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Everything posted by the_raven

  1. I figured it was just the portal's design, but that's a good theory in fact, especially since the symbol on top of the portal looked suspiciously close to the old Sith Empire logo. What's worse is that both Palpatine and the imperial scientist now know how to access the strange dimension - Palpatine could access it through (Sith?) magic, as we saw, and since the scientist saw Ezra do it, and spoke to Sabine, it doesn't take much to figure out that one simply needs to use the Force to work the portals, and he will definitely report to Palpy about it. Since we already know that the Empire holds several other portals (as explained by the scientist), it would have been quite probable that they would have tried accessing them, since they do have Force-users in their employ. But alas, for continuity, or just out of sheer ignorance, this will most likely be ignored by Disney or Lucasarts or whoever.
  2. Well, there is some kind of 'give' command, I remember using it to get melee and the bryar pistol, but I don't remember how it went (maybe it was in fact 'give', I just don't remember). As to a drop command, I don't know. There was something similar, if I'm not mistaking, but I'm not sure.
  3. I actually remember once or twice downloading some such saves with mp maps, they were supposedly telling Jaden's story, but I'm not sure if they're still available. Might be worth checking out the downloads section. Update: Ok, so I did some digging around on here, but found nothing (I can swear we had a saves category on here!), so I also hit Mrwonko's and found something. For example, this (https://mrwonko.de/jk3files/Jedi%20Academy/Maps/Map%20Packs/37270/) pack does something with a few sp maps, though I'm not sure what it is, I think they simply made the maps playable in mp. I'll keep looking.
  4. Well yeah, but you know, like the senators, these character have a very limited fanbase and were insignificant, one-shot characters. So it's not all that strange.
  5. So, you're basically asking for someone to make a single player campaign using Maul and jka maps?
  6. You mean nobody made him already? I'm shocked!
  7. *JA++Thank you very much Back to topic, I'd say:LAG!!!!
  8. In Jaxxon's defense though, i should note that as a non Star Wars character he'd have been great, just like Earthworm Jim, ya know? Pardon me turning on the fanboy, but what things would those be exactly?
  9. Just came across an hour-long rant about TLJ by some youtuber. Have to admit, I really enjoyed it
  10. the_raven

    Chiss Reborn

    Actually, in the game files there is (was?) and entity called "Reborn Chiss". There was also one for Rodian and Weequay
  11. OOOh! A male Zabrak in Jedi armor and robe? That sounds great! If anyone does make him, I hope the armor will look realistic and not mmo-style overthetopbulkyarmor
  12. Well you know, *disney* Silly animals have been their thing since the very beginning
  13. the_raven

    Falling Cliff

    cool map, but no bot support
  14. Yeah, he's pretty wizard, ain't he? Actually, for a minute there, I thought there was a hole in his robe on the chest, and there was some symbol drawn on it, I could be mistaking though and it might have been an amulet.
  15. the_raven

    New Year Dojo

    Actually, some MP-oriented maps do spawn npc. They're mostly clan maps and use the npcs for saber training
  16. But that was so cool! Finally, we see why he is The Emperor and The Senate, I mean, political scheming and good saber technique are fine, but it's THIS that I wanted to see in the big bad, ya know?
  17. this gives off one of those 'badass bros' vibes, all things considered
  18. Holyshitholyshitholyshitholyshitholyshit!!!!!!!!!!!! Eps 12 and 13 were impressive as phuck! (though I'm not a fan of the whole Mortis mythology)
  19. the_raven

    New Year Dojo

    reminds me of that animatrix dojo the gong's supposed to spawn enemy npc's, right?
  20. Pretty cool Problem is, whenever I tried spawning this particular cultist (without modding him in any way, mind you), the game'd always crash once he exploaded. I don't know why, and the game version was like the latest. Really strange. I wonder, are there any 'canon' spawn-points for this type of cultist in the game files? What about the commando? It'd be cool if someone could restore those and bring the cultists seemlessly back into the game. Also, why did, you reckon, the commando got cut?
  21. Pretty cool Problem is, whenever I tried spawning this particular cultist (without modding him in any way, mind you), the game'd always crash once he exploaded. I don't know why, and the game version was like the latest. Really strange. I wonder, are there any 'canon' spawn-points for this type of cultist in the game files? What about the commando? It'd be cool if someone could restore those and bring the cultists seemlessly back into the game. Also, why did, you reckon, the commando got cut?
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