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Everything posted by the_raven

  1. I know who Gat is, though I can't agree on his coolness (I only played Saints' Row 3 and 4, so yeah), but it still doesn't answer my question - is he, or is he not Asian?
  2. Hey guys, I'm looking for fantasy and sci-fi franchises that are basically rock or metal themed. To elaborate, I'm not looking for settings or franchises that are 'metal' by definition, as in 'dark, gory, and epic' so no LotR, Skyrim, GoT, *Heavy Metal, **Doom, or ***Quake. I'm looking for stuff that has actual magic guitars or guitar weapons and whole mythologies revolving around rock music, stuff like Brutal Legend, Six-string Samurai, Rock & Rule, and to a lesser degree Discworld, Guitar Hero, and Rock Band (since the latter two only do the rock-fantasy bit episodically, whereas Discworld, if I'm not mistaking, is not exactly rock-music based, though it does have guitars). *Despite it's name, it has little to do with metal music, at least, the cartoons and video-game don't. It's basically metal by definition. **Although it had satanic and metal imagery, it was more like a decoration, than anything else. ***(the original Quake) was more Lovecraftian than rock-music inspired, even though yes, Trent Reznor did the soundtrack and there are NIИ references everywhere. Note: Yeah, I know it's not a Star Wars themed thread, but nobody said this sub-forum has to be.
  3. That's actually one of the reasons many requests go to waste. Yes, the general rule is that whoever makes the request would actually use what is requested, but in truth, there's always that desire to show off one's work, so if someone just uses something offline, without letting others see the hard work that the modder put into a project, it feels a bit upsetting (at least, if I'm not mistaking )
  4. But at least, this thread has more arts, and they look epic! (yes, I know these are actually from a comic-book)
  5. I'd suggest you turn down the shadows for the screenshots because it's difficult to see the texture, but otherwise, it looks decent. Then again, I haven't seen the model/ skin in-game.
  6. I think the question is a bit unfair. From the OT, we know what to expect of Han simply because he's got more screen-time than Lando. At the same time, from what we did see of Lando, he isn't all that impressive. Sure, he's a scoundrel, sure, he's caring, and he's a good person overall, but he's also trusting and kinda cowardly, unlike Han who's actually used to taking risk and doing crazy things. So if we're to judge only by ESB and RotJ, than it's Han, no questions asked.
  7. Quite nicely done indeed! Not sure about the Temple Guard.
  8. Brainwashing someone is one thing, 'fixing' someone's brain is another. I suppose it's possible, but examples in canon, old and new, are scarce. As to the deathstix-dealer, I don't think he succeeded in starting a new leaf. It just doesn't work that way in the criminal world, unless, of course, the bosses are like: "Hey, what do we do to that chump-dealer who decided to start a new leaf?" "The same as with all the others, what else?" "But this guy's different. It's like he's been brainwashed or something..." "Those Jedi poodoo's! Alright, alright, let 'im go."
  9. Aye, I found it! Here is the original version of the saber I was talking about, and here's a version without the hand-guard. Both were made by @@Kahzmat. Also, if you'll ever want something more sword-like, here's a few options: Lightsaber katana (though it's technically a saber) and Crusader sword by AshuraDX, and Castlevania sword by Rooxon. Yes, I know these aren't what you're looking for, but still, enjoy!
  10. I remember someone made a sabre lightsaber hilt, you know, like the one those pirate cutlasses had?
  11. heh, this one looks like a platformer game or something
  12. Ah, it seems to be 'Demonic'. Funny, when I searched for Martha Livingstone, I also came across 'Martha Marcy May Marlene' and 'Agnes of God' (though the latter one's from the 80's)
  13. At first I thought the map was kinda boring (no offense, I mean, it is a simple box design), but then I saw the "secret" platform and it suddenly became interesting!
  14. All i can say at this point is that the spinoffs are better than the sequel trilogy. I really don't follow the sequels - don't wanna be disappointed beforehand - but so far, I think Rogue One was better than TFA and TLJ. Don't know anything of ep 9, don't care enough to bother either. Not sure what to expect of the Han Solo spinoff, but I already don't like the cast. Note: Sorry if I'm not making much sense, I'm a bit buzzed.
  15. ...there was some contemporary horror about a bunch of teens\ young adult summoning a Martha Livingstone while in a house in some forest. Why I'm posting about it here is because one of the protagonists, while traveling through the forest, tried to do it all "Jaden-on-Hoth" style, and raised his hand to 'sense' the ghost's presence, but he failed and felt like something hit him on the chest. Ok, I'm sorry, I'm a bit drunk, but has anyone seen that film? What do you's think about it?
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