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  • Pronouns
  • Location
    Paris, France
  • Interests
    Voice acting (French. English, German and Russian possible)
    Sound/music editing
    Mods translation (from/to French, English, German, and just a little bit from Russian)
    Mod stories writing
  • Gaming Specialty

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Community Answers

  1. I just finished the mod and it was awesome! The plot may be not the best, gameplay is great with much JK vibes, maps are really well-made and game design is fairly balanced. I even made a translation of it, although I had to make some modifications in UI files and MENUS.str to allow to translate all menus texts in the language you want. If you're interested, I can at least send you the files, and then people would be able to make subtitles in their own language. If people want to make a voice acting, then the ext_data folder should have some editions as well to avoid some speaking characters having vanilla combat quotes. Careful tho, if you select "Choose chapter" : you start the levels with reinitialisated Force powers. I suggest to play the whole chronological scenario.
  2. This is nonsense... Elvish language, such as Huttese, Jawaese, Ewokese or Mandalorian are unreal languages, they don't exist in our world even if they had been created based on existing tongues. No invented language has been voice-acted in French or something, nor in LOTR neither in SW : Jabba speaks in Huttese, Elves in Elvish. We translate and dub the English language only. For some, we have subtitles to understand what they are saying but that's all. So, again, there is no problem for DP to be in Russian, because all voices come frome human or near-human species which are speakin "Basic". And basic is just the word to say "human language, such as English and others". Moreover, as Numberwas explained, it is a hard task to find a cast in your own mother tongue, so in another one it becomes impossible. The project is more than 10 yo, I'm not sure the team is enjoyed by taking more years to find English speakers and waiting for their records, making the post-production etc.
  3. Uh... did you know there was an official russian voice acting for EVERY SW movie? More, that Star Wars is translated and dubbed in many, many languages? Please tell me: you're not that kind of mor... who think English is the only tongue in the world, or at least in video games, movies or in Star Wars? Here, maybe you'd be less surprised in the future: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OCP-Y4u-beQ
    Very, very nice mod! Excellent ? But I have a problem: when I install it, I always have a crash during load screen of hoth2 map. Either I use the full pack or only the one for Hoth. I have no problem with hoth3 map. Any idea? I can't see the console or anything.
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