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Everything posted by the_raven

  1. Well, I was looking for that Ragnos platform map, but came across this one called Zeus Academy Ladder, and also some ladder for JO, but couldn't find a download link to it. Here's the link to the site, maybe you'll have more luck than I. I'll keep looking for the Ragnos one, but if anyone knows it, they're obviously welcome to post a link Small update: Also found this Jedi Dojo map on The Massassi Temple
  2. Not sure if it's still relevant, but I accidentally came across: Link to the website
  3. Well yeah, that's what I was referring to by conflicts between modellers and model-consumers
  4. Oh, nice request! I remember there was a ladder for JK2 set in the Pit multiplayer map, and another one for JKA with a Ragnos-themed platform. One of them may be what you're talking about, I'm not sure A cheap way to fulfil your request would be to simply replace the models of all reborn/ cultists/ shadowtroopers with the Praetorians in the respective .npc files, and simply run any ladder map, but you know, that's the cheap method
  5. Theoretically yes, but I think that'd still require rigging (or what's it called when you adapt a model to an environment), and the models' quality would obviously depend on how much one's willing to pay - good model/ bad model, textured/ non-textured, etc. And of course, not everyone would be willing to pay for models, but it would then make the local modellers unappreciated since they're releasing their stuff for free (unless stated otherwise), and obviously, conflicts would start even between 'consumers' of models since some would think others cheapskates or whatnot. Then again, I may be overlooking into this. The first one's really cool! The second one reminded me of an old PotD from Filefront. It was a comic about two Reborn in a tomb on Korriban, and Rosh approaching them with his 'Hi! I'm Rosh by the way'; the two Reborn look at him, then one uses Mind Trick and has Rosh jump into a lava-pool. Ah, the good olden days!
  6. Huh, I thought this stance already existed in some animations pack, or was that Movie Battles or something?
  7. so...what are you requesting?
  8. Somebody, make this guy a hilt, because he really wants it!
  9. What is all this 'feeling the feels' ? People keep saying it on the internet, when has it become a thing? Where'd it come from? Well, I still don't think the big reveal (reveal?) was as pressing after having to wait for so long. But that's just me. It reminded me more of the Han/ Leia, at least Hera reminds me of Leia I actually never understood what the deal with their relationship was. I always thought they were already involved (if not married) in season 1. I guess the showmakers decided the relationship bit was too early, so they did a 'go back' and stretched it all the way to the show's last episodes. *cough* *cough* just a little joke there
  10. So, d'anyone watch the new episodes yet? What did you think? I think the ending of Jedi Night wasn't as impressive as it was supposed to be, I mean, I like the character, and I can understand that disney (or whoever) no longer care for the show, but if you wanted to jerk tears, you shouldn't have made the fans wait for several months beforehand. It just feels like bad marketing all over.
  11. Thanks for the tip, though I wasn't asking for it Was just surprised to see it in a screen, since I didn't see anyone upload it here
  12. So good to see oldies uploaded Is this map for a single player campaign?
  13. Neat! Especially the second one. Where did you get that At-at model?
  14. Man, this guy is ug-ly! Still, nice work
  15. the_raven

    Darth Zannah

    Pretty good retexture! Now, I'm not sure if it's your doing, or whoever did the original head model, but I can see a while seem where the forehead and hair touch
  16. Why the prequels? Oh wait, you said 'rewrite'. Carry on then. Still, I think that while it'd be possible, the fighting would look awful, considering Q3 engine's limitations and all (you saw that KOTOR2 in JKA mod? Great mod, but the fighting just ruined the K2 vibe). At the same time, I think even Disney could allow it, if you play your cards right. There are loopholes. For example, the guys that did Star Wreck ended up having a bit of a run-in with Paramount (or whoever owns Star Trek these days), because of their feature-films being too blatant a parody of Star Trek, and having too long of a screentime (imagine that), so Paramount released a set of rules for Star Trek fan-movies, and threatened to sue them for copyright infringement. The guys said 'fuck it!', and took Star Wreck in a different direction. Anyway, if you wanna do it, it'd be a good idea to check if Disney has some such guideline for fan-films, or to actually get in touch with whoever and ask for permission, just to be on the safe-side (though that'd be a bit excessive, you can still never be too careful). Alternatively, you could release the machinima-remake as a set of episodic shorts instead of the full feature, you know? Like 'we don't like the Anakin vs Dooku duel in ep3, so we'll remake it; next we'll remake the Padme + Anakin dialogue about the baby', but deliver these as shorts.
  17. Dibs on the master! Seriously though, I think it'd be easy enough to just retexture one of those Spanki Jedi Miraluka models. Only problem would be the hairstyle, though a simple Frankenstein or kitbash (kitbash?) would fix that.
  18. I doubt it, since she's a fictional character, but we can still dream
  19. Ok, so I've decided to give Victor Vran a shot after finding out that it has a whole DLC dedicated to Lemmy and Motorhead. Well, what can I say, the DLC's more serious than Brutal Legend, although still a bit bizarre (headbanging hell-hounds anyone?) and it has 'magic' guitars, headbanging, a rock/ metal soundtrack, epic guitar monuments, Motorhead bandmembers' outfits, and even some of the enemies are metalheads (at least two Succubi are wearing leather and spikes, one actually plays guitar). One thing I don't understand is why my ~112x140 hammer does less damage than a pair of ~15-25 revolvers. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that they're from a different game-world, and therefore function by different meta-universal rules?
  20. First I hear of Supernova as of a Sith Magic/ Alchemy. How's it different from Darth Nihilus' Force Drain that allowed him to feed on planets? Or Emperor Vitiate's ritual that allowed him to destroy entire planets, like he did Nathema? As to Sidious being able to defeat and toy with Maul and Savage, it wasn't such a big deal, after all, Maul never finished his Sith training, and in TCW we saw his arse getting handed to him many times (in the Son of Dathomir comics and in Rebels as well). Savage wasn't even that much of Sith Apprentice to begin with, let alone learning from Maul, who, as I already mentioned, never finished his training, and was therefore was hardly qualified to teach. What was impressive was that he, at his age, could stand his own against two young(er) Zabrak warriors - the Zabrak being more agile and hardy than Humans. But as a Sith vs Sith, it just wasn't a competition. Theoretically, I think Sidious would be able to learn such abilities as 'Supernova' as you describe it, but I don't think he'd bother using it. He may be a megalomaniac, but it's just too much dirty work, and I doubt he'd be willing to actually get his hands dirty. Unless, of course, we consider the whole new Thrawn continuity, where Sidious is said to have discovered some threat in the unknown regions or whatnot. In this case, he might have used it, but alas, such secrets were lost, as was already mentioned by the guys. Though it's strange that Sidious didn't manage to get his hands on ghosts or holocrons that could teach him something like that. Guess this died with the old canon, because it's overkill.
  21. I also came across something called Book of Evil or Evil Book or some such, about a metalhead high-schooler who came across this said book and was destined to unleash Satan's army into our world, but instead ended up protecting the world from it. Needless to say, I was disgusted by the over the top toilet humor, randomness, and useless drama.
  22. Well, it does have a metal-themed/ -related mythology, as well as monsters summoned by guitars, so I guess, yeah
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