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    Paris, France
  • Interests
    Voice acting (French. English, German and Russian possible)
    Sound/music editing
    Mods translation (from/to French, English, German, and just a little bit from Russian)
    Mod stories writing
  • Gaming Specialty

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  1. Hum... Window 10 doesn't launch Jedi Academy, I hope there is a solution...

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    2. Daedra


      Do 3 things. 1. Go here: http://lucasforums.com/showthread.php?t=206018 and get openGL32.dll and put it in gamedata. 2. Patch the game here: http://jkhub.org/files/file/73-jedi-academy-patch-pc/ and 3. if it still doesn't run, troubleshoot the compatibility when you right-click on the launch exe and change it to windows 7 service pack 3.

    3. Daedra


      and 4. always run it as administrator

    4. lang_french


      I think I found the issue: assets0, assets1 and assets3 are empty! Even I reinstall the game, they're are totally empty, when I doubl-click on them, pakscape opens as I clicked to begin a new project. By chance, I could transfer the assets from my old PC to the one which I'm wrting right there. JO has no problem and I can explore its .pk3

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