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Everything posted by MagSul

  1. These came from the forums of Cosmos, the community Caelum was running before he began working on this site.
  2. MagSul

    Interview: SiLink

    I enjoyed it. SiLink's thoughts regarding JAWA were particularly interesting. Being reminded of that busy period where we were all uploading files, though... That took so long! But, it was all worth it in the end.
  3. I haven't checked your screenshot, but reading this in passing... check you don't have duplicate brushes. Sometimes it happens when you're copy and pasting a lot. Check there aren't two brushes occupying the same space in GTK Radiant. That usually causes them to appear entirely invisible in game.
  4. I didn't touch Jaden's voice but I'd thought about it. I am going to go through all of Rosh's dialogue and release a Kel Dor update relatively soon. The model Rosh is using in the video was a place holder, so it will be changing.
  5. I would be immensely fond of that idea. Overwriting Jaden's at the same time would offer up a lot of opportunity! Today I was having a tinker with him: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=95Mrs0nU18s
  6. 1,522 downloads

    This file mixes the pre-existing options of the Base game for the human male Jaden to provide you with 3 additional customisation options. Please see the included screenshot for details. The changes are minor. However, additional content may follow and expand to the other incarnations of Jaden as well. If you encounter any bugs as a result of this mod do not hesitate to let me know! Enjoy!
  7. Hello! The goal is to create larger and miniature vehicles (such as mini x-wings, or larger rancors.) I added... scale 200...to the rancor_vehicle.npc file. When I spawned rancor_vehicle, the rancor appeared at twice its normal size. However, when you mount the rancor, he returns to his regular size. I tested the same process on the glider bird while giving him a scale of 25 in his NPC file. This reduced him to a quarter size when spawned, but he returns to normal once you "take control." I've tried adding the above entry into the respective .veh files but this hasn't resolved the issue. Does anyone know what I should do to resolve this?
  8. MagSul

    Jedi Instructor


    Description: This skin was originally drafted for personal use but as I was fond of this outfit in particular I decided on a public distribution! All of the skins can be accessed via the game menu. Alternatively, they can accessed via the following commands: /model jedi_instructor /model jedi_instructor/red /model jedi_instructor/blue The skin has team, bot and NPC support. If you encounter any problems whilst using this skin please do not hesitate to let me know. I will do my best to correct any issues. Enjoy!
  9. Watch a live BB8 roll around the stage, still don't understand how the heck his head moves on his turning body. o_o
  10. Here's a link to where you ought to be able to watch the live panel today: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3bZUUfW6FvE
  11. MagSul

    Kyle Edit


    Installation Instructions: ===================== Included should be a "Kyle_Edit.zip" file. Unzip the folder and place the pk3 of your choice contained within in the Base folder of your Jedi Academy directory. About the mod: ============= Ever have one of those nights where you fancy making something but you've no idea what? Well, this is the result of one such evening. I felt like keeping him! Installing Kyle_Overwrite.pk3 will overwrite the Base game's Kyle with what you see in the screenshots. Installing Kyle_Addition.pk3 will add the skin to the game without replacing anything. To access the kyle_addition skin, enter the following command into the games console: /model kyle/edit Please enjoy!
  12. MagSul

    Generic Jedi


    Installation Instructions: ===================== Included should be a "Generic_Jedi.zip" file. Unzip the folder and place the pk3 contained within in the Base folder of your Jedi Academy directory. About the mod: ============= This skin was made to full-fill a personal request for role-playing purposes. As such there is no team, bot or NPC support accompanied with this skin. As the requester began learning to skin himself, he managed to complete his own before he was able to use this one; so here it is now available for anyone who wants it! To select the skin, select the icon in the player menu or enter the following command into the game console: /model g_jedi The skin original skin by MegaKyle (with permissions given) can be found here: http://jediknight3.filefront.com/file/Jedi_Master_Tunic_Luke_Skywalker_v2;120950 The original skin is also available here on JKHub: http://jkhub.org/files/file/200-jedi-master-tunic-luke-skywalker/
  13. ^_^
    1. minilogoguy18


      Why cut so much dialogue out?

    2. Circa


      Those facial expressions look pretty good.

  14. Everything I know about making cutscenes, I learnt from this thread: http://jkhub.org/topic/5149-lets-map-singleplayer/ Hope that helps!
  15. I'm bemused by the number of Rosh Penin haters I've stumbled across whom haven't actually played the single player campaign.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Ping


      If it surprises you that they do that, then you give people too much credit.

    3. Agent Jones

      Agent Jones

      I guess it's because of his taunts. He's a great Jedi after all.

    4. Onysfx


      Rosh was still the most interesting character. The campaign would have been more boring without him.

  16. Version JO


    Installation Instructions: ===================== Included should be a "zConsole_JO.zip" file. Unzip the folder and place the pk3 contained within in the Base folder of your Jedi Outcast directory. About the mod: ============= Per request of szawlo, I've provided a JO-friendly variant to this mod! Installing the pk3 will render your console invisible in game. If you encounter any bugs while using this file, please let me know. Not being the usual JO-player, I may have missed something! This mod is unlikely to be compatible with any other mod which alters the gfx.shader.
  17. I have, I've just not released it yet.
  18. Admittedly I was relying heavily on the "New Objectives" flash to get players moving. I kept forgetting whilst making it that the level progression is only obvious to me because I'm the one who designed and put it together! It's something I plan to improve upon with the next level. I was also stuck on what dialogue was available, we'll see what I can do! Good spot! I popped in game when I read this and placed them side by side like so: http://i.imgur.com/LOoMJ8X.jpg It then occurred to me that the glowing image isn't properly mirrored on the opposite wall. That's a genuine mistake! In my head they're the same image, which... is true, but at the same time you're right, they are different. I've fixed it in my copy, so it'll go up with any additional bug fixes that anyone else encounters. Thanks for pointing it out! Thank you!
  19. Personally, I've always found the wookiee dialect irritating in Star Wars games. Besides, we already have Chewie in the game!
  20. Have you tried temporarily removing the Swoop.pk3 from your game directory? If so, did it work after?
  21. I'd rather Rosh was at least an alien! Seems like a waste of potential. I mean, Alora (and potentially Jaden) are our only two. D= I suppose one could scramble his dialogue with Audiacity, then adjust the subtitles to whatever they'd like to make him less annoying.
  22. Make him female. The Jedi Academy is full of little more than white human males after all. Not a whole lot of diversity going on between the characters with dialogue! Luke, Jaden (canonically) Rosh, Kyle, Jedi/j2... Then even those without dialogue: Jedi Trainers... Jedi Masters. =/
  23. It's okay @Ramikad, I did put it up to be scrutinised after all! It's a valid point. =D
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