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Everything posted by Circa

  1. That used to be the mindset, yes. Nowadays it really doesn't matter all that much. Generally .com is the one people go for first, since the general population will assume that to be the TLD. Especially older generations. You tell them to go to jkhub.org, but they'll probably try jkhub.com first just because they think that's how you get to websites. I've seen it countless times, working in IT support.
  2. .warnbox { background: #e3f6e5 url( images/icons/exclamation.png ) no-repeat 9px 10px; border: 1px solid #b4e3b9; color: #475949; } Topic moved to Jedi Knight Discussion forum.
  3. If it's a mod, then it shouldn't affect the base game NPC's. Can you link to the mod?
  4. Your clan map looks pretty cool. Can you clarify what kind of server you run? Is it JA+?
  5. Bot files are tiny text files and are hardly worth removing. Are you sure you deleted bots and not NPCs?
  6. .warnbox { background: #e3f6e5 url( images/icons/exclamation.png ) no-repeat 9px 10px; border: 1px solid #b4e3b9; color: #475949; } Topic moved to Jedi Knight Tech Support forum. Why would you bother deleting important files in your game's assets? What was the point?
  7. .warnbox { background: #e3f6e5 url( images/icons/exclamation.png ) no-repeat 9px 10px; border: 1px solid #b4e3b9; color: #475949; } Topic moved to Star Wars Franchise Discussion forum.
  8. .warnbox { background: #e3f6e5 url( images/icons/exclamation.png ) no-repeat 9px 10px; border: 1px solid #b4e3b9; color: #475949; } Topic moved to Mod Requests & Suggestions forum.
  9. Circa


    Really glad to see you submitted this. I forgot you made this.
  10. Make sure your video drivers are updated. You shouldn't need to run it in compatibility mode, especially all the way back to XP. Make sure to try running the game as Administrator. If you can get it to load without crashing, try the suggestion above. The issue isn't because you're running it on a MacBook, but it could mean the drivers aren't updated. Finding drivers in Bootcamp can be a pain, but try going to Device Manager and right clicking the video driver and update.
  11. Both. It goes beyond OpenJK's bug-fix mentality and adds features. https://jk2mv.org/features/ I'd link the changelog that it references, but it seems to have disappeared. @@ouned @@fau
  12. In other words, for cheats in multiplayer, load the map with /devmap mapname Then you can use cheats.
  13. In other words, for cheats in multiplayer, load the map with /devmap mapname Then you can use cheats.
  14. All cheats have to be run after going to a map via the command devmap. /devmap mapname Once you are in the map in dev mode, you can use most cheats listed.
  15. All cheats have to be run after going to a map via the command devmap. /devmap mapname Once you are in the map in dev mode, you can use most cheats listed.
  16. .warnbox { background: #e3f6e5 url( images/icons/exclamation.png ) no-repeat 9px 10px; border: 1px solid #b4e3b9; color: #475949; } Topic moved to Modding Assistance forum. You will have to be more specific on what mod you are referring to.
  17. Are you referring to how to access the console or the cheats that were posted above in a comment? This tutorial is about how to access the console.
  18. Are you referring to how to access the console or the cheats that were posted above in a comment? This tutorial is about how to access the console.
  19. It's the same as in single player.
  20. .warnbox { background: #e3f6e5 url( images/icons/exclamation.png ) no-repeat 9px 10px; border: 1px solid #b4e3b9; color: #475949; } Topic moved to General Tech Support. Please stop posting topics in the JKHub Feedback forum, unless it is related to feedback for the website itself.
  21. I'm pretty sure it was taken long before we were a thing. Otherwise @@Caelum would have purchased that, instead of .org.
  22. We see what you see. The owners probably bought the domain but didn't have a use for it.
  23. .warnbox { background: #e3f6e5 url( images/icons/exclamation.png ) no-repeat 9px 10px; border: 1px solid #b4e3b9; color: #475949; } Topic moved to Modding Assistance. I'm sure he's asking for a model, not just an NPC file.
  24. .warnbox { background: #e3f6e5 url( images/icons/exclamation.png ) no-repeat 9px 10px; border: 1px solid #b4e3b9; color: #475949; } Topic moved to Modding Assistance forum.
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