I deleted my google disk (or whatever it's called)
  19. I think someone actually did this previously...?
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