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Everything posted by MagSul

  1. When you build something, you're really proud, then you realise you that you could've used significantly fewer brushes. =/

    1. Ramikad


      As well as better caulking. And sometimes, you think that proportions are somewhat off, and spend a lifetime trying to polish every inch and bit so that it looks better.

    2. AshuraDX


      Oh I know that feeling, happens while modeling too haha

    3. Ramikad


      I have to admit though that making some concept arts before starting the brushwork really help to better visualize the area and the required brushwork.

  2. RichDiesal's Mapping University is broken again. :(

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Circa


      I'll post here when it's back up. Sorry about that. Having a bit of a mishap.

    3. MagSul


      We've upgraded to the "404 Not Found" error! D=

    4. Circa
  3. When you've too many ideas to be executed by one person in a realistic time frame. >_

    1. Ramikad


      I know right.

    2. Dusty


      I feel ya. I think the best way to deal with that is just to say, I'm only human, and these are just video games, lots of fun but not worth sucking all your focus and energy into.

    3. Ramikad


      Or /amempower and do everything!!!1!

  4. Imagine a Varactyl vehicle. o_o

  5. I've put in my vote for Princess Leia, because I feel that there aren't enough high quality female models in comparison to the male characters.
  6. i tested it with a clean install and it was A-OK with me on all versions. The only time I encountered an error with this file (just now having done another test) was when I had my zVIICursor (the Kylo Ren saber cursor mod I made) installed as well. Because they were both using the same shader file, one overwrote the other. I'll have an experiment and try and fix it asap.
  7. @ File created and submitted. ^.^ Watch this space. https://jkhub.org/files/file/2599-prequel-jedi-npcs/
  8. 4,463 downloads

    This mod will change the appearance of the jedi, jedi/j2, jeditrainer, jedi/master and jedi_random npcs that appear throughout the single player campaign to resemble prequel Jedi. The Jedi Trainer is now a hooded woman and the Jedi Masters are now hooded men, while all other Jedi who appear are Padawan Learners. Rosh, Kyle and Luke are unchanged. This mod requires Scerendo's Female Jedi Customisation and Spanki's Jedi Customization Plus to work. For this file to work, you will require the following additional files: Spanki's Jedi Customization Plus & Scerendo's Female Jedi Customization v1.01 Mod requested by JKHub User Shaxx As always, if you encounter any bugs, be sure to let me know!
  9. Now that, I really, really like. The quality is outstanding, well done!
  10. Not that comes to mind, but it'd be simple enough to do. ^.^ It could work in conjunction with Spanki's Jedi Customization Pack and Scerendo's Female Jedi Customization. If no-one else beats me to it, I'll look into it before New Year!
  11. 426 downloads

    Included along with this file should be a "zEpVIIMenu_Video.zip" file. Unzip the folder and place the pk3 contained within in the Base folder of your Jedi Academy directory. This mod will change the appearance of the video in the centre of the main menu and also remove the grid that covers it in the base game. The new footage is taken from the first teaser trailer of Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens. Enjoy! ^.^
  12. 888 downloads

    Included along with this file should be a "zRosh_KelDor.zip" file. Unzip the folder and place the pk3 contained within in the Base folder of your Jedi Academy directory. This mod will change the appearance of Rosh Penin in Jedi Academy so that he resembles a Kel Dor. The sounds have also been modified to be more fitting. Check the included video for reference. As always, let me know if there're any bugs so I can fix 'em! Enjoy! Preview: (Story Mode Spoilers)
  13. Hey, @@Astrol! Apologies for the late reply, but to answer your question from the other thread: The answer is no. At present, I cannot create player models. I do not have the skills to create the lightsaber hilt you've requested, either. Sorry! Looking at your other requests, though, I have to say that it's very clear that you don't have any sort of idea just how much time and effort it takes to produce some of the content you're asking for; it's clear because you've not told anyone what you would contribute to your own project beyond the initial idea! On that point, I'd like to ask, why do you want all of this when you can just play Star Wars: The Old Republic for real?
  14. I'm on it! @@Crook EDIT: Download Link All should be working. ^.^
  15. I think this is coming along great! Please keep up the effort! =D
  16. Hey, @Elfenlied! So, as you can see from the picture below, the headband is a fixed part of the model. If you wanted that moved, you'd have to ask a modeller. Your alternative option is to disable it in a new .skin file and draw a blindfold over the eyes and back of the head. This would mean that the blindfold would be flat against the shape of the head though and might not look quite as good. That said, I've seen it done well on certain miraluka skins in the past. So, what're your thoughts on that?
  17. So, we're doing the Secret Santa thing again this year, right? >_>

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Bek


      Same here.

    3. Onysfx


      Hope I'll be able to come up with something good :).

    4. therfiles


      Thanks for reminding us haha

  18. Are you getting an error message? Are you playing through Steam or using a disc copy?
  19. Could you explain what this means to the uneducated? ^.^ Also, I'm genuinely curious as to what sort of additional gametypes people would want to implement. o.O
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