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Status Updates posted by DarthMayckon

  1. A faithful mod of Starkiller stance and animations like of the movie duels, someone give me the link I will appreciate

    1. Lancelot


      It's the only one we have here on this site: https://jkhub.org/files/file/2953-galen-marek-starkiller-pack-with-backhand-animations-ja/

      Also, if you're looking for specific mods, just go to the Files section. We have tons of mods here.

    2. Lancelot


      It's the only one we have here on this site: https://jkhub.org/files/file/2953-galen-marek-starkiller-pack-with-backhand-animations-ja/

      Also, if you're looking for specific mods, just go to the Files section. We have tons of mods here.

    3. DarthMayckon


      Thanks for the reply,is possible to use somehow his animations with other characters of SP menu? I have md2 mods and I found awesome how they make Starkiller backhand. For now I'm using the a mod that have the sniper stance,is the best that I found,I hope someone work on some different styles and stances.The only thing that I learn was change sounds effects and sabers,but I don't know how work with stances to bad.

  2. A mod that can open all styles (staff) etc from the beginning,help this old jedi

  3. Can someone say the exact differences from MP movement from sp movement?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. DarthMayckon


      I download Jedi academy enhancement,it says that have MP movement but I don't notice even turning it on, serenity engine, evolution of combat not much different on movement but on animations and other stuff.So I wonder,I watch some videos I couldn't find out.I think jk3 should have some kind of lock like on f.unleashed.

    3. DarthMayckon


      I test the manual block from serenity or open jk on of theses, pretty hard but cool.

    4. Circa


      MP movement in JK:Enhanced is not on by default, you have to enable it, and even then I don't think it works yet.

  4. Change saber attributes

    1. the_raven


      Like what? Open the .sab files and change them.

    2. DarthMayckon
  5. EoC is the best I believe,good animations and block detection,if u know how play it can look like movies,is more fluid and not need just run and try hit without get hit on less no much

  6. EoC>Serenity>OpenJK

  7. How play multiplayer? I want slap some face with my lightsaber

  8. How put ai to fight one against other?

  9. I found manual block that work on Android,is add-on to movie duels 2,it work alone too without movie duels,I don't know if Jkhub have this file

  10. I still don't understand how exactly open all sabers option from the beginning...

  11. I want Nihilus in npc

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Circa


      I'm aware. I've been around long enough to know 99% of the time someone is asking for an NPC, they are actually asking for the model + NPC file so they can play it in SP. Usually people that don't understand how modding works just ask for what they want in the simplest terms they know how to.

    3. DarthMayckon


      Sorry I don't have a computer and noob,but thinks anyway Raven I will try it,I notice that Nihilus archives have bot files but the file that actually have npc is called "exdata", something like that,is a type of folder,by the logic I need create this folder and copy the npc from other existent archive, thanks anyway I will see what I can do

    4. Circa


      I'm not sure you'll be able to do it on Android very well, but I could be wrong. If you show where you got the mod from, someone can do it for you easily.

  12. I wonder if is possible create force power "electric judgement" since it is some kind of electric lighting but yellow

    1. TheWhitePhoenix


      While the simple solution would be to recolor Force Lightning green, the more logical solution would be coding a new power.

  13. maps that spawn npc like the ladder and yavin temple to training offline

    1. the_raven


      For this, your best bet are clan maps, they usually have npc spawners inside training rooms. Sorry, can't be more specific, haven't played those in years.

    2. Circa
    3. minilogoguy18


      Survival Mod 2 is a pretty good ladder mod.

  14. Maybe I was dreaming,but I have strong impression that I have a mod that can break ground with push for exemple,maybe I'm playing much this game,I delete the mod and now gone,if someone know name mod help.

    1. the_raven


      You must have remembered one of the cutscenes from TFU or TOR, there was such a moment somewhere there.

  15. Only the strong survive, that's why you need hate your weakness-Darth Mayckon

  16. OpenJK fixed that I found here is not faithful to the mutilation like serenity engine and I don't notice before such improvement with parry,mess with animations but accept a lot of skins,all

  17. serenity engine the best but some mods can break the game

  18. Serenity Engine was the best that I experienced,good hit detection and better animations,parries I mean work better and still letal,the mutilation is more faithful,one hit on hand and bye,one hit on the head and she goes

  19. the only version of EoC that I play is the remastered, sadly have much issues with other mods them I delete but is good mod

  20. What means "max patch planes" message when I tip some map?

    1. DarthMayckon


      Not all maps,only some.

  21. What you guys are playing this days?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ramikad


      Been playing Heretic a bit.

    3. DarthMayckon


      I have to admit that is jk3 with mods since the new battlefront sucks and I have access more to my smartphone I play jk3 touch

    4. Noodle


      Jedi Academy and Mount&Blade. Though I barely have time for videogames nowadays :(

  22. Why my npc don't spawn?What reasons can be?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. DarthMayckon
    3. DarthMayckon


      I bet that is something with code

    4. DarthMayckon


      But I get tired of try figure out what is.

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