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Everything posted by MagSul

  1. I added "playermodel shortnpc.npc" to my gamestart.cfg (which previously otherwise only fired "map yavin3") This scaled the twi'lek padawan appropriately and didn't interfere with saving or loading the game. I did notice that this didn't affect the player during cutscenes, though! That one may have to be a scripting job. Thanks for the help, guys!
  2. Thanks, Asgarath! I'll give this a go and I'll let you know how it pans out. No giants or ants, I'm afraid! I just thought that my twi'lek padawan looked a bit big when stood in front of Kyle, Jaden and Rosh. It also just bugs me that every character in Jedi Academy's campaign is the same height! It's time to fix that. >:] If Asgarath's suggestion doesn't work, this will be my next attempt. Thank you, mrwonko!
  3. I suppose in that instance there may be a way to script that command upon spawning (if a passer-by knows what I'd need to do with that, some guidance would be appreciated!) If this method is going to interfere with the ability to save and load the game though, that could be a problem. An alternative without that kind of risk would be more ideal. Good suggestion, mrwonko!
  4. Hey, guys! Straight forward: If I wanted to do a level featuring a character that's a little shorter than 100% scale, how would I go about it? Looking in the newgame.menu file, I see that there're bits and pieces like this: setcvar snd "jaden_fmle" setcvar g_char_model "padawan" setcvar sex "f" Would it be much the same? If so, what do I need to write? Regards!
  5. I am way more excited about simple map features than I ought to be..! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ayb9j7_5nW8

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Bek


      Awesome job!

    3. Onysfx


      Excellent work! It reminds me of a mod for MP...what was it called...it was a physics based mod, I forget the name.

    4. therfiles


      See, this was how JKA was meant to be! Nice work as always! :D

  6. Here you go! Click me. "Flight School Final"
  7. While I have no specific requests for myself at the moment, may I make the suggestion that if you're willing to do this... Perhaps consider all of the Base JA hilts? You could release them together as one pack (or individually!)
  8. The most disappointing aspect of the JA:SP experience (for me) was clicking the option to return to the academy after four missions and then not actually getting to walk around it. I had hoped that after the cutscene, I would be able to walk from the main hall down to the hangar. While doing so, I expected to be able to have a few exchanges with other padawan learners or jedi knights. Perhaps a quick training spar here or there, or the opportunity to catch up with how Rosh was getting on (similarly to the t1_inter mission where Rosh speaks to the generic jedi.) Perhaps even meet Jan Ors who happens to be nearby the Raven's Claw, or C-3PO. It would give you a bit of a break before embarking on your next mission, get to know characters so you cared when things happened later on. I didn't mind the menu style, but I feel it would have been better to have been able to access that menu from the strategy centre. I wasn't too fussed that not all of the missions drove the over-arching plot forward, especially as a maximum of three are entirely optional! I think breaks away from that to focus on actually just being a Jedi out in the galaxy are a good thing and I wouldn't want to change that myself. (Related to the post about blue-prints, I found this handy image while looking for a picture of the strategy centre! Link) Moving onto particular characters, they all have that air of missed opportunities about them but none stick out more to me than Alora. Where did she come from in the time between Outcast and Academy? There's only a two year difference between the two stories. All right, so we learn Tavion has a scepter and can imbue her followers. Did Alora go through that? If she had lived, would she have lost her power like Tavion's other followers? She's killed off as quickly as she's introduced, and this is the main antagonist's apprentice? I'm still surprised that we only have the two confrontations with her. She could have easily made an appearance at the end of other missions, like the one with the jedi tomb, for example. Rosh goes without saying, of course. At the very least, I'd have liked for him to be included a little more in your missions. You have missions alongside Kyle and Chewbacca of all people, but not alongside Rosh. I think that's a great shame. That would be my ultimate suggestion for him. It's hard to think of him as a friend when I only see him in a formal setting along with every other resident of the jedi temple.
  9. Expanding the "New Beginning" SP Mod! =D

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. RebelChum


      tbh I feel like that mod was how the actual game should've been. Hearkened back to games like Star Wars Obi Wan and The Phantom Menace.

