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Everything posted by Circa

  1. It was posted back in 2013. https://jkhub.org/topic/2370-list-of-lucasarts-canceled-games-includes-jedi-knight-3/
  2. That's a common progression as well, but I've found that most people start with playing around with cheats, which then lead to messing around with NPC's to create your own variations of characters, then into creating new characters. Plus NPC's are super easy and get you familiar with the basics of PK3 files without diving too much into the creative side which not everyone is able to do.
  3. That's a common progression as well, but I've found that most people start with playing around with cheats, which then lead to messing around with NPC's to create your own variations of characters, then into creating new characters. Plus NPC's are super easy and get you familiar with the basics of PK3 files without diving too much into the creative side which not everyone is able to do.
  4. This is just a quick guide of how to get started with modding Jedi Academy. Or rather, a list of guides and resources to get you started. These can be found in this tutorial forum on your own, but this is the best way to start, from the easiest to more complicated. Start simple and work your way up. Jedi Outcast and Jedi Academy run on the same engine, so most of what you learn here will translate to both games. Only a couple things are slightly different in the assets and mapping side. If you dive into the coding side, there will be many more differences. If there are topics not covered here that you wish to learn, my best advice is to download a similar mod and look at how they did it. File and folder structure are what you need to look at for simple mods. PK3 Files Both games use PK3 files for assets. If you have downloaded a mod, it was hopefully a .pk3 file that you put in your base folder. You may have noticed that the game's base folder has 4 pk3 files already: assets0-3.pk3.Those are where all of the game's assets and configuration files are located. Learn about pk3 files here: Installing, editing and managing PK3 files Basics of NPCs NPC is an acronym for Non-Playable Character. In the JK games, that means characters like stormtroopers, mercs, Tusken raiders, etc. Enemies and friendly characters that aren't the player. The concept of editing or adding NPCs is very easy, especially if you've done any coding before. Both games have the same system, however in Jedi Outcast, all NPCs are listed in the npc.cfg file. In Academy, they are listed separately in .npc files. Learn about them here: The Basics of NPC Files Skinning In the modding world, skin is the term given to the textures of a 3D model, like a character or weapon. Skinning means changing or creating your own textures for a model. It's as easy as opening one of the textures in MS Paint and drawing on it (as a simple example). You can learn how at these tutorials: Inyri's guide to how to compile a skin Milamber's skinning guide Rooxon's quick re-color tutorial Omicron's skinning tutorial #1 Omicron's skinning tutorial #2 MUG's guide to skinning Mapping Most people would say to move to modeling after skinning, as a natural progression of knowledge, but I think mapping is easier to learn than modeling, personally. The biggest thing that will set you back with mapping is the program used to create maps: GTK Radiant. It's not the most user friendly program, and it's still very dated compared to modern tools. I already made a list of good guides. I recommend starting with RichDiesal's guide. JKHub Mapping Resources Modeling This can potentially be the hardest to learn, simply because it takes a long time to gain the skill to create something worthwhile. It takes lots of practice if you've never done it before. I recommend starting with the free program called Blender, mostly because it's free, but also because there is a plugin that makes it easy to import and export .glm files. Otherwise the main program used is 3DS Max, which you can get the student version for free, as well. A term you will come across is often is "frankensteining" or "kitbashing" which essentially mean taking parts from models and combining them into one model. It's a great place for getting to know how modeling works. Rooxon's Basic Saber crafting tutorial (3DS Max) Rooxon's Advanced Saber crafting tutorial (3DS Max) Maui's Frankensteining tutorial (Blender) Milamber's modeling tutorial Boothand's modeling tutorial Coding Coding is difficult. You're not going to be able to read one or two tutorials and know how to achieve what you want. It takes time to learn. In the early days of JK2 and JKA, the only code we had access to was the multiplayer source code. In 2013, Raven released the source code to the whole game, of JK2 and JKA, so you can essentially do whatever you want to the game (essentially). I'm no coder, so any coders that want to give me good resources to list here, please do so. eezstreet's C and C++ Primer Compiling OpenJK
