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Everything posted by DarthMayckon

  1. I think everyone already notice the Vader Castle,this is the refugee of Lord Vader,I think is very personal to him,a castle with interior and exterior in mustafar,you know is his home and put the sad theme of the siths, will be very deph and personal feeling.
  2. I'm actually waiting for the robot legs or a Solo movie version.
  3. I think that is what I'm looking for
  4. I can't manage it to work,I think I will try again
  5. Looks good to me,how I get him with black robes?
  6. How give him a cross lightsaber?
  7. Cool,sad he not come with his crossguard lightsaber
  8. Sorry for this topic but I like to know your opinion since my picture is pretty old,I don't even remember what app I use but the phone was Nokia 2690,very old cellphone,this time I want make a grey lightsaber.
  9. I was looking for a night version since the confrontation of Luke and Ben occur in night,if someone know some map of the temple in ruins please tell me.
  10. It deserves all stars.
  11. How I comment in your video you could make one adapted version for Android,maybe you could use the action button and directions
  12. I'm glad see that you are doing something for Android,jk3 touch is a quite good Android game for who is fan of the game and play it,I see a lot of mods for Kotor that can be used on Android,was be cool something to Android, especially the combat system and a block button,if you have sucess just let me know and I will be happy in review it.
  13. I like the blue stance,is used by Revan,force unleashed etc,i like a lot the stance is the perfect ko gasumi stance Shinto mumen Ryu kenjutsu,it don't look like other mods that the stance just look like a block.
  14. I play the game in Android version,I heard that the combat of duel movies is a lot better,the archives of this mods are in exe only computer,so I can't find a single mod That improve the awful system duel of the original jk3 in Android, something in bat or pk3 could work. So if someone one know one or want be make one for play on Android will be cool.
  15. Sorry for this topic but I can't simple find in anywhere.
  16. I want Nihilus in npc

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Circa


      I'm aware. I've been around long enough to know 99% of the time someone is asking for an NPC, they are actually asking for the model + NPC file so they can play it in SP. Usually people that don't understand how modding works just ask for what they want in the simplest terms they know how to.

    3. DarthMayckon


      Sorry I don't have a computer and noob,but thinks anyway Raven I will try it,I notice that Nihilus archives have bot files but the file that actually have npc is called "exdata", something like that,is a type of folder,by the logic I need create this folder and copy the npc from other existent archive, thanks anyway I will see what I can do

    4. Circa


      I'm not sure you'll be able to do it on Android very well, but I could be wrong. If you show where you got the mod from, someone can do it for you easily.

  17. I want Bastila.
  18. Is the better Assajj version model so far,(I don't test others) But what by I see this is the more realistic,is scariest realistic,this model make the models of force unleashed and battlefront look like work. Now I think who make this can make Assajj with white hair in her bounty Hunter time and a version with hood and yellow line lightsaber,I think you guys know the pictures.
  19. Very nice.
  20. One of Darth Nihilus,well NPCs work
  21. Looks pretty hardcore,did you know if is possible get skins in the menu of Android?
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