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Everything posted by the_raven

  1. Wait, you mean Samurai X hasn't already been covered? That's a crime! One thing though, the Q3 engine isn't very friendly of regular swords
  2. Why do the Japanese feel like they have to exaggerate proportions all the time? Eh, anyway, at least it's not Star Wars related
  3. Ok, right now, I don't have the time to read the whole op and discussion, but by skimming through it, I gathered it has something to do with non-Star Wars sword-fighting characters being a rarity among JKA mods? If so, then I actually spoke my mind in a different topic, though I was talking about lack of modern non-Star Wars content in general, but most people brushed me off because... Anyway, if I'm missing the point, I'll write again later.
  4. interesting! the cape makes him look more like an imperial royal guard though
  5. I didn't even manage to find a decent fanart of Rosh with a hilt
  6. Rosh Penin is Rey's father!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Ramikad


      Hm, that's a tough one. I'll give it a try. Some ancient civilizations pretty much summarize the creation of the universe as an "awakening" of some form of consciousness, previously "inactive", which then creates the universe. Other versions seem to indicate the creation of the universe as "a bending of the infinite on itself". Similar informations emerge from some regressive hypnosis, where the "soul" or "consciousness" interrogated describes t...

    3. Ramikad


      ... the creation as "something from which something else comes out". Details and technical specifications are a bit lacking.

    4. AnonMC


      !!! o.O Wow, never would have guessed how Rey's origins and the origin of the universe spring from the same source... Maybe the makers of the new Star Wars are more clever than we know...! Rey springs from the universe as a "bending of the infinite on itself", a creation that "awakens" to become the hero of this story, where a legendary Jedi comes out of an ordinary young girl with no past (practically nonexistant before). :o It all makes sense now!

  7. Well, I, for one, wouldn't want a pink Vader, I think it looks ridiculous and frankly, quite stupid. Also, I don't like that particular shade of pink
  8. Define 'a smart thing to do', please? Am I afraid I'd get banned for posting a thread about it? No, not really. Nor am I actually advocating it, just trying to understand why there are no pirates who'd be after these two games.
  9. I actually live in a country that's quite close, and I can tell you for a fact, they don't pirate these two games in particular. Still, I wouldn't wanna live in Russia, not as long as they're so aggressive to their 'sister-republics' (and no, I have nothing against Russians as a people, or peoples, since Russia is so multi-national ) Makes sense, though I'd always tell people to pirate it, and since I don't do streaming or anything like that, they'd never catch me But you're right, it's best not to play it outright Well yeah, it was an honest question. But I don't think that piracy is actually helping the company, after all, when you're loosing money, who cares about how many people enjoy or don't enjoy your product? Yes, from a PR point of view, it's a success (or something), but financially it's still a loss, don't you think? Also, isn't pirating something already a way to stick it to the man?
  10. Note: I'm sure this will get locked or deleted because piracy is baaad (oooh, spooky!), but bear with me, alright? So we all know EA's Battlefronts, and EA's predatory behavior, so I was wondering, why does nobody pirate these games, if only to punish EA? You'd think there'd be a lot of volunteers who'd be willing to jump on the opportunity, especially in Russia, where digital content is pirated on a regular basis, especially since making a pirate multiplayer server has been proven possible. I can understand why most people wouldn't bother with the first game, since it's a multiplayer exclusive, but the second game has a singleplayer campaign, so where are all the pirates?
  11. I understand it's a thing of principle, and I support the trolling, but why does anyone need a pink Vader?
  12. I think one of those other mods actually turned saber throw into a standalone force power, was it JA+ or OpenJK...? Eh, anyway, carry on
  13. I don't remember stormies of this kind in TFU. Either you're using creative license, or there's something wrong with the armor texture
  14. This is a port? The 'clean' version is cool, but the 'battered' version needs a lot of improvement
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