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Everything posted by Futuza

  1. As far as the Zabrack female mode, as far as I know, we never got that file from the developer who started it and thus it is lost to us Correct me if I'm wrong @otherdevs
  2. Sorry I don't know a ton of stuff about the Raspberry Pi, but just as a haphazardly guess, possibly opengl is installed, but not enabled?
  3. Remember this when it comes to game developers: Any developer who gives you promises is most probably a liar and not to be trusted until after they prove repeatedly they deliver what they promise. The most trust worthy developers are those who promise nothing. I totally understand why Xycaleth said nothing about working on rend2 having felt that way myself about more than a few projects I've worked on. Cool to see stuff is happening though and I look forward to whatever new goodies are revealed.
  4. It is the same mod (though we haven't updated the Mod DB page for a while, should probably do that sometime). I think eezstreet misunderstood what you were asking, or thought you were referring to another mod. The mod has been in development for a very very long time (though that doesn't actually mean all of that time it was actively being developed, in fact most of that time it's probably been on hold), and as a result it's evolved over the years. Which character customization are you asking for specifically? Some of them are probably available right now, but some of them may have been lost or replaced by newer materials/ideas.
  5. The project tends to go through periods of inactivity and periods of activity since all of us are pretty busy with life. We have a burst development life cycle that takes a hiberation break every few months
  6. I insist you use my jello texture somewhere, since JKHub has never yet taken me up on my offer:
  7. It'd be nice if JKHub finally got an official server, shame we don't have one.
  8. Writing out a novel in chat probably isn't a good roleplay practice anyway, since it's the equivalent of not letting anyone else talk and info dumping. If you want to do longer roleplaying text I suggest you use a forum to do so - it will work a lot better.
  9. Just tone down the mist shader then and make the brush smaller.
  10. Do you want the waterfall to be actual fluid and use the jka's water physics and such, or just a shader/texture that the player clips through? If it were me, I'd go for the shader/texture waterfall. Darth Norman has a good example in his map here: https://jkhub.org/files/file/302-arevass/ The technique is pretty similar to how he makes the rainbow in this tutorial.
  11. Does it support Open Gl? I know by default it isn't turned on for Raspberry Pi.
  12. I think a lot of the ui elements are drawn based on a 640x480 size and then scaled up to fit the specified resolution, I don't think was built to scale down. So my guess is it'll probably break, but you can try it.
  13. Also you can try playing with only certain bots. The bot behavior file (.jkb) describes what force powers and abilities the bot has so if you edit it or use a type of bot that doesn't use force lightning that would also correct the issue. Looks like this: GeneralBotInfo { reflex 1200 //base reflex value, time in ms it takes the bot to react accuracy 60 //base accuracy, number of degrees bot can aim off by. Lower value == better aim. turnspeed 0.01 turnspeed_combat 0.01 maxturn 120 perfectaim 0 chatability 1 chatfrequency 3 hatelevel 3 camper 1 saberspecialist 0 //if 1, bot will not run just because it's forced to use a saber //don't exceed 20 force points total forceinfo 7-2-010000000000000000 // hlspptglrpattdssss // eepuueriarbeereaaa // aveslliggosaaaebbb // l ehlephetommi eee // d t erhfn rrr // n cbeo adt // i t ar teh // n lc tfr // g e aeo // cnw // kd //rank-side-heal.lev.speed.push.pull.tele.grip.lightning.rage.protect.absorb.teamheal.teamforce.drain.see.saberattack.saberdefend.saberthrow //1==light side 2==dark side }
  14. This happens when the bots don't have a bot route, change maps or add a bot route to the map your playing on. See this tutorial. Alternatively you could play with npcs. /npc spawn stormtrooper etc
  15. Skellig Michael? (End scene island place).
  16. This seems pretty neat. We should try and get the Tremulous community to join in too. In regards to maps... @@Szico VII @@Pande @JCulley3D , @@AngelModder , etc...
  17. Gotta at least change the eyes to yellow/gold colors too.
  18. I think he's making a joke, we all know it'd dead.
  19. I have questions for you. Long time no see.
  20. Having Jedi Master's that can you teach you stuff at the Yavin Academy would be neato too. eg: Master Bimbo will help you spend your xp on new saber styles, and you have to complete his little mini-mission to earn it, etc.
  21. Hey it's cool mate, don't feel any obligation to us - this is something we do for fun and on our own free time.
  22. Well obviously we need some fantastic new saber stances and force user stances/moves.
  23. @ lol at the Cartoon Gimp Masking. Take it off please, it only looks good on the 2nd one.
  24. y u open two topics? https://jkhub.org/topic/7339-multi-dimensional-door-two-3d-maps-in-one/
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