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Everything posted by Futuza

  1. It's very nice, sounds like it's missing something still...not sure what. Maybe it's just because of all the noise.
  2. The trouble with the information on that site Onysfx is that it deals with the functioning Jedi order before Sidious ripped it to shreds. The few remaining and scattered Jedi don't have much order to begin with and the supposed secret underground Jedi organization is said to have changed a lot in order to survive and make due with what it can.
  3. I don't think we could do a drag and drop style mmo adjust, but we could probably make it so you could adjust such a thing in a cfg. I'll take a look at the code for that part (at least the chatbox part). Inventory might be harder to do though.
  4. Futuza

    Nightly Builds

    In otherwords, tell JAWA to update?
  5. You could also create a batch file to launch openjk while pointing it to your steam directory to use for assets. eg: openjk.x86.exe +set fs_game "japlus" +set fs_cdpath "." +set fs_basepath "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Jedi Academy\GameData"
  6. Vocaroo is a good way of quickly sharing sounds, just post a link here so we can all here and then I'm sure if "Kylo Ren" and others here like it you can send em higher quality flac/wavs via email.
  7. I like the idea though, this is similar to and works well with something I came up with a year or two ago - that have to do with hearing rumors. When it comes to discovering the force, as eezstreet mentioned we wanted to have some 'quest-like' requirements, but having this as one of those hidden quest requirements works I think. At least, I like the idea that as you become closer and closer to realizing you are force sensitive and need training in the ways of the force, messages like this start showing up and you, like Rey, find yourself using the force unintentionally to do things like recognizing other people's presences. Nice idea! *ahem*
  8. I'm also wondering what you use for audio compositions and if you have any samples of music you've made before on soundcloud or something?
  9. I still want some bounty hunters like Bossk or Dengar.
  10. Sounds like one of your mods is causing a problem, possibly the game is running out of room (there's a limit to how many npcs you can have). Try removing some mods and just using one at a time to see if you can narrow it down.
  11. That error usually occurs when a dll is missing somewhere or you use a 64bit dll with a 32bit exe - most likely you have a dll in the wrong place. It might be my fault, I don't remember if I compiled it with 64 mode or 32.
  12. Sounds good eez, I should be available Saturday for at least a part of the day.
  13. JA Unlimited can be found here: http://mrwonko.de/jk3files/Jedi%20Academy/Mods/Multiplayer/87847/ This has more info about the error: http://jkhub.org/tutorials/article/15-error-vehicle-extensions-veh-too-large/ As far as singleplayer goes you might want to watch this topic: http://jkhub.org/topic/6885-can-somebody-smarter-than-me-recompile-the-single-player-code-to-increase-amount-of-npc-files-in-single-player/
  14. @@KPSpark made this real quick and haven't tested it (don't have enough npcs to), so fair warning if it doesn't work. The zip has two parts to it: updated openjk binaries with the vehicle and npc extensions increased for both multiplayer and singleplayer.a pk3 called df_limitbreaker.pk3Try the pk3 first, just drop it in your base directory and see if it works, if not, try running your openjk_SP.x86.exe from the GameData directory with df_limitbreaker.pk3 in base. If that still doesn't work you may need to use the binaries I included to update your openjk install. If you get an error saying that msvcp140.dll or something similar is missing you can get that here. Use at your own risk, etc. etc.
  15. @@Raz0r would installing JKA in a short directory eg: c:\jka\gamedata possibly shorten that path, or is it the relative path length that matters not absolute?
  16. Futuza

    Yoda VM

    Always loved this model. Nice how the size is accurate to for the npcs.
  17. I already answered your question, three threads are not necessary. You can't do it with pk3 notepad magic, sorry. You'll need to recompile the single player code with the changed variable. You should edit your post to reflect this, ask for someone to do it for you instead of asking how since you've already been answered how. EDIT: Thanks, if I have time I might try and do it this week. Someone may beat me to it.
  18. I don't think it did, just for MP, I might be wrong though. @@Scooper
  19. It might not be a limit problem as previously thought which might be your problem. Can you add other npcs created by other people? Is the game crashing with an error?
  20. There's a github with the source code on it: https://github.com/JACoders/OpenJK/blob/master/code/game/NPC_stats.cpp see line 217. If you have never coded it before you might want to start with a tutorial: I'm a bit busy with other things and projects to do it myself for you, but someone else might be willing.
  21. That mod is only for multiplayer. You'd have to patch singleplayer yourself, since I don't think anyone's made one for SP that I'm aware of. The thread I linked you to explains how to change it.
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