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Everything posted by the_raven

  1. Not sure about "models that have been turned into maps" but I do have to agree, it doesn't look like a port (now that I tested it for myself )
  2. Here you go - http://www.moddb.com/games/star-wars-jedi-academy/addons/kotor-maps
  3. Here's the thread, there's a link to Jeff's dropbox. Look around, he's got tons of goodies on there!
  4. I also have a pack of KOTOR maps, and there's a Kashyyk map in it, but I'm not sure if it's ported or not, nor am I sure what all the assets for it are
  5. @@Jeff made both, though the Sabine model could use a lot of improvement
  6. the_raven

    Issues I have

    So I reinstalled OpenJK and JA++, everything works more or less fine, except that I get some issues: In the 'Create a game' menu, whenever I select a bot, the name 'HUMAN' is stuck atop of the bot name, and it obstructs the reading. It's a minor issue, but it's there.When I select bots #6 and #8, their names are also displayed on #11 and #13 accordingly. #11 and #13 are otherwise normally selectable, except there are now three names atop one another!The bot 'Skill' option - the name of the skill itself keeps constantly flashing, though otherwise, it works fine.TFA mode disappeared. Instead the modes are 'Team Deathmatch', 'Siege', 'Capture the Flag', 'Capture the Ysalamiri', 'Free For All', 'Holocron', 'Jedi Master', 'Duel', 'Power Duel', and 'Cooperative'.When I select 'Team Deathmatch' the kill limit is called 'Duel limit', and the Duel mode has a 'Kill limit'. I actually have to change the kill limit on Duel mode so that TDm has a proper kill limit.'Holocron', 'Capture the Ysalimiri', 'Cooperative' have no maps, and apparently there aren't any to download either on here, or on mrwonko's.There are no 'One hit kill', 'Hydroball' and '(Swoop) Race' modes - I know there aren't supposed to be, but there are maps for those modes, so why not?I can't 'kick' or 'change map' during the match anymore, it tells me 'Invalid vote string. Allowed vote strings are: allready''Jedi Master' mode prompts the players to catch the lightsaber, but whenever I approach it, nothing happens, it just lies there, and I can't activate or pick it up.The way I see it, there's an overlapping of string files, but why is it happening? Shouldn't the game just use one at a time? But if not this, then what might be the issue? Need I delete something in the OpenJK folder?
  7. I know that file, but I think it actually was different - the shoulder pads on GPChannel's file (the screen that is) are physical, and not a texture (at least, that's what they look like)
  8. So I was wondering, what are the oldest skins, models, and maps for JKA, ones that JKA veterans consider legendary?
  9. Really? And here I was, thinking it was those 'Picture of the...'
  10. 1) How difficult is the procedure of adding bot-routes to maps? 2) Can those be added to a finished map? Obviously, the can, but is it easier to add them while making the map, or once it's finished? 3) How are bot-routes defined? In Bethesda games, it's as simple as drawing the walkable surface so that npc's don't try walking all over tables, and adding checkpoints for patrolling npcs. 4) Is map-making software required for it, or would some text file suffice? 5) What file defines the map type (ffa, duel, etc.)? I downloaded a bunch of maps that show up in several game modes, though they're supposedly made for one (i.e. CTF), and I want to fix it. Thank you
  11. Just watched the last two episodes. Damn, the finale was awesome! And I stand corrected - the Emperor did try to use the gateway, though I'm still not sure why he needed Ezra and why he only used a portal to Lothal's past instead of that world between worlds. I'm surprised they didn't bring in the Mandos and the droids to help 'em, but it's all good, at least it didn't feel as cheezy as the ending of Spy Kids 3D At the same time, I don't get why the Empire - still at its prime by the way! - just left Lothal alone after the Rebels took it, I mean, they had the Death Star, and plenty of Star Destroyers to just bomb the surface to smitherines from orbit, after all, if I'm not mistaking, the planetary shield was operated from the dome, and the Rebels destroyed it. Also, why didn't Zeb use his weapon in the final battles? Did he lose it? Also, also, did anyone else think that Ezra's final task for Sabine was to give his lightsaber to Luke? That'd have been a fun little retcon, since I've always had difficulty believing that Luke simply built himself a new saber right off the bat (that's just me though ). I wonder what show will come next. Will it be the adventures of Sabine and Ahsoka? Or will that be in comic/ book format? I just hope it's not Forces of Destiny, because I don't think anyone actually watches that.
  12. When I did play TOR, I enjoyed the Sith campaigns over the Jedi campaigns, but I chose 'a combination of characters' just to make it more interesting. Also, define "Old Republic Era" - there are several periods that kinda fall into that category, to name a few: The Great Jedi SchismThe Second Jedi Schism (exile of the darksiders to Sith Space) and the Hundred-Year Darkness;The KOTOR period (i.e. Mandalorian Wars, Jedi Civil War, Dark Wars)The TOR periodThe Ruusan Reformation (Bane's 'Rule of Two')The immediate pre-movies and prequels period
  13. Only the male human? Any plans to expand to other species/ sexes? Also, is the RP server connected to your KOTOR adaptation mod? Will you be giving links?
  14. Yeah, so I was watching this K2 machinima (thanks TheWhitePhoenix!) and it stroke me - JKA has no canon Darth Sion lightsaber. It's actually kinda strange, considering that Nihilus', Malak's, Bastila's, Revan's (two in fact), and even Freedon Nad's sabers have been made. It's also strange, considering there are more-or-less canon depictions of Sion before or during the events of K2 (presented below), and slightly more detailed ones (TFU skin, TOR outfit, and the images below). In fact, his lightsaber hilt has been featured in TOR as an artifact-level item. Some reference pics: Here's one of the official artworks. The hilt is blurry, but the overal shape is more-or-less visible.Here's a pic from The New Essential Chronology, only the emiter is visible, but and it looks like the standard Kotor lightsaber (or Maul's), if not for the symbol.Here's a pic from The Ultimate Visual Guide. Note the emiter is either different, or distorted by the background; the tail has a horizontal pattern.Here's a pic from the KOTOR Campaign Guide. Note the tail detail is different in that it's vertical and not horizontal. The emiter seems likewise distorted by the background - either that or "Coincidence? I think not!"And this is what it looks like in TOR (shares the model with a whole bunch of other hilts).(I don't think his skin in TFU has a custom-made hilt though)So, is anyone up to the challenge?
  15. Wow, that's a long video. The premise is kinda silly - HK kidnaping the Exile? But the machinima work is stunning indeed! Thanks!
  16. Well, maybe her appearance was just ghostly 'distorted'. It's not like she wore Jedi robes as a ghost in TOR, or whatever outfit she was supposed to wear on Dromund Kaas. But who cares anyway? TOR and Karpyshyn's 'Revan' were crap, and I'm glad they're not canon anymore.
  17. I can't download it, the site gives me a bad gateway 502 error
  18. Come on, anyone? You know you want to! *waves hand* You will make a canon Jedi Exile for JKA. Guys, I'm not asking for a port, but if that's the only (and simplest way), I really don't mind, just PLEASE make this happen, after all, I'm not the only one who likes this request!
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