  5. This is just a quick guide of how to get started with modding Jedi Academy. Or rather, a list of guides and resources to get you started. These can be found in this tutorial forum on your own, but this is the best way to start, from the easiest to more complicated. Start simple and work your way up. Jedi Outcast and Jedi Academy run on the same engine, so most of what you learn here will translate to both games. Only a couple things are slightly different in the assets and mapping side. If you dive into the coding side, there will be many more differences. If there are topics not covered here that you wish to learn, my best advice is to download a similar mod and look at how they did it. File and folder structure are what you need to look at for simple mods. PK3 Files Both games use PK3 files for assets. If you have downloaded a mod, it was hopefully a .pk3 file that you put in your base folder. You may have noticed that the game's base folder has 4 pk3 files already: assets0-3.pk3.Those are where all of the game's assets and configuration files are located. Learn about pk3 files here: Installing, editing and managing PK3 filesBasics of NPCs NPC is an acronym for Non-Playable Character. In the JK games, that means characters like stormtroopers, mercs, Tusken raiders, etc. Enemies and friendly characters that aren't the player. The concept of editing or adding NPCs is very easy, especially if you've done any coding before. Both games have the same system, however in Jedi Outcast, all NPCs are listed in the npc.cfg file. In Academy, they are listed separately in .npc files. Learn about them here: The Basics of NPC FilesSkinning In the modding world, skin is the term given to the textures of a 3D model, like a character or weapon. Skinning means changing or creating your own textures for a model. It's as easy as opening one of the textures in MS Paint and drawing on it (as a simple example). You can learn how at these tutorials: Inyri's guide to how to compile a skinMilamber's skinning guideRooxon's quick re-color tutorialOmicron's skinning tutorial #1Omicron's skinning tutorial #2MUG's guide to skinningSuper long skinning tutorialMapping Most people would say to move to modeling after skinning, as a natural progression of knowledge, but I think mapping is easier to learn than modeling, personally. The biggest thing that will set you back with mapping is the program used to create maps: GTK Radiant. It's not the most user friendly program, and it's still very dated compared to modern tools. I already made a list of good guides. I recommend starting with RichDiesal's guide. JKHub Mapping ResourcesModelingThis can potentially be the hardest to learn, simply because it takes a long time to gain the skill to create something worthwhile. It takes lots of practice if you've never done it before. I recommend starting with the free program called Blender, mostly because it's free, but also because there is a plugin that makes it easy to import and export .glm files. Otherwise the main program used is 3DS Max, which you can get the student version for free, as well. A term you will come across is often is "frankensteining" or "kitbashing" which essentially mean taking parts from models and combining them into one model. It's a great place for getting to know how modeling works. Rooxon's Basic Saber crafting tutorial (3DS Max)Rooxon's Advanced Saber crafting tutorial (3DS Max)Maui's Frankensteining tutorial (Blender)Milamber's modeling tutorialBoothand's modeling tutorialCodingCoding is difficult. You're not going to be able to read one or two tutorials and know how to achieve what you want. It takes time to learn. In the early days of JK2 and JKA, the only code we had access to was the multiplayer source code. In 2013, Raven released the source code to the whole game, of JK2 and JKA, so you can essentially do whatever you want to the game (essentially). I'm no coder, so any coders that want to give me good resources to list here, please do so. eezstreet's C and C++ PrimerCompiling OpenJK
  6. Merged threads and renamed the thread to be more transparent about the topic. Spoilers no longer apply 10 months after a movie comes out. If you haven't seen Solo, go see it if you care about spoilers.
  7. There was LucasFiles, FileFront, JK2Files (technically part of the FileFront network but different), modDB, and pcgamemods.com (which was shut down around 2005ish). JKHub was created in 2011 and went live in 2012.
  8. Funny this is, JKHub has only existed since 2011. Impressive stats.
  9. Han and Leia's relationship is the one we see the most of in the films, and it's by far the most interesting and entertaining. I love it. Had to vote for it. I also love Hera and Kanan. Although the Twi'lek + Human baby they made is really strange. However, this made me realize there are some great relationships in Star Wars, and most are barely touched on. Kyle and Jan is one of those. Kanan and Hera remind me a lot of Kyle and Jan (I think that was intentional, they are clearly inspired by those two). Obi-Wan and Satine is also a really interesting relationship, because in the films we saw Obi-Wan as a huge rule-follower, but here we see him falling in love with someone just like Anakin did. It makes his understanding at the end of ROTS make sense. I'm sure he suspected it too, but he probably understood a lot of what Anakin defied about the Jedi Order, including romantic love. Luke and Mara is a great relationship too. One that I hope is featured somewhere in the new canon. It'd probably have to be in a cartoon or book or video game though, unless they finally get around to casting Sebastian Stan as a young Luke for a film, which I'd love.
