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Everything posted by MagSul

  1. 286 downloads

    Author: MagSul Date: 12 October 2014 Description: Installing this .pk3 alters Kyle's dialogue in the t2_rancor mission, replacing it with the voice of Jan Ors over the comm, who really deserves to be in any game Kyle's a part of. String files have also been updated to reflect the changes made. If you encounter any issues with this file, feel free to contact me and I'll see what I can do about them. Hope you enjoy!
  2. I put myself together a patch that fixed the missing textures, but I have to say one huge spoiler for me is the lack of light throughout the map. I have to strain my eyes to really take in all the work you've done in some areas, which is a shame, because it's mostly very good, particularly outdoors! Overall, great job! EDIT: Part 2! Having explored further, I'm really fond of the functionality you've put in here. Some of your ideas are absolute genius! The only additional downside is the lack of room to breathe. It feels very claustrophobic in some parts. Still awesome. =) Also, needs weatherzones! =D
  3. Maybe I can find a diplomatic solution to this mess.
  4. Does anyone know of any flying vehicles which're animals as opposed to machines which you could ride around JA?

  5. Hokey religions and ancient weapons are no match for a good blaster at your side, kid.
  6. I'm sorry, but this is a severe over reaction. Folk like @@AshuraDX and @@minilogoguy18 know their stuff. They may come across as blunt, but they're only taking the time to share what they've learnt already from experience. @@AshuraDX isn't posting to intentionally demoralize @@CaptainCrazy, he's providing a working example of what he's talking about in an effort to save @@CaptainCrazy time and effort. We're mostly adults here, people shouldn't need to be persistently coddled or have their hand held. @@CaptainCrazy has done an incredible job on that lightsaber hilt. As has already been said, no one has told him that his work is bad. He has been told that it is inefficient from a game engine stand point and that is perhaps something he should consider if he intends to distribute the hilt for public use.
  7. I did withdraw from this community partly because I wasn't happy about the way I saw a lot of people speaking to one another. I will say that often I feel people are being a bit cold-shouldered, but at the same time it's not always easy to convey yourself properly over text alone. What sounds normal to you can be read as hostile by someone else. My advice on that front is read what you've written before you send it. More importantly, read what you're responding to properly. Often I've seen people be accused of being very unsupportive or discouraging. What is usually the case is that someone has asked for something without bothering to do any work or research into the process for themselves. This happens most often (from memory) in the requests forum. They'll ask for something either ludicrous, or easy. When it's the former, it isn't done, or they're met with "What's your contribution going to be?" which is a fair point to make. When it's the latter, it's: "This is really easy, you know we have tutorials on that?" This is not an unsupportive response, this is the opposite. This is a member of the community, likely a proficient modder who knows what they're talking about, encouraging you to learn how to make things for yourself. If you get stuck along the way, this is when we're likely to start helping. "Help those who help themselves!" tends to be the attitude, which I whole-heartedly agree with. Biggest problem is usually the way something is asked for to begin with.
  8. I'm surprised that Episode III is doing as well as it is. I wish Darth Maul could have had some more time to show off over the following two films. That said, I do much prefer the clash of lightsabers at the end of Return of the Jedi.
  9. You've done a superb job here, Kenoi! I agree that the facial animations were lacking in the original game. I'm eager to see put this to use.
  10. So, I haven't posted since like, 07 Feb. I spot a JKHub notification in my inbox. I'm thinking, "Wow, who'd bother to dig up something I said? Must've been something incredibly insightful!" Nope. It was, "I'd like a better wookiee model." For the record, I'd prefer all models to have fully working animation for filming purposes and the fact that nothing is as distracting when watching a cutscene as noticing that the character's mouth is not moving whilst presenting dialogue.
  11. I'm going to climb out of my hole briefly here to say this looks absolutely fantastic. Well done, DT85!
  12. I hadn't seen that second one. Damn, I love the way they twist it.
  13. I think we're overdue some pretty graphs in the news section.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. therfiles


      We'll make em' extra pretty!

    3. Zappa_0


      with rainbows, glitter and unicorns? :D

    4. Ping


      Mention the wiki!

  14. It's a good game, one I'd definitely recommend to anyone.
  15. MagSul

    Rosh (Jedi)


    Author: MagSul Description: This mod includes two separate pk3s, one which does not overwrite Rosh Penin and one that does. They are both appropriately named "Rosh_Jedi" and "Rosh_Jedi_Overwrite" to avoid confusion between them. This is my attempt at placing Rosh Penin in Jedi garb. See the included screenshot for reference! If you ever encounter any bugs of issues, please let me know!
  16. I remember people whining about this. I'm not sure when, but at some point it died down and anyone who lost a duel immediately fell back on "ura fuckin h4x0r" instead.
  17. I was going to vote for #10 until I saw it as a preview. Put me down for #4!
  18. 439 downloads

    When installed, your cursor will become a candy cane! To install, place in the Base folder of your JA directory. Enjoy the festive season! ¬ MagSul
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