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Everything posted by MagSul

  1. My plan is to publish more single player content!
  2. Hey, everyone! I've a few questions but some context always helps, so let me explain what I want to create! For the the single player level I am currently working on, I would like the player to have the option to spar with up to five other students positioned around the arena. While you're not sparring, I'd like for two random NPCs to put on a display of swordsmanship. I made two friendly NPCs and gave them a command to attack one another, and they obeyed. But without any more specific directions, it turned into the pair of them just kicking each other over constantly. They would also have a tendency to wander into one corner of the arena and stay there, or drift apart to the point they just looked at one another. I assume waypoints are a key thing here, but I don't completely understand how they work, so some advice in that area would be helpful. The second problem I'm having is with a pair of students who I simply wanted to behave as if they were talking to one another, moving through the different talk animations one after the other. I've done a lot of edits to that script, but the most recent one is below: Every time I update this, something different happens. Most recently, one just wound up jogging on the spot, which'd look great if I was planning to put Wii Fit on a tele infront of her of course, but that might be a tad inappropriate for the setting! Another question down the line is going to be about how to appropriately spawn all of the characters around the map. For instance, Luke is in the main hall. I could set him to spawn when the door is triggered and then despawn the next time, but then you could trick it. Correct me if I'm wrong, but the "if" statement would be the appropriate thing to use here? If anyone with the capacity to help me out could drop a line here, it would be greatly appreciated! EDIT: One of course realises AFTER creating his topic that there is, of course, a forum marked as "Coding & Scripting" so if you feel obliged to relocate this, I'll understand!
  3. I like this one. o.O The folder @@Circa posted had some great ones: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/806a254pnpgmplc/AADNgObEX7LfABRs-538eUTCa?dl=0https://www.dropbox.com/sh/806a254pnpgmplc/AAAouScLxxJJAQ2u-7SqCvg1a/5.jpg?dl=0
  4. I'm pretty sure I have them all. ^.^ I'll update this post and tag you when it's done uploading! @ DukeNukem 2417 https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/48409006/jjs_server_pack.zip
    1. Ramikad
    2. lang_french


      Interesting... Sequels of the New Begining mod?

  5. No, you're definitely not!
  6. Kril'dor has always been one of my least favourite levels and I have to say that when I played through it recently with this file, it felt like a fresh experience and I enjoyed it. If I were to critique, though, I would say that the bottom part of the image doesn't have a lot going on and there's room for improvement there. Regardless, I'll be keeping the file installed!
  7. Settled on Skype! ^.^ For passers-by: Create your door and switch brushes.Select each door piece and convert it separately to a func_door entitiy (right-click, func_ menu)Create a brush that envelops the area of the switch and texture it system/trigger.Select and then right-click the brush -> trigger -> trigger_multipleSelect the trigger, then (while holding shift) select the door as well. Tap Ctrl+K to connect the trigger to the door.Open your trigger in the entity menu and give it the key "wait" and the value something like "4", that just stops the door rapidly opening and closing while you're using the switch.Open your door(s) in the entity menu and give it/them w/e settings apply to what you're after! Examples below. Door settings: Trigger_Multiple settings:
  8. I can show you! I assume you want a standard switch, right?
  9. How will you measure up to the other students on the duelling platform? :ohttp://i.imgur.com/H9KDs4u.jpg

    1. Bek


      Another mod by the talented Magsul? >.<

    2. Ramikad


      Let's find out! :P

      Although in my opinion, those benches and tables feel a little bit out of place for a training area / dueling platform.

  10. Is there anywhere that we could send submissions in the mean time? Maybe we could build up some kind of backlog if the feature ever rolls out! ^.^
  11. First, I'm going to admit that I did that as well. I also spawned an incredulous number of Lukes to take him down, to no avail. I jumped on the Jerec bandwagon! ^.^
  12. The last time that I tried to best Jedi Academy on Jedi Master mode, I was slaughtered by Tusken Raiders. EDIT: I tried it again shortly after posting the above. Update #2: I've abandoned using the lightsaber; the blaster pistol's where it's at. Update #3: Moved onto Mercenary Activity. So far I've been trip mined, detonated, disintegrated and blasted to pieces by three different weapons!
  13. With regards to Kanan, @@Jeff it may be able to help you out. I'm hazarding that guess based on his avatar. EDIT: Ninja'd! Darn it, @@Barricade24
  14. I would like to see all of them! >: )
    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Circa


      Reminds me of Academy V3. Very nice.

    3. BelugaArts
    4. Onysfx


      @Circa Thought the same thing. Looking nice.

  15. I'd support the idea, but making something compatible with the single player customisation menu is actually really, really straight forward. I'd encourage everyone to learn for themselves instead. ^.^ https://jkhub.org/tutorials/article/34-how-to-make-a-singleplayer-species-with-variants/
  16. And were you hoping to play as him, or overwrite the original Luke with it?
  17. That, is amazeballs! I commend thee.
  18. When you build something, you're really proud, then you realise you that you could've used significantly fewer brushes. =/

    1. Ramikad


      As well as better caulking. And sometimes, you think that proportions are somewhat off, and spend a lifetime trying to polish every inch and bit so that it looks better.

    2. AshuraDX


      Oh I know that feeling, happens while modeling too haha

    3. Ramikad


      I have to admit though that making some concept arts before starting the brushwork really help to better visualize the area and the required brushwork.

  19. RichDiesal's Mapping University is broken again. :(

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Circa


      I'll post here when it's back up. Sorry about that. Having a bit of a mishap.

    3. MagSul


      We've upgraded to the "404 Not Found" error! D=

    4. Circa
  20. When you've too many ideas to be executed by one person in a realistic time frame. >_

    1. Ramikad


      I know right.

    2. Dusty


      I feel ya. I think the best way to deal with that is just to say, I'm only human, and these are just video games, lots of fun but not worth sucking all your focus and energy into.

    3. Ramikad


      Or /amempower and do everything!!!1!

  21. Imagine a Varactyl vehicle. o_o

  22. I've put in my vote for Princess Leia, because I feel that there aren't enough high quality female models in comparison to the male characters.
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