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Everything posted by Futuza

  1. If the game had been made today, we'd get regular patches with game balances/fixes - probably have a competitive match lobby, a much different server architecture, and probably some sort of reporting system, we'd also probably have tutorials that teach advanced game mechanics like poking/wiggling if they were intended to be part of the game play. That would deal with all of his complaints. Personally I think those things aren't problems though and his complaints regarding those specific things aren't noteworthy. In fact part of that is what gives JKA it's charm.
  2. @@Caelum, I also have problems with mobile browsing. My phone doesn't usually load it, but I also tried some phone emulators and get a "Blocked by Content Security Policy This page has a content security policy that prevents it from being loaded in this way. Firefox prevented this page from loading in this way because the page has a content security policy that disallows it." error. This might be unrelated though, and something you did to prevent emulators. Here's the emulators header: Requested URI /headers Request Method GET Remote IP Address xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx Remote IP Port 2937 Protocol version HTTP/1.1 HTTP Header* Value Accept text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8 Accept-Encoding gzip, deflate Accept-Language en-US,en;q=0.5 Connection keep-alive Host xhaus.com Referer http://mobiletest.me/ User-Agent Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:43.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/43.0 Via 1.1 webout4.somedomain.com (Cisco-WSA/8.5.3-051) X-Imforwards 20 I've also sent you a PM with my actual phone's results.
  3. Sounds like graphic card issues, I would check to see if your card has a patch/update on the company's site, a lot of them have patches for old games/retro/arcade style patches that fix issues with older games. They aren't usually the "latest" patch necessarily.
  4. So I just posted about this not too long ago so I'll quote what I said:
  5. @@NumberWan I know, NumberWan's mod had one, don't know if it was released though.
  6. Sorry, just to clarify are we talking npcs or bots?
  7. So I just posted about this not too long ago so I'll quote what I said:
  8. Use this, if the server list is down: http://my.jacklul.com/jkhubservers/
  9. All of your complaints are directly due to the fact that you're playing a game that is more than a decade old. I don't really know why you're complaining in a public forum - do you expect something to be done? The developers are long gone and the only people who could possibly fix anything (modders) are apparently one of the problems (see complaint #4). Thanks for letting us know your opinion though.
  10. I just got The Force Awakens OST for Christmas, so...how bout that?
  11. Have you tried openjk with r_mode -2 ? Also 1080p is 1920x1080 not 1980x 1020 technically.
  12. If it isn't permanent you could probably just add it to the config file. And if not, launching the game with batch file should do the trick.
  13. Your call, mods may not like it depending. I personally think it'd be fine, but that's up to the staff.
  14. Open JK is the only mod you really "need" in my opinion. Get latest builds here: https://builds.openjk.org/ It doesn't change anything as far as gameplay goes, but rather provides you with a much more stable and secure client and server to play with then the vanilla game. You also get some cool new technical features that provide larger support for various screen resolutions, etc. Everything else is entirely up to your personal choices. Movie Battles is a popular multiplayer that adds a lot of new viable strategy and balance to the siege game mode and is really it's own game. Here: https://www.moviebattles.org/ There's also popular single player mod that let's you play the most iconic battles from the films, called Movie Duels here: http://md2.ucoz.com/load/ If you're just starting you should try out one of Szico VII's maps, say...Atlantica: http://jkhub.org/files/file/1561-atlantica-fix/ Right now the latest popular thing on jkhub is this: http://jkhub.org/files/file/2550-jedi-academy-enhanced/ I haven't tried it yet (though I need to!)
  15. Oh gosh. This is so stupid. As was said early, there is nothing implying this at all and Finn is most definitely heterosexual. The only reason these even get written is because they generate views and produce ad revenue because it's so "edgy" and "contrary". I like how that last one says "congrats fuckface" in the background though.
  16. You could also probably put a parenthesis in wrong or something in the shader file so it breaks and doesn't display.
  17. Little criticism for you, the whole white shoulder pad thing just looks silly. Looks like it's growing out of her skin or something. Not really your fault though, looks silly in the comic too. I'm not sure I would keep it, or at least allow it to be turned off.
  18. So uh...I was making some things for a friend on another project and made this as a quick test. Thought it looked like "genuine" concept art, thought you guys might like. (Totally fake shopped images though).
  19. If you have permission, I'd assume so.
  20. I really hope Rey isn't related to the Skywalker's at all and is just some nobody scrub. Not gonna happen though..
  21. We've also talked about special kind of shielding and armor that is somewhat effective in reducing lightsaber inflicted damage, such as cortosis weave armor. However, this will likely be a later addition and still needs to be fleshed out. By implementing this, it helps provide a purpose and use for players to opt to use vibroblades instead of traditional lightsabers in some situations. Additionally, we wanted to stop fire damage with water (hopping into water when you're on fire will put it out) and with crouch-rolls (you know...stop drop and roll).
  22. Futuza

    OpenJK Issue

    Also have you tried it on more than one machine? Could possibly be a hardware related issue (hard to say without more info though).
  23. I just also want to add the point that in the prequels, Watto makes it clear that Jedi mannerism and mind tricks are fairly well known in certain areas. "You think your some kind of Jedi waving your hand around like that". Then you can also look at Jabba the Hutt in 6, "You fool, he's using the old Jedi Mind Trick!" It isn't really that hard to come to the conclusion that some of the general populace understands/knows about Jedi mind tricks. Do they have the force and can do them? No, of course not, but they know about the hand waving and such.
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