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    Paris, France
  • Interests
    Voice acting (French. English, German and Russian possible)
    Sound/music editing
    Mods translation (from/to French, English, German, and just a little bit from Russian)
    Mod stories writing
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  1. Death animations are weird. Nothing truly realistic, too slow, almost too kiddy

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Cerez


      There is one animation that feels quite realistic, and gives me the chills every time: the sideways fall and convulse one.


      You can disable them all and replace them with simply ragdoll by setting broadsword to 2, but I personally like them.

    3. Cerez


      What I miss is a death animation/ragdoll for the vertical slice in half -- which happens quite frequently. It's jarring to see a horizontal decap happen when the character has been sliced in half vertically.

    4. lang_french


      Two animations are realistic imo: the one after a headshot, the character falls back immediately (2 animations), and the one when he falls, the hand on the stomach (but maybe a little bit long). Their codes are BOTH_DEATH2 and BOTH_DEATH22 for immediate death and BOTH_DEATH18/19 for the stomach (right or left side). Just a little "too much" with the second animation: how he puts his legs although he's alread dead.

      The anims I find really not realistic are a headshot, the char...

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