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Everything posted by LukeJM28

  1. New Update. Can't wait for full release. Keep Up dude.
    Looks great buddy Keep Up
  2. Good Work buddy. Now i have a reason to be active on jkhub more ?
    Good Job buddy This could work for a RP. Keep up on it.
  3. Rey looks nice. Definetly a improvement in your modding Keep up.
    Looks Awesome. Keep up! ?
    Looks good
    Another awesome StoryLine Mod Keep up bud ?
  4. And there goes mod i followed for last 2-3 years Mod doesnt really need to get fu**ed over. Don't know anything else to say (since my arguments are bad)
  5. Welcome back bud
  6. Nice Works Dudes GJ on finding .map file of your Coruscant JK map
  7. LukeJM28

    Crait Duel

  8. SuS this still alive No posts in 2 mounths
  9. @dan992 When Valeria Gets them Ready I'll release them to public (With her/his permission)
  10. I would appreciate it ?
  11. So basicly i'm making machinima and i really need these: 1. Twi'lek Female 2.Human Female 3.Human Male
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