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Everything posted by Futuza

  1. Using "screenshots" of the movie as a way of previewing the file is stupid. You should get some in game shots and not just the modview one.
  2. Yeah, I agree this isn't going to work if we still want to support base and maintain backwards compatibility. It would work just fine though if you said screw base jka, but openjk can't do that since that's part of what defines the purpose of the project.
  3. The solution to this is an elo ranking based system, but the devs are gone and we're not going to get a matchmaker. So...instead take the simpler solution: if you're a nub, don't play against pros. This is not an issue of poke, it's an issue of bad matchmaking.
  4. -He's incompetent is what he is. So no it's never coming off the ground.
  5. So for the first release of shields we'll likely just have them disappear from inventory/be destroyed when they get overcharged by default? And we can toggle our shields on/off then (or is that just unequipping them)? Also, my intention with the types was mostly so that there wouldn't be different kinds of shields to buy that specialize in protecting users from certain types of opponents. eg: You know your going to be fighting jedi, you invest in energy shields (or whatever damage lightsabers are), if you know you're going to run into a lot of slugthrowers you invest in expensive projectile based shields, etc. That sort of thing. I don't want to use the forum to chat back and forth, just to clarify some things, I can hop on irc somewhere if you want and leave jkhub all nice and clean and then come back and edit the post with your corrections/clarifications.
  6. And it still works with npcs in JKG to some extent with certain npcs. eg: Those vendor class guys. Most of them still sit around though. It was a bit silly at some points though, because they'd walk off the edges and kill themselves lol.
  7. If shields are damaged when they get overloaded, this implies you can do something with the leftover product, does this mean we're still trying to implement durability stuff when we introduce shields? I should just talk to you guys so I can clarify some things, as the post is now slightly unclear in my mind.
  8. Futuza

