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Everything posted by Circa

  1. .warnbox { background: #e3f6e5 url( images/icons/exclamation.png ) no-repeat 9px 10px; border: 1px solid #b4e3b9; color: #475949; } Topic moved to Modding Assistance forum.
  2. You can just combine the different parts of the skin into one skin file. You just need the three parts: head, torso, and lower. Create a new file in Notepad, open up all three parts that you want in notepad, and copy & paste the text from each file into the new one you created. Save as model_default.skin and you should be good to go.
  3. Where is this modding license you speak of? I've actually never seen such a thing, though people speak of it a lot. Apeiron actually flaunted themselves as a mod of KOTOR, but is it really a mod when you're using an entirely new engine and assets? It's was basically a new game at that point. Nobody is protected against a C&D though. Technically they can send a C&D for something as trivial as someone painting the Star Wars logo on a bedroom wall.
  4. It very well could affect us. It's always been a risk. Mods are not exempt from a cease and desist order. Lucasfilm has the rights to the Star Wars trademarks and copyrights, and can request the removal and cease of usage of their property at any point. A common misconception is that if the property is not being used for profit then it is exempt from this, but that is not the case. I do not think we as a modding community of Jedi Outcast and Jedi Academy will be affected though. We are a continuously shrinking community of a game released long ago. No mod is really endangering the potential of any future projects that Lucasfilm has up their sleeve. The reason that projects like Galaxy in Turmoil and Apeiron were shut down was because they gained a huge following and could have potentially taken away future sales of games that Lucasfilm had in development. Galaxy in Turmoil was supposed to be a fan-made Battlefront 3, and was shut down due to DICE's Battlefront reboot on the way at the time. Apeiron is now shut down because Respawn's third person action game is on it's way, and the rumor of Bioware's upcoming Star Wars RPG as well (loose rumors, but still rumors, and this action leads me to believe there is lots of merit to them). People get really pissed when fan-made things get shut down like this, but it's just business. Lucasfilm signed an exclusive contract with EA to make Star Wars video games. Any other third party that tries to do anything outside of that contract, and without permission in general is just asking for legal trouble. It blows my mind that big projects like that don't care, and continue to waste their own time. As a Star Wars fan, it's sad to see fan-made projects put down. But as a copyright holder myself, I can't help but side with Lucasfilm on the whole thing.
  5. The Void was HapSlash's personal community that ended up growing to be pretty successful. I spent more time on that forum than FileFront because the staff were a lot more friendly and not power hungry. It was a lot like what JKHub is now, but only a forum. It had modding sections for the JK series as well as other games. But also had a bunch of other forums for other topics. It was a great community. Hapslash himself wasn't really all that active on it, but tons of other great modders were there. I miss it. I think it's still up, although it looks completely different now since the forum host has changed management. https://www.tapatalk.com/groups/hapslashsvoid/index.php Actually it looks pretty shitty now. But it's been dead for a few years now, so not really a big deal. At least all the threads are still there.
  6. Loved Toshi's work. I loved when he would post new stuff over at the Void. Good times. IIRC, he quit JKA modding to make mods for newer games and push his limits in modeling and texture art. Looks like he did just that. Those models on that page look epic.
  7. We considered it, but many of us have been busy lately, so it’s probably too late in the month to start it now.
  8. To share images here, you have to upload via a third party site like Imgur and click the image button to post the link to it. I will post yours for you here, since you took the time to submit your image as a file, and delete it from there. Can you show us your NPC files so we can see what's going on?
  9. .warnbox { background: #e3f6e5 url( images/icons/exclamation.png ) no-repeat 9px 10px; border: 1px solid #b4e3b9; color: #475949; } Topic moved to Jedi Knight Discussion forum.
  10. This was cool. Looking forward to future interviews.
  11. .warnbox { background: #e3f6e5 url( images/icons/exclamation.png ) no-repeat 9px 10px; border: 1px solid #b4e3b9; color: #475949; } Topic moved to Jedi Knight Tech Support forum, since this is not JKHub Feedback or a suggestion.
  12. Just like any other brush, hold SHIFT + Click. Skyboxes are just brushes with a special skybox shader.
  13. I know two people that go by that name.
  14. .warnbox { background: #e3f6e5 url( images/icons/exclamation.png ) no-repeat 9px 10px; border: 1px solid #b4e3b9; color: #475949; } Topic moved to Jedi Knight Discussion forum. Since it's not related to JKHub in any way. @@DashStar
  15. Tbh I feel the Discord widget is kind of pointless. It shows who's online and who is in what voice channel. You can't do anything with it beyond that, afaik. And since the JKC is separate from JKHub, pasting such a widget on our forum would be kind of odd. We link to it in the JKHub Bar for now. Perhaps we'll give it a more prominent link at some point.
  16. That's fair. But on the flip side, they haven't really done that with many of the other characters either. The prequel movie games were mostly from various points of view as well. Anakin had a couple Gameboy games from his perspective I think. I'm all for more unique and original characters and stories be made in the SW universe, but I also agree that more games should tell new stories for characters from the films to expand their backgrounds more, as long as it's done well. But anyway, back on topic: this looks like a cool mod idea. Glad to see someone doing another TC. My prequel mod was a lot of fun to make, and it looks like this is very similar to that.
  17. Well the first one I immediately think of is the most recent one: Battlefront II (2017). You play as Luke, Han, Leia, and Lando in at least one mission each. Sure its not a whole game focused on just one of them, but it counts. Vader and Palpatine were main antagonists in the TFU games. Luke and Lando are in JK2 and JKA. I don't really think it's fair to rule out Nintendo games, because now you made my statement pointless. Those games definitely still count as video games. You said "no one wants to use the OT main characters" which I guess you meant as an exaggeration rather than fact? Because there are several, but if you're referring to games made on certain systems then that's a different complaint.
  18. Explain this please, because I can list off so many games with OT main characters.
  19. .warnbox { background: #e3f6e5 url( images/icons/exclamation.png ) no-repeat 9px 10px; border: 1px solid #b4e3b9; color: #475949; } Topic moved to Modding Assistance forum, @@lordmuda.
  20. Good bunch of folk looking to improve the community. I approve. Their server IPs are ab.jk3.in (basejka) and aj.jk3.in (JA+) and are quite friendly servers to play on.
  21. Circa


    Botroutes are for bots only and only work in MP. NPCs are not the same as bots. So no, this won't work for NPCs. Your question is related to scripting and should be posted in a new thread in the modding assistance forum.
  22. Some pretty good deals for Steam keys here: https://www.dlgamer.com/us/hotdeals
  23. You've made some great progress so far. Looks awesome.
  24. I will say, the new trilogy has some great scores as well. I mean it's still John Williams so it's all good, but I love Kylo Ren's theme and the Resistance theme a lot.
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