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Everything posted by Circa

  1. Did you try with just pure OpenJK as well? Not that any development is happening on OpenJK right now, but figured that should be part of the troubleshooting so the mod developers can cover all their bases.
  2. Same for Mac builds. But I don't think there's been any changes made to OpenJK in that time anyway, so I assume that's why they haven't bothered fixing the automated builder. You'll be fine using the latest one available.
  3. I think if you go into it not expecting it to be a new Jedi Knight game with similar combat, you'll enjoy it. Unless you're one of those that instantly hates anything Star Wars created after 2005. I think it looks really cool. They said it's not as linear as the videos had shown, but obviously it'll still be fairly linear compared to a full open world game. Looking forward to it.
  4. Makes sense. May as well get a 4K monitor though at that point.
  5. .warnbox { background: #e3f6e5 url( images/icons/exclamation.png ) no-repeat 9px 10px; border: 1px solid #b4e3b9; color: #475949; } Topic moved to Modding Assistance forum. @@Artemisuss
  6. What's the point? You wouldn't see any difference if your monitor is only 1080p.
  7. PM me with anything you have that we don't, and I'll gladly upload them!
  8. I don't see the resemblance there at all other than a white female brunette. Pretty sure it's just a stock photo they purchased of some random model.
  9. It's not just the younger people that have moved on. I don't play JKA much anymore because I played it for 15 years. There are hundreds of games I want to play, not just the one I grew up playing. It's just how it goes. It's a miracle this community has survived as long as it has, honestly.
  10. If you see more postimg links broken, report them and I'll fix them. There are a handful of tutorials that have broken links that can only be restored by the author though, such as puush links or imageshack links.
  11. .warnbox { background: #e3f6e5 url( images/icons/exclamation.png ) no-repeat 9px 10px; border: 1px solid #b4e3b9; color: #475949; } Topic moved to Coding & Scripts. The Feedback forums is for just that: website related feeback. @@fredwick Your first two queries are only achievable through programming the code itself. Maybe you knew that, but figured I'd mention it so you know what you're getting into if you didn't. Your third question can be answered in the tutorial section in this thread.
  12. I recommend capping at 125. Screen tearing ends up getting worse the higher you go, from what I hear, along with other strange things. You can try it though. Nothing will blow up if you try it and see what you think.
  13. Recorded demos are not video files. They are text files that log every event that happens on the server. If you want to convert demos to a video, you either have to screen capture, or use something like jaMME.
  14. There are two gamedata folders in the Mac version. One is in the app itself, if you right click it and Show Contents. The other is in the following directory: user/library/containers/com.aspyr.jediacademy.appstore/data/library/application support/jedi academy/
  15. I think you may be looking for JKHub.net. They specialize in DFII and MOTS. We specialize in JK2 and JKA. Not saying people here can't help, but not many here crossover between the communities. I don't know of anyone that does, actually. Sorry for any confusion.
