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Everything posted by the_raven

  1. Oh, so that's why the voice sounded so familiar Ahahha! That beginning!
  2. I guess I'll go with Kyle and Jan, only because, as already mentioned, they were a team, and a good team at that. Kasian and Jyn were just two guys who ended up working together. Sure, Cassian had no qualms with killing friendlies, but I think so did Kyle...I think...
  3. Rosh wasn't featured enough to annoy me, you know? Someone actually addressed this in some discussion. Jar Jar was...ok, maybe it's because I was a kid when watching Ep1 the first time, but frankly I found Obi-Wan's shenanigans (especially in the cg TCW) to be more annoying. And then there were Anakin, Senator Amidala, and those two damned droids...I HOPE THEY ALL BURN IN HELL!!!!!! :mad: Um, got carried away, sorry about that... Too bad the poll doesn't feature a third option, an open one.
  4. you should release a version that does tap into your hp, and only stops when you hit someone, that should make playthroughs more challenging and fun (then again, some levels would be an instant lose because they have no enemies )
  5. nice!! reminds me of something you could find in those disney and wb kids games
  6. the 19 most certainly! it looks so much like that ww2 machine gun! still, running and gunning with it would look bizarre
  7. azloc 3 capital (as already mentioned); ord mandell rp (was it called like that? ) some clan map in a rift setting, rift academy, i think it was called (you know, the huge cave where you had to close a jedi's grave before the disciples could drain it's force energy) korriban sith academy (one of, it also featured access to the valley of the dark lords, or at least partially) and of course a ton of sithjcul's maps
  8. i actually remember someone posting something about a remake of the original kotor 1 coming out soon, as in an official remake...
  9. He should be made available in one of those Tony Hawk's skateboarding video-games!
  10. Nice! But the convos between Jaden and Rosh (when they found each other) could have been a bit slower, so as to add to the drama. Also, Kyle should have said "Too easy", but that's just my opinion
  11. I read on wookieepedia that there is indeed a Hell in the SW universe, at least, according to old canon. If I remember correctly, it was described mainly as an afterlife for Sith spirits or something like that. Either that, or it was like the regular hell.
  12. I was washing a window before shutting it for the winter and the thought came to me. On the one hand, it seems to be the only way to bring KOTOR back into canon, but on the other, I'm just sure Disney will mess it up. Either way, what are your thoughts? Should they start a KOTOR series once Rebels is canned?
  13. looking interesting, but I'd work on the corn-walls a bit because they look too much like walls and not enough like corn
  14. So, is it any good? I heard the open-beta was recently...
  15. I'm not sure I understood what you're saying, could you rephrase please?
  16. actually, I think the OP wants the "ball" to have a light\ glow shader too, at least judging by their avatar (and the first pic), though that should be fairly simple if you know the shader code
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