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Everything posted by MagSul

  1. MagSul

    Secret Santa 2016

    Wooo! Here we go again!
  2. 5pm Saturday GMT sounds fine to me. Midnight on that night ought to be do-able if push comes to shove, but I vote for 1pm EST.
  3. Friday, 11 November after 8pm GMT, up until Sunday, 11pm. I'm free all day Saturday.
  4. MagSul

    Happy Halloween!

    Congratulations, winners! ^.^
  5. I'm available all day on those days, @@eezstreet. Specifically, GMT evenings would be more advantageous (6pm-1am GMT), but I can be available for GMT mornings and afternoons on the weekend if required.
  6. @MagSul - Available 29/10/16 - 01/11/16 . Timezone: GMT.
  7. Mapping something different! :o

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Ramikad
    3. Smoo
    4. Cerez


      That map/level is looking brilliant, MagSul. I love that light through the windows, and those decorative statue arches/spaces. It really helps to give it a good atmosphere.

  8. 43 downloads

    Installation Instructions: ========================= Included along with this file should be a "zChatBatAnim.pk3" file. Place the pk3 in the Base folder of your Jedi Academy directory. About the mod: ============= The "just in case" mod that came to me when I started to fall short of time on the other project due to real life commitments! The Animated Bat Chat Icon is a small, but sweet little quirk in the spirit of Halloween. Enjoy! ^.^
  9. This all looks fantastic! I really like your fancy space desk, too.
  10. Plan A failed spectacularly, so working on Plan B. =D
  11. Deciding on the spawnpoints was actually a problem for me. I was going to scatter them in the usual FFA fashion, but I decided to side with the role-players. Some role-play mods allow you to place your own spawnpoints, so with that in mind, I may change them up to be more FFA-friendly in version 2. ^.^
  12. Not *hinting* at anything, but where could one get textures to for it, sky box included?
  13. Halloween contest? Can that be a thing? :o

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Circa
    3. Bek


      Looks like someone has been using mobile.

    4. Circa


      Not when I posted that, but looks like IPB hated that I used emoji.

  14. Version MP 2


    This is the Jedi Temple as it appears in my to-be-released single player mod, without the scripts and single player assets themselves. Please feel free to point out any improvements that you feel could be made! See change log for update. If you encounter any bugs, let me know! Installation: Unzip the downloaded folder and place the .pk3 file within into the Base folder of your Jedi Academy directory. You can access the map by entering "/devmap yavin_temple_mp2" into the console, or selecting the map from the list of maps in the menu.
  15. Hello! So, what I would like to do is create a male zabrak option for the species menu, only I cannot model; I'm looking for help from someone who can. Specifically, I would ask someone willing to create for me one or two variations of horn patterns on the Jedi_HM model, allowing the new Jedi_ZM to have access to the same wardrobe, while I provide a few facial/tattoo variations. The fellow in the picture below is Gary. Gary is ashamed that he does not have a crown on his head like other zabrak. Without a developing crown, Gary never experienced a true rite of passage and had to instead apply a cheap, temporary tattoo by himself. Please help Gary to better fit into iridonian society by raising awareness of the fact that he needs a model edit. #ABetterIridonia
  16. I really like those new menu sounds; they're far less obnoxious than the originals. The music's a nice addition. I always brace myself to have my ears blasted off by the Base music whenever I've removed my usual edits. The music choice is a good one and sets a nice mood. ^.^ I agree that a change of video is a good thing, but it something just felt out of place with Hoth. The Raven's Claw arriving on Yavin IV from JK:O would probably be an ideal one, but that'd obviously have be put into the .pk3 as well. I wonder if you could have separate videos for MP and SP. Use the Wedge mission intro for MP (two x-wings) and use the Hoth one for SP (one x-wing.) File's a keeper!
  17. Hooray for updates! ^.^

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. MagSul
    3. swegmaster



    4. Ramikad


      Lovely! But Yavin really could use better water.

      Also, I'm wondering whatever happened to this?


  18. MagSul

    I'm new

    Welcome to the community, Razar! Have fun exploring all of the different kinds of mods and other content.
  19. When you sent the map over, I simply compiled it as normal, yeah. No issues on my end.
  20. NPCs will be included and trigger missions/dialogue and so forth. But consider that not every author wants their work modified.
  21. You're going to love Jedi Knight: Enhanced or New Beginning when they're finished. Damnit, @@Circa! Ninja'd!
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