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Everything posted by Circa

  1. What you are describing isn't a remaster though. Remastering is taking the core of the game and improving the quality and fidelity. You're simply changing the game with Quality of Life improvements. I think Revamp or Overhaul are more accurate. That's why we went with the term Enhanced for ours. It may seem like semantics but the term "remaster" is thrown around way too loosely in the gaming community these days, usually very inaccurately.
  2. I'm loving a lot of what I'm seeing here. This is essentially what we wanted to do with JKEnhanced but couldn't get enough help. I'm not sure why you're titling it "JK3 Remastered" though. I see nothing in the screenshots that remaster the game's assets. Maybe some textures, but I think calling it remastered is a bit of a misnomer. I liked your choice of using "revamp" for EY4. I also don't like the blood effects. Seems odd in a Star Wars game.
  3. Welcome to the land of posting! Always glad to see lurkers join the conversation.
  4. I think @@DT85 fixed that in his version 2: https://jkhub.org/files/file/1663-toshi39s-rotj-luke-skywalker-version-2/
  5. This was teased awhile back but just now was finished and released today. It's a fan made edit of the duel between Vader and Ben in A New Hope, to give it more flare, emotion, and badassery. I think the idea is solid, but some shots were a bit over the top. Finding a balance between this and the original would probably be perfect. I do love how much rage they give Vader and how Ben is clearly keeping himself on the defensive, to stall time while the group gets back to the ship. I think that was always the intention of the original scene and that wasn't lost. I'd love to see the creator do a new edit that would fit in perfectly with the original film, in style and pacing.
  6. Works fine for me. Although I only use it for certain things.
  7. Got around to trying them out, and my only complaint is the JKA hilts have the issue that I fixed here: https://jkhub.org/files/file/2201-fixed-saber-hilts/ Been using my mod for so long I forgot how bad the vanilla hilts are positioned. Would love to see that fixed in this mod as well.
  8. This is epic. Thanks for creating and releasing this, Plasma. Picked the perfect day to do it. They all look amazing!
  9. Huge sale on Star Wars games on all platforms and multiple stores and launchers! Star Wars Day Sale
  10. Okay, I finished Leela Jedi. I have to say, this model is kind of terrible by today's standards. It's weighted terribly. I made icons for the parts in the menu and fixed the JK2-isms so it works with JKA as best as it can. https://circa.im/files/jka/leela_jedi_SP.pk3 I'm not sure I want to do the Civilian one, simply because it has a lot more parts to deal with and it'd take a lot more time. Kind of unrelated, but I highly recommend using Scerendo's female customization instead of this. He used parts of the Leela model but made them a lot better.
  11. I'll see what I can do. Haven't made a SP species mod in ages.
  12. I'm somewhat bumping this, but I feel like a distinction needs to be made here. Everyone is arguing about two totally different things. The issue with SP movement has nothing to do with animations or ways you approach a duel or anything. It's literally the movement itself. If you open up SP, play a level, open up MP and play against bots, and then go back to SP, you'll see the difference in the speed and velocity at which you move. SP makes it almost seem like you're gliding or on ice, whereas MP movement is a lot more accurate to the animations. It's a technical difference that just feels a lot better in MP. Has nothing to do with most of what people are bitching about in this thread. Just felt like clearing that up, because I really would like it fixed in SP as best as it can be. It won't be identical, I understand that, but anything would be better than it is.
  13. Assassin's Creed Unity is available for free on Uplay until April 25. https://register.ubisoft.com/acu-notredame-giveaway/en-US
  14. What laptop is it? And are you sure your resolution is actually 1920x1080? Are you able to change the resolution if you turn off fullscreen?
  15. What laptop is it? And are you sure your resolution is actually 1920x1080? Are you able to change the resolution if you turn off fullscreen?
  16. Make sure you are typing the height command correctly. If width works and height doesn't, it sounds like user error. You can also try manually editing the cfg to the correct numbers.
  17. Make sure you are typing the height command correctly. If width works and height doesn't, it sounds like user error. You can also try manually editing the cfg to the correct numbers.
  18. Make sure you do /vid_restart after entering the 3 commands, or nothing will happen.
  19. Make sure you do /vid_restart after entering the 3 commands, or nothing will happen.
  20. If I recall correctly, that was attempted unofficially and ended up being a disaster, due to certain people feeling they have ownership over the project more than others. Group mapping is really tough, coming from personal experience. You have to compromise a lot, especially if your group members don't share the same vision, or even the same skill level. The other big issue is the lack of mappers that would participate. Most people that make maps already have big projects they're working on. I'm not saying we couldn't try it, but those are my concerns. @@Noodle the short notice concern is one I have as well. That's not something we can do well in a forum setting, without have a pretty hefty trust system, where we just have to trust people that they didn't spend more than the allotted time. The complaint we got was that our competitions don't encourage actual competition enough. We generally give about a month's time, and the variety of mods that can be submitted are too broad. So a simple animation mod may look really simple compared to a map, but that doesn't necessarily mean either person spent less time on it than the other, or that it's better or worse. Limited the mod type can make that a lot more interesting and competitive. It's not like that'd be the only type of contest we'd do from now on. It's just a way to mix it up, instead of doing holiday themed contests every single time.
  21. The "HOW YOU DOING BUDDY" to Kyle made me lose it. xD
  22. What kinds of contests would you guys like to see? Mod contests are generally what we stick with but would other art contests be of interest, like wallpaper art or best JK-related animated GIF? We could get creative. We have seen a request for timed mod contests (like best map made in under 1 day) but those are hard to moderate and activity needs to be high for that to succeed well. But we're not against it. Share your thoughts.