  10. If you're using an iPad one, then you're using a severely outdated browser. That's the issue, and there's nothing we can do about it. The first generation iPad can only go up to iOS 5. That was released in 2011. It's great that it still works for what you use it for, but more and more websites are going to give you errors like that, as security and web standards continue to change. Web security today compared to 2011 is vastly different. Also, once we move to the new forum software in the next couple of months, you may run into more issues. I know you don't want to hear it, but I recommend upgrading to a new tablet soon if you plan on using it for browsing, simply for the sake of your personal information being at risk as it continues to age and be vulnerable to security breaches.
  11. Our goal for the advertisement forum is to give the opportunity to groups to advertise and market their community, server, mod, etc. to the JKHub community and gain a little exposure to those that visit our website. It's free advertising (albeit not much) and we've never asked for anything in return. Lately, this has become an issue where people have been bumping their threads every time another thread is posted or bumped. We didn’t think much of it before, but it’s beginning to deter others away from even bother posting their thread or post an update in their existing thread. The forum is not a twitter feed, it’s meant to be more of a billboard or newsletter. We have implemented moderator approval for all posts and threads in the advertisement forums. We won’t approve a post unless it’s been roughly around 6 months since the last post. Our goal is to limit the amount of spam and encourage users to give more meaningful updates on their community or mod after a more reasonable time frame, without focusing on bumping threads over other groups’ threads to stay on the top. If everyone did this, we’d end up with no good advertisement content. We see the value in bumping, which is why we allow it, but only after 6 months. People like seeing how a community or mod is doing, and waiting to give a big update all at once is much more enticing than small spammy posts. Also, I want to encourage anyone posting an ad to think about the marketing behind your post, think about what information people want to see about whatever it is you’re advertising. If it’s a clan or server, tell us what mod or special settings you run, what maps you use, what the rules are, if any. Post the IP address so people can actually find it. The more info you provide, the more people will take an interest.
  12. As funny as it is to laugh off empty threats, this thread is quickly turning into a spammy mess, and y'all are looking more like assholes than he has so far. Let's move on.
  13. Circa

    Secret Santa 2018

    If any participants want to share screenshots of the gifts they received, that would be awesome.
  14. Ha. I forgot why @@redsaurus did that. Humans riding humans.
  15. You can discern what section your topic belongs to yourself. We are tired of moving them for you. You did not post this topic here, I moved it here from the wrong section. There are descriptions at the top of each section if you are unsure what they are. If you end up posting them all in this section, that's a tiny bit better than in the Feedback section, since the Feedback section has nothing to do with the JK games whatsoever. I'm not trying to be mean about it, but you seem to have no interest in correcting your mistakes, since you've the done same one more than 10 times now. It's simple: find the section that your topic relates to and post it there. Not only will you stop annoying the staff, but you'll get way more people to see your topic and help you out.
  16. .warnbox { background: #e3f6e5 url( images/icons/exclamation.png ) no-repeat 9px 10px; border: 1px solid #b4e3b9; color: #475949; } Topic moved to General Modding Discussions forum. I didn't ban you, I warned you for continuously posting threads in the wrong section. We have told you countless times now to stop posting in the JKHub Feedback section, and yet here you are again, posting in the Feedback section, about a topic that has nothing to do with JKHub Feedback. What are you not understanding about this? If English is not your first language, tell me what is so I can translate it so you can understand better. I'm tired of moving every single one of your threads. At this point we can't tell if you're being a troll or genuinely don't understand what you are being warned for. I'd rather not ban someone for something as trivial as posting in the wrong section, but this has been more than 10 times now.
  17. .warnbox { background: #e3f6e5 url( images/icons/exclamation.png ) no-repeat 9px 10px; border: 1px solid #b4e3b9; color: #475949; } Topic moved to Jedi Knight Discussion forum.
  18. I'm not gonna disagree with that. It was fun, but definitely not even close to the JK games.
  19. JKA didn't really sell well, so the immediate call for a JK4 was abandoned. Then later their initial idea for a new JK game was what TFU became.
