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Everything posted by MagSul

  1. Admittedly, it didn't occur to me that the first thing someone would want to do would be climb out of the level. But noted. I'll add some clips in!
  2. Mod submitted! o_o Now to cry horribly in a corner at the fear that everyone'll encounter loads of bugs I couldn't anticipate! ;_;

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Oobah
    3. z3filus


      lol my bad, looks nice!


    4. Oobah


      Luckily SP can make more use of scripts, haven't tried your content. But if you want a good idea for yavin based trial stuff get your hands on JO's yavin_trial. That map is all about using your brain.

  3. Version 2


    Update: Thank you for your feedback! Please view the change log for a list of updates. As always if you encounter any issues, do let me know! About the mod: Please unzip the NewBeginning.zip folder and extract the contents to your Gamedata folder. Once installed, you may use the included "newbeginning.bat" file to load the mod for you. These instructions should apply to a disc and Steam installation (as I've used both!) This is a single player mod set one year after the original game (Light Side ending.) You will play as a new character over three levels (discounting cinematic maps) and two bonus levels. Two take place in the Jedi Academy and one at one of the many training grounds. I strongly encourage you to explore the first level as there're a fair few secrets and Easter Eggs to be found! It was designed with the original Jedi Outcast level in mind, which means you could end it very, very quickly if you wanted to bypass the fun of exploration and move onto the trial level. The trial is the same one that was originally released here on JKHub with minor edits. I wanted to place emphasis on the Yavin Temple in order to receive feedback while I work on a brand new trial level and the first mission beyond the Jedi Academy. If you encounter any bugs- Oh, God. Please, please don't tell me you've encountered any bugs. ;_; My head might implode! Special thanks to Circa for play testing at various stages of development! Additional thanks to everyone over in this thread for providing so much help (still). Problems with the .bat? A Windows 8 tester did seem to be having a problem loading the mod with the .bat provided. They overcame this by creating a shortcut to their jasp.exe. (Right-click, copy, paste shortcut) Open the shortcut's "properties" and then move to the "shortcut" tab. Then, add the following (after a space) onto the "Target:" field: "+set sv_pure 0 +set fs_game newbeginning" Example: "C:\Program Files (x86)\LucasArts\Star Wars Jedi Knight Jedi Academy\GameData\jasp.exe" +set sv_pure 0 +set fs_game newbeginning" I hope this helps!
  4. You're right, it does. I've been compiling frequently to test camera angles and things so it just seemed like it was something that would be a persistent nuisance. Thank you!
  5. Hello! Some time ago, I was given advice on how to create proper weatherzones. However, when I load the map I get the following message in the console: ( Cached weather file "maps/yavin3.weather" out of date, regenerating... ) I'm assuming I've missed a step. I'd just like to know what I can do to stop this irritating piece of yellow text from popping up every time I load my map. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
  6. My project is almost complete! =D

  7. Going back to Jedi Knight: Force Blinding Suggestion on tiers would be the number of affected enemies, rather than time affected for. Perhaps lasting 3-5 seconds? Level 1, 1 enemy / Level 2, 3 enemies / Level 3, everyone in your sight?
  8. I got the lever model working to open doors! =D

  9. I'm working slowly but I just wanted to say that thanks to these tutorials, I've managed to do an awful lot. From spawning with my desired player model, to arriving in the game equipped with the right combination of weapons and Force powers. I've managed to trigger credits, move onto a new map and more. Need to get some cutscene practice in! Thanks for posting all of this.
  10. MagSul


    Playing through this map was definitely interesting!
  11. I'd be curious to know what kind of setting people would want for a project like this.
  12. I think I'm going to give this to Tavion for giggles. Great work!
  13. http://jkhub.org/topic/1704-the-jkhub-pass-me-around-wip-topic/
  14. Staring at the kor1_sample.map and being like: "Oh, that's how you do that!"

    1. Rooxon


      Story of my life :D bwahaha

  15. Thank you very, very much! It looks perfect. =D
  16. What about those of us who seemingly pre-date the glorious leader! I kid!
  17. Thank you for another incredibly thorough guide, redsaurus! I'll definitely be trying my hand at it over the weekend. I have to say as well that I really appreciate the time you've taken to write this all out, as I'm sure others do too. I'm sure there's lots more, but spur of the moment this is what comes to mind! Dictating the player model/skin combination for the level.Starting the level with no weapons. (Mine seems to still be holding single_1 when I check noweaps in info_player_start, though cannot use it.)Force activated switches and levers.Brushes that rotate in small segments or only once at specific angles rather than continuously.Datapad objectives, creating them and updating as the level progresses.
  18. MagSul

    Hondo Ohnaka

    Oho! Absolutely brilliant, sir. A job well done!
  19. I do not mind those changes at all. The model looks superb!
  20. Thank you very much, Rooxon! Excellent job. =D
  21. Fresh-faced this morning, I created a new shader by combining Yavin and Hevil into one! Here's the result: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xQ03hGLza5w
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