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Everything posted by Lancelot

  1. @@Langerd There was a model of it. Unfortunately, most of the sites that featured it are offline. Hell, even Filefront/Gamefront and JediMoves.com doesn't have it anymore. It is really sad. EDIT: Fortunately, Gamefront still has the Deathstar Trench map that contains the A-Wing. http://www.gamefront.com/files/files/3756542/deathstar_trench_2.zip
  2. I never intended to modify a force power. I created it exclusively for the Disruptor rifle to make the weapon more interesting.
  3. I updated my Dalek Gun mod and it's currently pending approval. I changed some effects to make the laser appear as if it comes from a Dalek gun (including a different effect when an enemy gets killed by the alternate fire). Okay, it still doesn't look exactly like in the show, but it's at least a start. Is there a way to disable the desintegration effect when an enemy gets killed by the alternate fire mode?
  4. This model/reskin looks impressive. Honestly, it's your best one so far.
  5. @@luiwan Why don't make a topic of your mod in the WIP, Teasers & Releases section? If you can post screenshots and further information, maybe someone will be ready to test your mod.
  6. Have you ever watched those movies on VHS tapes, filled with lots of martial arts and pure entertaining nonsense? Well, this short film pays hommage to those kind of movies. It was realized via Kickstarter. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bS5P_LAqiVg
  7. Already done that. Okay, the rest seems to be far more complicated than I thought. Some things are far beyond my knowledge.
  8. It works like this: When an enemy gets hit, he glows for about a second (just like in the picture). The target gets killed instantly while the body itself has no scratches at all. In other words, it's the sci-fi version of the Avada Kedavra spell.
  9. I want to enhance my Dalek sound mod by changing the effect of the Disruptors charged fire mode, to make it feel more like the Dalek gunstick. https://jkhub.org/files/file/2329-dalek-gun-sound-for-disruptor/ That's why I'm looking for someone who could change the effect to something like this: I know it's impossible to create an X-Ray effect in Jedi Academy, that's why I'm rather looking for an effect that makes the enemy glow. The enemy should remain afterwards, as of he was shot by a regular weapon.
  10. I think someone should make a Sharknado mod.
  11. That's something that bothers me since a long time: Why is there no proper Han Solo model? I mean, we have tons of references and several attempts have been made, but nobody has finished making a model that does him justice. I mean, we have a great Luke Skywalker (thanks to Toshi), some wonderful Leia Organa models, and a Han Solo that doesn't look anything like him (better than nothing, but still). Come on, it's Han Solo! He deserves a higher quality model that does him justice..
  12. You all know that: Whenever you do that special force jump, the camera circles around the player. When I first played the game, it was a cool feature. But today, I find it rather annoying and distractive. I don't use that jump very often, but when I do, the camera circles around and blocks my view for a brief moment. And in the worst case, I can't land properly and fall to death. If there would be an option in the menu to turn it off, just like the slow motion camera (either if the player or an enemy gets killed), that would be nice.
  13. Take a look at this topic. It explains the settings for Jedi Outcast, but they work in Jedi Academy as well. http://jkhub.org/topic/3170-custom-sounds-in-jo/
  14. Someone actually worked on a fully compatible Galak Mech for Jedi Academy. I don't know exactly which mod it was, probably Evolution of Combat. EDIT: Yes, it was Evolution of Combat (aka Serenity Saber System). http://www.moddb.com/mods/serenitysabersystems/videos/return-of-the-droids-to-sp-jka#imagebox At the bottom of this page, there is a download link for the latest version. http://jkhub.org/topic/3302-serenity-jedi-engine/page-5?hl=serenity
  15. Lancelot

    Jedi_HM Expansion

    I always found that Jedi Academy had a lack of variety in the customization menu a. It shows again how rushed the development must have been. It's good to see that someone is trying to add more variety to the Jaden models.
  16. @@IrocJeff I assume that he and his team mates are shooting at each other by accident (it can happen, especially when many players are at the same spot), and he wants to prevent that nobody of his team gets hurt. That's why he's asking if it's possible to turn off friendly fire.
  17. If someone can do it, then @@AshuraDX (but only if he has time and motivation for it).
  18. It would be a well fitting feature for the stun baton. I mean, the name itself is ironic, as it implies that an enemy gets "stunned" when he gets hit, but it kills him anyway. It's pretty much the same as if you would kill him with force lightning at level 1. Clearly, Jedi Academy and Jedi Outcast weren't designed to give players the opportunity to stun enemies if they want to. But if it's done right, that feature could make the game more interesting.
  19. Looks like one of those maps that could have been in the actual game as a level made by the game developers. It looks so professional.
  20. Version 3


    This mod replaces the default sounds of the Disruptor with the one from the Dalek gun from Doctor Who, which has been used since 2005. And to make this mod more interesting, I modified the effects to make them appear as if they come from a Dalek gun.
  21. God, these requests are getting silly and childish. Compared to this request here, that Toy Story request theninjakiller15 made was as if he requested Arnold Schwarzenegger. I'd rather have thousands of "Could you make that character from The Clone Wars - in REALISTIC?" than these silly jokes they call "requests".
  22. @ Don't worry, there will be more Star Wars Rebels models in the future, including Ezra. Just be patient. Don't expect that someone will make an Ezra model anytime soon. Keep in mind that there is a lot of Star Wars related stuff coming this year, especially The Force Awakens.
  23. The model looks great, but must I agree that the face needs to be improved, especially the chin. @@Mark Lubbers His face should be much thinner, maybe a little bit like this one I found on DeviantArt:
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