  23. This contest was very last minute, so I'm glad we got a handful of submissions. I apologize for that, and also for being a bit late to posting the results. It was still April 1st for North America when I wrote this, so I'm still safe in my mind. We had some interesting mods for this one, which is great! I feel the need to use media to help me tell the tale of each of these mods, so y'all can see what we're dealing with. Let's dive in to the submissions. MagSul's InversePushPull One way to pull a prank is to test familiarity. This mod reverses the sounds and HUD animation of the push and pull Force powers. It doesn't sound like the most elaborate prank, but as I was playing to test out the other submissions, I forgot I had this in my base folder, and it did surprise me for a split second. Ramikad's Chicken-Duck-Woman-Thing Another good way of "pulling someone's leg" is to show them a creature that has duck legs. The Chicken-Duck-Woman-Thing, as mentioned by Ben Kenobi in the Bushes of Love video: According to Ramikad, what they saw was the lovechild of Tavion and Big Bird. And it is something from nightmares. I'm considering making it the new official JKHub mascot. Very well done, sir. Spoiler Noodle's Laugh Animation What better way to celebrate the holiday of pranks than with laughter? This mod replaces the Fast/Blue style and gun gloat animation with a laughing animation. Animation mods are pretty rare nowadays, so I'm always glad to see those pop up in our contests. The animation is pretty well done, although the animations.cfg was missing the WALK1 animation, so during my entire playthrough of the first two levels, I was entertained by watching Kyle, Jaden, Rosh, and Luke float around instead of walk. That was an added prank, that I can't decide if it was intentional or not! Well played, Noodle. Spoiler Darth Futuza's Rosh is He-Man We all know Rosh is the worst character in Jedi Academy. There are tons of mods out there that attempt at either fixing him, or embracing the fact that he's a meme. This may be a little of both. If you grew up in the late 90's, you probably remember He-Man from the Masters of the Universe, a cartoon about a shirtless, swole dude with bangs. This mod turns Rosh into He-Man. Or, well... More like if Rosh tried to cosplay as He-Man and used a sound board for voice lines from the show. It's kind of fantastic. I had to make a video so you could experience it with me. There are some other small hidden features in the mod than what I show here, but this should give you a good idea of what shenanigans Rosh is up to. The winner is... DARTH FUTUZA Nice job on your wacky He-Man mod. The skin wasn't great, but the mod as a whole was a hilarious experience. I'd be interested to see what you could do with more time and effort! Congrats and thanks to those that participated! I was glad to see a good variety of mod types in this contest!
  24. This contest was very last minute, so I'm glad we got a handful of submissions. I apologize for that, and also for being a bit late to posting the results. It was still April 1st for North America when I wrote this, so I'm still safe in my mind. We had some interesting mods for this one, which is great! I feel the need to use media to help me tell the tale of each of these mods, so y'all can see what we're dealing with. Let's dive in to the submissions. MagSul's InversePushPull https://jkhub.org/files/file/3547-%7B%3F%7D/ One way to pull a prank is to test familiarity. This mod reverses the sounds and HUD animation of the push and pull Force powers. It doesn't sound like the most elaborate prank, but as I was playing to test out the other submissions, I forgot I had this in my base folder, and it did surprise me for a split second. Ramikad's Chicken-Duck-Woman-Thing https://jkhub.org/files/file/3543-%7B%3F%7D/ Another good way of "pulling someone's leg" is to show them a creature that has duck legs. The Chicken-Duck-Woman-Thing, as mentioned by Ben Kenobi in the Bushes of Love video: According to Ramikad, what they saw was the lovechild of Tavion and Big Bird. And it is something from nightmares. I'm considering making it the new official JKHub mascot. Very well done, sir. Noodle's Laugh Animation https://jkhub.org/files/file/3545-%7B%3F%7D/ What better way to celebrate the holiday of pranks than with laughter? This mod replaces the Fast/Blue style and gun gloat animation with a laughing animation. Animation mods are pretty rare nowadays, so I'm always glad to see those pop up in our contests. The animation is pretty well done, although the animations.cfg was missing the WALK1 animation, so during my entire playthrough of the first two levels, I was entertained by watching Kyle, Jaden, Rosh, and Luke float around instead of walk. That was an added prank, that I can't decide if it was intentional or not! Well played, Noodle. Darth Futuza's Rosh is He-Man https://jkhub.org/files/file/3546-%7B%3F%7D/ We all know Rosh is the worst character in Jedi Academy. There are tons of mods out there that attempt at either fixing him, or embracing the fact that he's a meme. This may be a little of both. If you grew up in the late 90's, you probably remember He-Man from the Masters of the Universe, a cartoon about a shirtless, swole dude with bangs. This mod turns Rosh into He-Man. Or, well... More like if Rosh tried to cosplay as He-Man and used a sound board for voice lines from the show. It's kind of fantastic. I had to make a video so you could experience it with me. There are some other small hidden features in the mod than what I show here, but this should give you a good idea of what shenanigans Rosh is up to. The winner is... DARTH FUTUZA Nice job on your wacky He-Man mod. The skin wasn't great, but the mod as a whole was a hilarious experience. I'd be interested to see what you could do with more time and effort! Congrats and thanks to those that participated! I was glad to see a good variety of mod types in this contest!
  25. Personal attacks will not be tolerated. Langerd has posted a fairly personal message. Anyone taking advantage of that to attack him will be dealt with harshly. We should all respect that he is wanting to step away from his mod projects. Langerd, I'm sorry to hear that you are going through a tough time. That really sucks. If you want to talk, my Discord is Circa#5806. Talking to nobody makes things worse, so I hope you have someone to talk to. Otherwise, send me a message. And if you'd like me to close this thread for now, I can do so.
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