    3. therfiles


      We should include this somehow in JKE...

    4. lang_french


      Interesting! Will it still have quotes from the game or will it be made with actors? Ready for working French version.

  10. I could have sworn someone made a model for that.
  11. Yeah, does have a new .sab! The lightsaber model is a .glm, too.
  12. I've made a new .skin for one of the Base lightsabers, which turns aspects of the model off. I want this lightsaber to exist independently from its source, so I've placed it in a new folder structure and set it up with single player support. In game (single player) the hilt functions perfectly. In the cutscenes however, it appears exactly the same as its original Base counterpart. In multiplayer, the hilt functions fine until you throw/drop it. When you inspect the discarded hilt, it has again reverted to its Base form, rather than my .skin variant. My question is, why does this happen and what can I do to prevent it?
  13. Thank you for all of your hard work, @@SiLink & @@Circa. ^.^
  14. I was just typing out that's what I thought it was, re-reading it to myself when I noticed what you'd put onto the bottom. ^.^ I do that all the time when I'm mass copy/pasting! >_
  15. 1,150 downloads

    Included along with this file should be a "zVIICursor.zip" file. Unzip the folder and place the pk3 contained within in the Base folder of your Jedi Academy directory. This mod will change the appearance of the cursor in Jedi Academy so that it resembles the new cross-guard lightsaber teased at in the trailers of Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens. Enjoy!
  16. One wonders how difficult producing a new player model from scratch might be.

    1. JAWSFreelao


      Read Cerez' Ahsoka thread and you'll see. BUT, the results I've heard, the satisfaction, is more than worth it.

    2. Psyk0Sith


      Gain experience and it won't be difficult. Just try and fail as many times as you want.

    3. Cerez


      Gotta take it step by step, and be manically persistent at it. I won't lie, it's hard, and takes more work than one initially imagines it can possibly take... but when it's done, and finally released, you gain confidence in your abilities and you feel not only relieved and happy, but also proud in your accomplishments, and the newfound skills you've earned along the way. It also changes your perception on almost everything!

  17. MagSul

    JK3Files Shuts Down

    Gone, but not forgotten!
  18. Hey, theMANE! Welcome to JKHub. I hope you enjoy the community!
  19. I've always felt the quality of their videos was stunning. Like everyone else, I can't wait to see more come from this! I am looking at that shot of Kyle, with Luke behind him on Yavin IV. Kyle pulls off Jaden's jacket really well! I'm glad they're bothering to switch up the outfits. Kyle's usual shirt's bound to get sweaty and stinky!
  20. The A-Wing was included in the DoA Flight Arena map as well: http://jediknight3.filefront.com/file/DoA_Flight_Arena;26516
  21. I always enjoyed the inconsistency of hologram technology in particular. The quality seems to vary an awful lot!
  22. I like SW:TOR! >_>

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Agent Jones

      Agent Jones

      Don't worry, you'll recover.

    3. Ramikad


      Get some mp/ffa3 therapy, twice a day, for some time, and you'll recover quickly.

    4. KDR_3XILE


      Was adequately enjoyable though lost it's effect after a time. I love WoW >.>

  23. You've picked an intricately detailed set of armour from the game @@starkiller101. To model that is going to take a lot of dedication and unless anyone shares the same passion for that armour (keeping in mind it's one of thousands from the game) it's not likely to make an appearance in Jedi Academy. The best answer you're likely to get is a point towards the many tutorials JKHub has so that you can learn the skills necessary to create the armour yourself. I know you're hoping someone might do it for you, but you're asking a lot in terms of time and such. Additionally, SW:TOR (sadly) is far from popular around here, hence the above. They seem to dislike it about as much as Rosh Penin.
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