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Everything posted by Lancelot

  1. If you can load small maps, you can load large maps as well. But they take way more time to load in Blender.
  2. It is a large map. Not extremely large, but large. Try a duel map to begin with.
  3. When it comes to the Original Trilogy, I don't necessarily prefer one specific version. In fact, I often enjoy seeing and comparing what has been changed between the theatrical versions and the special editions. On the other hand, I think some changes were just unnecessary. For example: What's Sebulba (well, I assume that's Sebulba) doing in Jabba's palace? Why is Wicked the only Ewok who is allowed to blink (with digitally added eyes)? And why, just why, did they change Anakin's face in Episode 6? That they removed the eyebrows of the unmask Darth Vader is one thing, because it absolutely makes sense when you look at Episode 3. But the fact that they just added Hayden Christensen's head to Anakin's force ghost just won't make sense to me, no matter if it has been "established" to the official canon. However, if you want to see the theatrical version (well, a perfect recreation at least) of A New Hope, look out for the Despecialized Edition. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QXifjbxZDAM
  4. Toshi was a great modeler. He was the one who finally made proper versions of Luke, Yoda and Padme. In times like these, we could need someone like him. I think we should turn on the Batsignal, just in case.
  5. It's burn.tga. You can find it in 'gfx/effects'.
  6. @ Bioshock was the first thing that came into my mind.
  7. I have one more idea: Why not creating more non-lethal weapons? The stun baton is, of course, a close range weapon. And it only comes in handy when you attack just a few enemies around you. But a greater variation in non-lethal weapons could give people like @@Noodle the possibility to defeat enemies by non-lethal means, no matter in which range the enemies are. So, my proposals are: - A better stun baton that finally fulfills its purpose (already done, but apparently only for MP). - Tranquilizer guns (pistol and rifle). - Stun grenades.
  8. That's no problem. Could you also change the title of the topic to a more fitting one? I agree with it. First I thought removing would be a better choice, but improving it would be even better. What bothers me is that the weapon is declared as a stun baton, but it does the complete opposite instead. If there's a way to add a stun mechanism to the game, that would be interesting.
  9. Out of all the weapons these games have to offer, the stun baton is probably the weakest weapon. Seriously, does this thing have any purpose at all, apart from just "stunning" (in other words killing) enemies? I think it would be better to remove that thing and replace it with something better.
  10. The only .map-files I know are some that come with GtkRadiant. If I recall it correctly, these files contain that Rancor mission and the rail mission. Modifying one of them would be a start.
  11. Has anyone ever started to "crack open" the SP part of the source code and modify it? It would be a great first approach to see what can be achieved. There are many things that needs to get to be in the SP campaign, like proper widescreen support, better graphics, a larger NPC limit and support for models with a higher polycount. I think if Jedi Academy can be modified so it has more modern standards, it could be a basis for a greater mod that can be built around it. My suggestion would be: A big community patch for Jedi Academy.
  12. And that's R2-D2 to me. Too bad it's made by someone else, but it could be used as a reference.
  13. I could write a whole novel just to explain my request, but I keep it short and simple: We need a better, higher quality model of R2-D2! The one used in Jedi Academy/Outcast merely resembles him, but I think it's not R2-D2 how he should look like.
  14. Lancelot

    R2-D2 1980 Skin

    The reason why he looked like that in the movie was following: The scene was filmed using the bluescreen technique. Later, the blue color was filtered out to add the background. During the process, the blue pattern on R2-D2 was affected as well, which happened by accident.
  15. A new model has to be made, anything else wouldn't be convincing enough.
  16. How to get the best result: DON'T use the Reborn model. No, not even reborn_new or reborn_twin! Leave those Reborns alone.
  17. It is incredible how modifications for Jedi Academy have evolved through the years, especially after the source code's release. I say better late than never. The opportunity to improve this game even more has been given, now it's time to make this game a whole lot more enjoyable. Especially the AI needed a lot of improvement. Jedi Academy was developed in a time where enemies in other games were way more intelligent. And if it would be possible to implement more realistic physics to the game, we could have a greater Jedi Academy experience.
  18. Looks way better than the Inquisitor from Rebels in my opinion.
  19. Lancelot


    Too bad I uninstalled the Android port. It's not available anymore, at least not in my country. Beloko's Android port had/has lots of potential. The control was a little bit difficult and not comparable to the way you control it on PC, but it was very interesting to see such a great game running smoothly on your Android device.
  20. What do you mean with "not happy at all"? You did a great job and shouldn't be not happy with it. You, sir, have my respect. You once said that you couldn't do that model because you are new to Blender. And now look what you achieved with your skills so far. I wouldn't have enough patience to do something like that.
  21. The model is very well done, @@Scerendo. I think the body doesn't need a lot more work, because I can't see much of a difference between your model and Aayla as seen in the movie(s).
  22. Lancelot


    Every model that works in Jedi Outcast works in Jedi Academy as well.
  23. Actually, this is one of your best frankensteined models so far. The hood and the torso still need a little bit more work, but apart from that, it's an interesting approach.
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