    Avoid ddos attack

    Find a provider that does the same thing Caelum does then in Chile. Basically you're going to need a host with a large datacenter, that can handle having large bandwidth attacks. In the event that's impossible there's a couple of things you can do to help mitigate it, but it's not going to get rid of the problem. Using openjk is one thing if you're not already doing that. There are a couple of cvars you can also tweak that might help. The biggest thing though is having a way of deflecting the majority of bad traffic before it even gets to your server. This page covers the basic principles. Basically you want to blacklist bots/zombies and white-list legitimate traffic (actual JKA clients). Caelum could probably give you some ideas of how to go about doing this for JKA if he feels so inclined, I'll defer to him since this isn't really my area of expertise.
  9. That might prove a bit difficult if you can't isolate the voice tracks, might need to do some audio editing to clean up the background noise.
  10. DISCLAIMER: These numbers and descriptions may not fit lore or represent the final implementation. This concept also hasn't had as much discussion as some others, such as armor, and thus largely reflects my personal ideas. Personal shields are a defensive technology that protects its wearer from blaster fire, elemental damage, and/or other harm. Shields are equipped in a valid shield inventory slot (such as on the wrists or belt) in the ACI, and are automatically fully charged when purchased. Only one shield may be active at a time. Shields are designed to act as a scapegoat between the user and damage being done. Shields only absorb certain types of damage (except extremely expensive rare hybrids which protect from more than one type), such as electrical, ion, or blaster based damage. Different damage may drain the shield faster than other types. (See here for more info). When combined with armor, shields will first absorb damage and then any spillover is applied to reduced by the armor (see here for details). In order to function properly a shield must be fully have at least one point of charge, however it takes time for the shield's generator to propagate a charge strong enough to absorb incoming damage. Attempting to take fire with a shield not at full charge can result in damaging the shield unit overloading the shield more quickly and rendering it useless. Only one type of shield can be equipped at once. Your current shield's charge is indicated below the health bar, and when you spawn will start out with a full charge. Some types of shields cannot be equipped at the same time as certain armor, weapons, or clothing. Most shields (other than temporary time based booster shields), are never disabled, nor do they cease to function until overloaded or disabled. Each shield has a number of stats which describe it's effectiveness: Regen Rate: The amount of energy, a shield's generator can charge per second. A typical personal shield generates two points of charge per second. Shields do not regenerate when taking fire. Cooldown Rate: The amount of time a shield's generator takes before it can begin regenerating charge. If the shield absorbs damage, the cooldown variable is reset. Most shields take about seven seconds before they can begin regenerating. Charge Capacity: The amount of charge a shield can hold when fully charged. A typical value is 50. In this example, it means the shield would absorb 50 points of damage before overloading. Overload Effect: This describes what happens when the shield is overloaded (overloaded == take enough damage to overwhelm it's current charge). The default effect is simply that the shield is destroyed and disappears from the player's inventory damaged and may become broken disabled until the cooldown rate expires and the shield can begin regenerating a charge. In later phrases, durability damage may occur whenever the shield is overloaded. Some cheaper shields may explode causing damage to the player and those nearby, so use caution when selecting a brand of shield to use! Your shield unit (and also armor) may be repaired from some vendors. Type: The type of damage the shield will absorb. Some shields will only absorb a specific damage type. A typical example is blaster damage. This is typically only seen on booster shields. If type is not indicated, the shield will default to absorbing most damage types (eg: blaster, fire, ion, pulse, sonic, cold, fire, electric, explosion, emp, stun, etc), while continuing to be useless against damage types like slugthrowers, sabers, etc. A special type of shield, known as a booster shield - lasts for a set period of time before it ceases to function. The player becomes invulnerable to that type of damage, while the booster is functioning. Most booster shields are extremely expensive and last for only about 10 seconds. These types of shields only overload after their set time period expires. Some example shields: ========================== Blastech Personnel Shield Regen Rate: 3 Cooldown Rate: 10 Charge Capacity: 50 Overload Effect: Default Eirriss Ryloth Defense Tech Personal Shield Regen Rate: 4 Cooldown Rate: 5 Charge Capacity: 25 Overload Effect: 25% chance of 10 electrical damage to player and the surrounding 3 meter radius Taim & Bak Environmental Shield Regen Rate: 2 Cooldown Rate: 8 Charge Capacity: 80 Overload Effect: Default SoroSuub Personal Projectile Shield Regen Rate: 1 Cooldown Rate: 10 Charge Capacity: 45 Overload Effect: Causes 5 concussive stun damage to player
  11. I think Kylo Ren's more of the apprentice sort personally eez, all that sucking up to grand daddy after all. I always liked the Revan archetype for the Sith, which is a variation on Lord: Embrace darker powers and evil methods in order to protect or save those they care about most. They will do whatever is necessary to accomplish their goal, despite the cost. They are the embodiment of the philosophy "For the Greater Good". Notaries: Darth Revan, Darth Vectivus
  12. Futuza

