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Everything posted by the_raven

  1. Kyle'd whoop Luke's whinny arse!
  2. my sister told me something about the two Oulasts being free (or dirt-cheap) on steam these days, but I'm not sure if the offer is still on
  3. you mean the link to your site? okay, thanks for that
  4. any way I could download them as a single archive? or at least every volume as a single archive?
  5. I want to be hyped about the new trilogy, but I just can't - TFA is pretty much a rehash of ANH, with a few changes, and therefore, is rubbish. Edit: As I was saying, I mainly agree with the stuff in the video, but I do have to praise the movie for some of the new characters and the good (as opposed to the prequels all-CGI) visuals. Honestly, when I left the theatre, I was a bit confused. I didn't know whether or not to like the movie. I instantly began to nitpick, but not because I actually felt like it, but because I wanted to keep up the appearance of a critical person. I just wasn't sure how to feel. It just didn't feel right. I really hope Ep.8 is better, I REALLY do, but if it's not, then it'll be really sad, especially after re-watching Empire Strikes Back - which is a totally awesome film that could actually hold its own. Seriously, everything was good about it - the characters, the scenery, the atmosphere, the drama...no other movie in the franchise can compare, prequel, original, or sequel. But I just don't know how to feel about these new movies. I'm disappointed. I had already had low expectations of the new trilogy, since it was new, but hot damn!... Eh, anyway, it's all very disappointing. Even the new Trek movies turned out more or less decent.
  6. well, there's always the off chance I'm mistaking
  7. Aye, the variant in the first pic is hot! And yes, I know she's 'beat up', but that natural, kinda messy hair suits her way better. The second...well, the pants\ legs are sexy, but the cheekbones make her look like Abeloth or something, especially in the last rendition
  8. I think I saw someone make one too, a TCW version at that. Since Jeff doesn't seem to link to it, apparently it wasn't him. Maybe checking out Moviebattles or KotF (or whatever that mod everyone's so positively crazy about) can yield something?
  9. I think he knows how to do it too, but as Jeff noticed, the headscarf is part of the head model, and it's the headscarf that the OP wants to get rid of.
  10. I didn't get it, why'd Kyle have to pick a fight with Fett? Still, not a bad machinima
  11. not bad! a bit doesn't look like the real deal, but still very nicely done
  12. do you plan on updating this?
  13. Well color me impressed! (I always wanted to say that )
  14. Hate TOR but - the Sacking of the Jedi Temple on Coruscant? More from the Mandalorian wars? Something about the Jedi Exiles on Korriban? More from the Yuzhang Vong war? The canon Mandalorian-Jedi battle? (featured in the Murals in TCW) The canon Jedi-Sith battle on Malachor? (remains of which were featured in Rebels season 2 (I think))? The canon Mandalorian-Empire\ Mandalorian-Imperial Mandalorian war (to be featured in Rebels season 4)? Anakin killing younglings? Imperial troopers bashing Gungans? Something from TFU 1? Rosh-bashing?
  15. Funny how everyone hated her in TCW but loves her in Rebels When's the S4 release date again?
  16. would that be lime-green and emerald-green?
  17. Well, didn't Luke disobey Yoda's 'advice' on the cave? Didn't Yoda tell him that it was too early, that he wasn't ready, and that he didn't need his weapons? Maybe Luke did indeed assume that being open to Dark Side temptation could be beneficial (after all, it can be, from a certain point of view ). But again, if you do everything properly (I.E. by the Jedi Code), students should be exposed to the Dark Side only when they are ready, and facing the Jedi trials. Jaden and Rosh were both trained in Luke's Yavin IV academy (not the space station praxeum-academy, for some reason ), and what happened to them? Rosh was deceitful, overzealous, ambitious, and also cowardly, but Kyle didn't care, so Rosh fell to the Dark Side; Jaden was later also dealing with the Dark Side, died, and got cloned (if I remember the novels correctly). Anakin was taken into training because he was special, they believe him to be The Chosen One, so obviously they made an exception - and look where such exceptions got the Order! Didn't anyone tell Luke that one man's trash is another man's treasure? What was ultimately good for him isn't bound to ultimately be good for everyone else. Didn't those damned ghosts tell him about it? Again, the temptation worked for him because he was special. I actually believe that it was him who's The Chosen One, and not Anakin. Who said Snoke is a dark Jedi? He may not be Sith, but he's still not a Jedi, not necessarily at least. He may have been one of those Emperor's Hands, or maybe something completely different (like a Nightbrother or whatever). We don't know anything about him as yet, so it's really pointless to make assumptions. On the other hand, who sends a student, no matter how talented, to deal with a powerful Force-user? Seems to me that Luke's a bad teacher. It's stated nowhere in the new canon (yet) that Luke had a child. The saber calling to Rey may have simply been the Force, or maybe she did it herself because she was looking for Luke (not like she couldn't do a ton of other things out of the blue ). I'm not convinced. And I literally just saw TFA on tv, and there were no tears in Luke's eyes. Her being a Kenobi is far-fetched, I agree with you on that. Though I remember seeing some fan-theory video on youtube where they spoke of the fact that Jedi weren't allowed to have families, but that it didn't forbid them to have sex in general, so Anakin, Luke, Obi-Wan, or any other Jedi - it could still happen. Ben was trained with the Jedi Code? We don't know that, do we now? As far as your posts here go, he was trained in Luke's personal experience, not the Jedi Code. Leia was not a Jedi, but a Force-sensitive, that much is known in canon. She's got a child (Ben) and a husband (Han). Nothing forbade her to do it. In fact, it's probably because of this that she didn't become a Jedi. Ben isn't a bad name, Kylo is sillier, if you ask me. And what is Ren anyway? Did all Knights of Ren have the Ren 'family'-name? It's unknown yet. They probably named Ben after Ben Kenobi at Luke's request, his reasoning was probably something like: "Ben taught me to be a Jedi, without him we wouldn't have gotten to the Death Star to save Leia, and would ultimately not have stopped the Empire! Besides, Ben's not even his real name, so why not have a Force-user named Ben?"
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