  16. This is insanely good. This is just for machinima? You should be making SP missions out of these!
  17. That's all just subjective. You say they destroyed Luke Skywalker, but I disagree. I actually love what they did with Luke, and so do tons of other fans. Just because you don't and your friends don't doesn't mean that's the only opinion. Like you said, it divided the fan base. Just like the prequels divided the fan base back in early 2000's (and is still divided, by the way). Passion with Solo lacked from the casual Star Wars fans because a Star Wars movie just came out a few months earlier. Sure, some fans didn't like The Last Jedi and they decided to boycott Solo. But the majority of people just didn't even know about Solo. Majority of casual fans I know would see the trailer on TV and just assume it was the one that came out in December. I definitely blame Disney for that decision; they should have waited to release Solo later. And yeah, everything is fine. Fandom being split in opinions is the trademark of Star Wars fandom since Empire Strikes Back came out. It's not new, and it's not going to destroy Star Wars. You don't like something, avoid it and move on, because there are people that do. Let people enjoy things. If your passion for Star Wars hasn't changed, stop trying to change it for others. Anyway, this is getting off topic. -------------------------------------------------------------- I feel I need to mention @@Syko that a lot of cool work is being done in the forum itself, not necessarily being released in the file section. Part of that is because they are dealing with some ported content that they can't release on our files area, and part of it is because it's just not finished yet. Still lots of cool stuff you look into. And if you haven't made a Discord account yet, check it out and join the JKCommunity server: https://discord.gg/gFKwH85
  18. I'm absolutely saying that. Just because it's not happening in your circle doesn't mean it's not happening. This exact same situation happened with the prequels. If this game came out in 2016, kids would be making mods left and right for these new movies. Passion is still alive and well. Like I said, look at Star Wars Celebration videos and you'll see passion is greater than ever. The various Star Wars subreddits are alive with Episode 9 buzz. The new trailer dropped and reddit (and all of social media for that matter) was going insane. You don't have to love the new films to still like Star Wars. It's possible you don't see the hype on the internet because you have chosen to ignore it, since you're not a fan of the new films anyway. No idea. But saying there is 0 hype is just plain ignorant. I'm actually kind of baffled someone would even say that. You must live in a pretty closed off circle to say that. And honestly, hype for the new films isn't shown on here because it's absolutely horrendous trying to talk to most of you about them. Some people are not fans of them, so y'all have to ruin discussions about them by complaining. I gave up, so I stay away from the Star Wars Franchise Discussion forum and any sequel discussion here on JKHub now. Which is partly why activity has gotten pretty low around here, I assume. I know a lot of people have done the same.
  19. Activity has shifted heavily from here to the Jedi Knight Discord. It's a lot more active over there. With that said, the community has been dying since 2003, so this can't be a surprise to anyone. It fluctuates here and there (like when JKHub launched, when TFA came out, etc.) but it's always been dying a slow death. What Jeff said isn't true at all. If anything, interest in Star Wars is higher than it's ever been worldwide. Just because some older fans are still bitter about Disney buying Lucasfilm, doesn't mean everyone feels that way. Just looking at how huge Star Wars Celebration was this year was a refreshing look at how big the fandom has gotten, even with the new films. But Jedi Academy is an old game. It's fun to mod but it's still old. Multiplayer is very hard to get into for new people because of the saber combat's nuances (hard to go against the veterans who have been playing since day 1, that still play). Interest is hard to keep when there are tons of amazing games coming out to give our attention to. Just how it goes. People come and go. I've left JKA to focus on other things a few times now. Right now I stay informed and obviously help here as staff, but as far as playing or modding, I am in hiatus at the moment. I will add that I recently started and disbanded a clan from 2016 to 2018, partially to see if starting a clan in JKA MP base was still possible. It definitely was, we were very successful and it was great. But the way people play games isn't like it used to be in 2003, and there are so many of them now that its hard to dedicate time to an old game when there are tons of others that you want to play. Plus, running a clan, or even participating in one, can consume so much of your time that it becomes a chore. Same could be said for modding, if you're part of a big mod project. tl;dr - It's always been a dying community, new movies have actually helped - not hindered, people come and go. Such is the way of life.
  20. I've seen this happen, but I can't remember what the cause is. Verify that the hierarchy is correct. Maybe post a screenshot of it if you aren't sure what to look for. Or post the model and someone could take a look.
  21. Just re-track it. It'll sound better than using any plugin or software that attempts to correct it. The space your record in is extremely important when tracking anything. If you dont have a legit studio, a closet is a good option, although depending on the sounds you're recording, could be too small. Bare walls or too big of a space is your worst enemy though. Find a good space and cover up any surface that will bounce sound waves off of them, with a bed sheet or blanket.
  22. Hopefully you didn't alter the assets1.pk3 itself, but created a new one instead. Just posting this so anyone reading this in the future knows not to do that.
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