  20. Noodle and Futuza are correct. We have an insane amount of user accounts that were made to post a request and never be seen again. I think we have more accounts like that than actual accounts that post regularly. We want people to involve themselves in the community instead of just asking for something and then vanishing when it most likely does not get fulfilled. You're better off learning how to do some basic modding and work your way up to making it yourself. If you end up getting stuck, at least you tried. And at that point you can ask for help, rather than ask for someone to just do it for you. Mods take time to make, and there is learning involved, but it can be fun and rewarding as well. I'm not saying requests are all bad or that none of them get fulfilled. I've fulfilled my share of requests for people. But many times people don't realize just how much is involved with their requests when they make them. Also, modding is a very personal thing. Most people make mods for themselves, and share them for other people to enjoy as well. If you're not interested in what you're making, then you end up getting burnt out and won't get very far at all. Especially player models, since those take so much time to make, if a modder isn't personally interested in seeing that character made, they won't even bother with the request. Easier requests are different though. If something takes 5 minutes to do, people are obviously more inclined to help out.
  21. I disagree. People spent a lot of time on a lot of different types of mods. They have a right to feel ownership towards it; they made it. Just because someone can "replicate" something doesn't mean it's up for grabs without giving credit. You didn't make it. Plus, nothing is ever 1:1. Especially in the case of modeling, skinning, and mapping. And keep in mind, many people would like to know what their mods are being used for. It's not always about "this is mine, don't use it" - but more likely "this is mine, let me know when you use it, but most likely you'll be able to". They are free mods, most people are easy going on how they are used, but that doesn't mean people can just steal and claim content as their own. That's exactly what KOTF originally did and why it was a huge deal. Modders still try to do this today, which is why we have to have rules about it. Relative meme: Our main job is file approvals. But JKHub is literally the last thing on my mind in life. I know the other staff members are the same way. It's a modding site for a 15+ year old game, it's not really a priority, and I get no benefits from spending time on it. I make time when I am able to. Waiting a couple days for a file to be approved should be acceptable. If anyone was around during the JK3Files.com days, they would remember it would take weeks, sometimes months before files would get approved. We've never let a file go more than a week without at least being looked at for how to proceed with it. If a file sits there for longer, it's because the author has changes to be made and we are waiting on them. You can read the rules any time, there's a link down in the bottom right of every page you are on. Our file section is a service, and our forum section is a service. We can't force people to submit their mods to our file section. Maybe there is a reason they haven't yet, like maybe it's not quite finished but they want some feedback, or maybe it breaks our file section rules but they want to share it.
  22. Using external content is fine, but you have to take their license seriously. All files on our site show either "Can be used without permission as long as credit to the author is given" or "Cannot be used without permission." Part of our job is to verify that you have permission to use that content, otherwise the author could come along and demand their content be removed from your mod, because it's technically stealing at that point. And obviously we make mistakes and miss things sometimes, especially when people nag at us to speed up the approval process. (not saying you are nagging specifically, but it's a very common thing). Also, combining a ton of mods into one big mod is looked down upon to other modders, because once you do that, you suddenly take responsibility for mods you did not create, in the eyes of the player. Not a big deal in some cases, but it leaves a bad taste in the mouths of modders because at that point you can somewhat take ownership of mods you didn't create. I understand it's more convenient to combine mods to make it easier for players to install, but at the same time, downloading a few zip files isn't the worst thing. Plus people have more freedom to pick and choose what they want if it's not combined.
  23. You're posting this as if we control where people post their mods. If they don't want to submit their mod to our files section, that's their choice. Like you mention, most files posted in the forum contain ported or stolen content, and wouldn't be approved to be hosted on our server. We allow it to be posted in the forum because we don't really have a legal obligation to those links. As for approving files, don't expect us to drop everything and approve a file as soon as it's submitted. We are volunteers, we'll get to it. It's more involved than just clicking "approve" and moving on. We have to check various aspects about a submission. To the user's mod in question above, there's a lot of external content made by other people that has to be check out, regarding permissions and such. It's pending. Just be patient.
  24. .com was for commercial. .org was for organization. Droidy is correct on the original uses.
  25. Free game: LEGO The Hobbit https://www.humblebundle.com/store/lego-the-hobbit
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