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Everything posted by Futuza

  1. If it's so straightforward...a tool ought to be easy to make. However...I'm a little concerned with how a tool would work when it comes to converting the actual organization of head, torso, legs etc. into appropriate jpg sources. This seems complicated and a lot of effort if the skin wasn't already arranged that way (eg: the base jawa skin is not).
  2. If such a thing were done, what might be neat is a tool that downloads all the essential mods in the list off of jkhub and installs them for you. Kinda like how ninite works.
  3. It's pretty easy to build. Just follow the instructions here. All you basically have to do is install programs, run the batch cmake script. Open the solution in VS, and change the platform toolset to include xp: Build the project. Move the appropriate dlls to the right places and then run the game.
  4. Futuza

    DFA Damage

    Not that I know of, but you could change the default health values so that they are more potent (but then so is everything else).
  5. https://jkhub.org/tutorials/category/7-skinning/ Will point you in the right direction.
  6. Dunno. You'd be best off asking them at their forums. I actually didn't know you could use openjk for it.
  7. Well the error message seems to be telling you that your client version and server version are different. My guess openjk vs != jamp version.
  8. https://jkhub.org/tutorials/article/18-valis-skinning-tutorial-part-1-basics/
  9. So I was right? Looks like he's wearing a labcoat.
  10. Just needs a white lab coat in my mind, but no I don't know what imperial scientists actually canonically look like.
  11. I'm glad somebody else likes GitS. To clarify are you asking for the anime 2d looking models, or like realistic 3d real life style ones.
  12. Video not showing for me, not sure if it is for anyone else. Found the link though.
  13. I always recommend to new people to try one of Szico VII maps. Really shows off how pretty the game can look without any technical changes. Try Atlantica, or if your a FFVII fan, Midgarv3. Welcome!
  14. Should work with either image format, afaik.
  15. While there are plenty of maps that give room for space fights and playing around with space vehicles, I don't know of any that actually overhaul the vehicle mechanics to actually allow you to have iconic dogfighting since the base jka vehicle mechanics is pretty crappy.
  16. I dunno if you guys are trying to keep it secret, but maybe just a youtube video of something the mod does would interest people. JKG tries to do twitch streams every once in a while or post screenshots for people interested in following our progress.
  17. Still needs more grass, and some varied colors for it to. eg: slightly yellowed, slightly deeper green, etc.
  18. Note that this will result in the hologram being weirdly flat. You could get the same effect though by creating an npc with modified textures and the applied shader above on s aid textures to make him 3d. Or just turn it into a model. Note: You'll have to adjust the above shader a lot, mostly what you want is the "surfaceparm trans" part.
  19. It's pretty much the same as how color codes are in the engine now, I've refactored it since then. It's not done, still needs some fixes for things like the console. Because ^ASCII creates problems with very long strings and takes up more space than necessary in player names? Is it needed? No, but it was an already implemented feature that was partially broken and never completed so I'm fixing it.
  20. So I know I said the RGB stuff was done. Well I lied. I refactored some code and built in RGB stuff to the tr_fonts.cpp functions - now it works everywhere, instead of using approximate colors. (Notice how we get the non-console colors in the image below). Still need to add RGB color support to console text though. (Such as the player shot player2 text above). EDIT: Noticed some bugs and fixed them, here's the result: Still need to add console text support though.
  21. @@Pande I'm pretty sure it's pande's. Personally I'm cool with it though.
  22. If this mod is just for your personal use, I don't see why you need to get permission to do anything. If you're not reproducing it or trying to sell the work off as yours, then what goes on on your hardrive, stays on your hardrive and no one is any wiser.
  23. You guys really gotta stop posting in this thead, every time there's a new post you get my false hopes up in thinking some former nvidia driver developer has just joined jkhub and decided to help out with rend2 full time.
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