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Everything posted by Futuza

  1. If we're talking multiplayer, I could see this being completely fair when paired with macros. spamspamspamspam
  2. Solution: educate yourself and stop using KotF.
  3. Developers developers developers developers

  4. It is done. http://jkhub.org/files/file/2655-internet-explorer/
  5. Version v 1.1


    Description: Explore the wide world of JKA with iexplorer. Now with more clicks. Install Instructions: drop the pk3 in your base folder, just like you drop that bass. Update Instructions: overwrite the previous version Why did I make this? Because this thread: http://jkhub.org/topic/5995-personal-request-industrial-explorer-outfit/ and because I'm a sadistic jerk. Contains: a skin sounds bot files npc files npc spawn iexplorer -- Internet Explorer and Microsoft's logo are property of Microsoft Corporation and I do not own them, they are being mocked and parodied as per Fair use Laws.
  6. So Starwars ships should be designed after the letters of the alphabet? Hmmm....makes sense. H = Tie fighter, G\C\Q = Falcon, X=xwing, Y=ywing, A=awing, B=bwing?(not sure about that one), O=deathstar. Need a K, Z, and L ship now.
  7. That's some vastly improved textures right there. Nice work. Only thing is she looks a little bit old now, maybe make eyebrows thicker?
  8. At first I read the topic title and I thought you wanted an Internet explorer outfit skin...
  9. I probably shouldn't say anything, but I have just about fixed that issue.
  10. Stoiss didn't send it to me, but I'll check my backups because I'm pretty sure I have it somewhere.
  11. Excited to try this one out. Looks good. If someone where to make a custom voice pack, would you put it in the next version? @Scerendo Nevermind it has sounds.
  12. OMG, I had no idea this existed. *scrambles to download*
  13. Ah that's why the file disappeared...was wondering. Guess it needs to be approved.
  14. Why not run the hashcheck once during startup? Since the user probably isn't going to be editing Treasure Class files while the game is running.
  15. You going to try and add simple physics to the plants where if you touch it, it moves (but not physically accurately cause prolly too expensive, more like just plays an animation)?
  16. Does it actually crash the game or do you just mean you will get an error that says something like "Warning, bad treasure class - disabling object, etc."? Cause crashing server is no good, should at least do some basic checks and not let stupid server owner do stupid things. Since these things are going to be setup via some sort of json cfg file right?
  17. Basically we're waiting to finish the next patch, and then once that's done we'll put up download links and have people input on this topic as to when to do the next skirmish match.
  18. Ya, I changed my description since basically nothing on the github issue list deals with the RPG elements at the moment. In other words it isn't the focus at the moment. That being said, a lot of RPG elements are done and or very close to being ready. For example dialogue quests basically works.
  19. The other problem Silverfang didn't go into great detail with is that while most of the RPG elements depend on the coders, the elements of the game such as the weapons you mentioned don't really need coders at all. So, it'd be dumb for the rest of the devs to sit around and twiddle their thumbs just cause the coders haven't finished something. So Silverfang can keep producing weapons, models, etc, while we work on the code. I think people fear that we're somehow spending our "man hours" on "frivolous" stuff like more guns, but that's really not the case, I for example have never done any models for the game, just code. As far as your question, "What are the odds of a online RPG coming from this mod?", I'm going to say 20% (that's being extremely generous) "I get that there are 4 phases but is it wishful thinking at this point to reach the last one?" Probably, but we're not doing this necessarily for the end result. "Wouldnt it have been easier to just reduce the scope?" Yes, in fact that's what we did a few years ago when we realized we were biting off too much at once. This is why we introduced the phase system: 1. Beta Versus release, get out what we had. Prove to peeps we actually had something and weren't just scamming everyone. 2. Versus - Improve gameplay and make an actually functioning game that'd be just as good or better than something like Call of Duty. This provides a solid foundation for game mechanics and other systems to be introduced later on. *Note, we are here. 3. RPG - Add rpg elements such as quests, dialogue trees, instances, party system, leveling system, item progression system, etc. 4. LMO - Make the game support larger amounts of players (64-120+) on multiple servers tied to a universal account system. Large maps, extensive quests, get sued by EA, win suit, obtain magic starwars license, make money off it, etc. *Note some parts of this were jokes. Each phase builds upon the previous phases and, in the event we fail to reach later phases, we can still finish earlier ones and still have a fun game to play.
  20. The vendors will also be non-functional if you do that. I dunno. It's more of a historical thing I guess, since it used to work on JKG, but didn't anymore thought I'd include it once I got it fixed.
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