    OpenJK Issue

    Does it work fine on the base game?
  13. You said they're useless if they aren't well distributed, which means 99% of all mods are useless. Excepting server side based mods. Even MB2 the most popular doesn't have more than 100 people playing it on any given day. So what's your point in all of this? You aren't going to be able to get modders interested in modding a 10+ year old engine when they could use Unreal4 instead. The lack of new popular game overhaul mods after the release of the JKA source code should have proven that. JKA is not going to suddenly burst into popularity, it's a dying game, that's just how it is. That's why I asked you what you expect us to do about it.
  14. You're being a little unfair here. First you say x feature sucks, game should change, then you say mods suck. Okay well if mods suck then why do you want to change the game? If you think modding is okay though then we don't have a problem, in fact most of your complaints find closure in various mods. For example poking doesn't really exist in JKG's saber system and the combat is completely different. Regardless, you're not going to have a massive resurgence of player numbers unless we get a new game. Getting a new game means getting a licence from EA/Disney and working under their supervision and approval. They've got another 2 years of milking Battlefront before they try something else. You're asking for the impossible, sorry to break it to you.
  15. Check out Szico VII's Horizon Blending tutorial, I think it's exactly what you want: http://jkhub.org/tutorials/article/89-horizon-blending/
  16. Give us more details, what doesn't work? Do you launch and nothing happens? Do you get an error? Does "Windows previous to 10" mean Windows 8.1? Please be more detailed we can't help you if we don't know what you've done or what is happening. What kind of graphic card do you have? System specs? Have you tried openjk yet?
  17. News Gothic should be the font of the main body and episode number and Univers Ultra Condensed Light for the title. I believe the "Long time ago in a galaxy far far away" uses Franklin Gothic. Text is as follows: Finished version should look like this: http://play.starwars.com/html5/starwars_crawlcreator/?cid=568b57ebe4b0b58652011367 -- Edit: I originally assumed we were talking JKA, but I think you meant JK2's crawl? If so: Finished Version should look like this: http://play.starwars.com/html5/starwars_crawlcreator/?cid=568b5fa9e4b086a805bbb42d Note: The sound on my preview links is garbage.
  18. I really don't think it's a problem with your disc, but if it helps JKA is also available on Steam for 3.00 right now.
  19. @@Preost Try the JK3 files mirror here: http://mrwonko.de/jk3files/Jedi%20Outcast/Models/Star%20Wars/ and here: http://mrwonko.de/jk3files/Jedi%20Outcast/Skins/Star%20Wars/
  20. As I mentioned in the other thead, this is a good tool for making skins into npcs: http://jkhub.org/files/file/2420-npctool/
  21. Here's one - Darth Vader: http://jkhub.org/files/file/2345-darth-lord-vader/ And another Mr. Poof: http://jkhub.org/files/file/2193-yarael-poof-in-jedi-robes/ Watto: http://jkhub.org/files/file/2433-watto/ Search the JK2 tag on JKHUB to find easy jk2 files: http://jkhub.org/tags/downloads/JK2/ Unfortunately this site tends to cater to JKA more than JK2. I suggest you check out Manassi Temple. This is probably what you're looking for: http://www.massassi.net/levels/view_category.php3?category_id=13 Keep in mind these are just skins and they might not contain npc files, but they're honestly pretty easy to generate. There's a nifty tool to make it easy you can get here: http://jkhub.org/files/file/2420-npctool/ The hardest part is adding appropriate sounds honestly.
  22. Yeah I figured, unfortunately I can't install another browser because it's a dinosaur. Oh well. Kinda wondering if you should redirect for broken browsers to a simple http page that says "Yo, get a new browser" though. Sorry about the waste of your time, I should have searched for this issue.
  23. NPCs should be inside of the pk3 in this directory: ext_data\npcs\nameoffile.npc If you open the npc file with a text editor you should see something like this: vadervm { playerModel vadervm rank commander saber saber_rotj_vader2 saberColor red weapon WP_SABER saberStyle 5 FP_HEAL 0 FP_LEVITATION 3 FP_SPEED 3 FP_PUSH 3 FP_PULL 3 FP_TELEPATHY 0 FP_GRIP 3 FP_LIGHTNING 3 FP_RAGE 3 FP_PROTECT 0 FP_ABSORB 0 FP_DRAIN 3 FP_SEE 3 FP_SABERTHROW 3 FP_SABER_DEFENSE 3 FP_SABER_OFFENSE 3 reactions 5 aim 3 move 5 aggression 3 evasion 5 intelligence 5 hfov 160 vfov 160 scale 120 height 68 crouchheight 39 width 16 playerTeam TEAM_ENEMY enemyTeam TEAM_PLAYER // race human class CLASS_TAVION sex male snd vadervm sndcombat vadervm sndjedi vadervm yawSpeed 120 walkSpeed 55 runSpeed 200 health 550 dismemberProbHead 0 dismemberProbArms 0 dismemberProbLegs 0 dismemberProbHands 0 dismemberProbWaist 0 } In this example vadervm is the name of the npc so use that. eg: /npc spawn vadervm
  24. People like to DDOS the master server and such, usually this is why it goes down. Or one of the admins messed with firewall settings and screwed it up or something.
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