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Everything posted by the_raven

  1. The face texture needs improvement, I think, but the model seems to be spot on
  2. Yes, the visuals - clothes, guns, ships, sets; and yes, the CG Tarkin was just terrible. Leia was more or less ok, guess it's because her face didn't move as much. I wasn't talking just of Disney or Star Wars, I was talking about media in general. But yeah, in regard to Star Wars, experience shows that the farther we go, the less the chance of miracles.
  3. Otherwise, you could try using the fat rancor-tender from Jabba's palace
  4. He actually looks a bit like a vampire
  5. I think someone once made a toy-soldier model and tried applying some kind of glow shader, but it looked quite bad
  6. Also, the hammerhead is called an Ithorian, and walrusman is an Aqualish
  7. While I think this breaks continuity (Kotor continuity, that is), I have to admit, the armors look amazing! Especially when you consider how the New-Crusader helmets were so disproportional in the games.
  8. Ewww, this poster - real, or part real - has so much photoshop in it that I can't help but remember the terrible CGIs from the prequels (the ones that started with ep2, and later with all the re-issuing). Also, is that black dude supposed to be Lando? If so, whoever's responsible for casting did a terrible job - the actors (yes, Han's actor also) look nothing like the originals! I'd say the Falcon looks different from the original - the nose is too long. On the other hand, it's nice to see it in its PT shape Wow, for a fan-movie, this is amazing! Gamora fights Han because he cheated Dash Rendar (who looks like Kyle from JK1's live action cutscenes, for some reason) in pazaak? That's kinda funny. But the guy playing Han? Now he's the next best thing after Harrison Ford! Most likely, though you do have to admit, Rogue One was more-or-less true to the OT in regards to aesthetics (maybe except for some of the new Stormtroopers that were featured) I don't follow this movie's 'development', but is it true what Circa says about them starting it over from scratch? If so, you might be right. Then again, miracles have happened
  9. Nice! One thing I have to note is that Vader's style looks a bit reckless here. Also, when you stop to consider how ep4's backstory was originally conceived to be (this has probably been addressed many times, even if not on this forum), I think it should be safe to admit that (if you cut the prequels out of the picture) the OT's fights worked quite nicely, and didn't need acrobatics and all that sass from the prequels. Also, has anyone noticed Obi-Wan's behavior\ attitude during the Death Star duel? In the original, I mean. He actually looked scared, though tried hiding it behind cryptic wisecracks. Aye, and here a funny detail I just noticed: Does anyone else see it?
  10. either that, or it's just the show's visual style - like TCW had those anatomically unrealistic models that looked like they were wood cut-outs
  11. this needs more screenshots, but it looks interesting
  12. Interesting. D'anyone try it yet? How does it work?
  13. I think I saw this one previously, but I'm not sure. Is this that SP mod where you play as a male Zabrak agent and somehow Rey your way through the Imperial installation after you find a lightsaber?
  14. so, does this mean there'll be a third video in a couple years?
  15. I know who Arthas is, and what he did. All I said is that I didn't know his family name. Anyway, moving on.
  16. It's taboo in my society also, then again, I think it's taboo mostly anywhere, but at least he didn't kill his mother (in the movie, he hesitated, and pulled out, but his soldiers fired on the Resistance ship). Still, killing fathers is more "acceptable" than killing mothers, because mothers have a special connection with their children. Arthas Menethil? The human prince from Warcraft? Huh, didn't know his family name. But what is this 'immortal person' thing you speak of? Is it related to Arthas and his father, or is it about Kylo Ren and Snoke? Also, I'm pretty sure 'motherfucker' is an expression used on a bad person who 'fucks mothers', as in a bad husband\ father, because 'fucking' as opposed to 'making love', is something animalistic, aggressive even, it ignores the mother (woman) as a thinking, feeling, emotional being. So a 'motherfucker' is someone who treats a mother (woman) as a sex-object. Therefore, I think calling Kylo\ Ben a 'mother-\fatherfucker' is, at the very least, wrong. But that's just my opinion.
  17. Actually, I ditched the Firebrand after a while in favor of Consul or Arbiter. What character do you play as? Because some hilts work better with Kel-Dor or Rodian than with other races
  18. It's probably because of the way the saber is held - no practical reason to hold it like that irl, but maybe I'm missing something? Either way, I'd change it too, if I could
  19. Maybe it'd make more sense to post this in the Mod Requests section? What do you think, @@Circa?
  20. Well, maybe it will work, sometime in the future, when we invent something similar to Star Trek holodecks
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