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Everything posted by MagSul

  1. I guess that's the contents of the pool decided.
  2. I feel like I'm pestering people when I post for assistance! D=

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Merek


      The great MagSul asking for assistance? NEVAH!

    3. Boothand


      You're not! I worried about the same thing back when I would post 3 different mapping topics in the same day :)

    4. Angel Soul

      Angel Soul

      Yeah I know what you mean man. I feel that way too when I was working on my Castlevania Lords of Shadow HUD. But hey, look at the nice comments you get. :) Surely that is a good sign!

  3. Another product of "I'm new to working outdoors!" I was wondering how the clouds were achieved. My last attempt wound up ending very poorly. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IB_8_RwPAB0
  4. I've come to realise I'm going to need to ask a lot of questions for this project as it delves into things I've not personally tried in Radiant before. So rather than create a new thread every time, I'm going to keep it to in here! So, onto question one: I have a target_speaker hooked up to a trigger_once.When I approach the locked door, Jaden speaks. "There must be a way to open this."I can open the door by using the concealed switch. I pass through, the sound doesn't play again. My question is, how can I set a condition for the sound not to play if I use the concealed switch before I try approaching the door?
  5. Thank you for this, redsaurus! I've just recently begun trying to develop a single player mission but I've been struggling intensely to find any real comprehensive guides on how to do it. You've filled in some blanks, thank you again!
  6. Very ambitious of you, Rooxon! I have two hilts here that I've always really liked. I'd very much like to give the first one to a new character who fits into my current project. The second, is one I went the extra mile to get my actual hands on and so wielding it in the game would just be a treat. http://www.parksabers.com/qv-deuce.html http://www.saberforge.com/elite-sabers/gladius-saber
  7. @@Didz I've raised the model out of the floor, the model appears the same. At the time of the screenshot, I hadn't added ambient or _minlight to the map's worldspawn. I've tried them both this evening but neither has affected the model. It's the same scale as the same model in the first room. The console doesn't seem to be highlighting anything out of the ordinary. @@Langerd I started on 300 and went up in 100s to 1000 before giving up. @@DT85 I haven't used _cs 1 or _rs 1 (I tried _rs 0, sadly this didn't work.) I've packed the .map into a .zip and put it up on Dropbox if anyone would like to take a look at it for themselves. Hopefully you can tell me what other things I may not have been getting right. (I'm still not certain I've followed Mr. Wonko's advice correctly.) As this is my first attempt at creating something for an SP level, I've been doing the whole process in Single Player Mapping Mode.
  8. Thank you for the suggestions thus far! I've given the lightjunior a test and I've come back to share the results. The lightjunior did brighten up the model (and adjacent models) but not to the same level that the original plant in the first room seems to be (which doesn't have a lightjunior.) To counter this I tried increasing the (key) light value but this didn't seem to show any visible difference. Room 2 (with lightjunior): Room 1 (no lightjunior): Room 2 (no lightjunior):
  9. Hello again! I'm having a problem with a misc_model_static in the second area of my map. In the first area, it behaves normally, it's bright, visible: However, when I placed the same model (following the same process that worked for the one above) in the next area, the model became dark. I deleted it, then duplicated the working one and moved it to where I wanted it. It was still dark. Does anyone happen to know what I may have overlooked, or how I might fix this problem? Thanks in advance!
  10. Hello! I'm of the impression that I haven't been doing this correctly if I'm still getting the error in my console whenever I load the map I'm working on. To isolate where I want the rain, I've had an fx_rain inside each brush coated with the system/outside texture in my .map. This seems to do what I want in game. So my question is, how do I stop the console from displaying that message, what am I not doing that I should be? Thanks for all help in advance!
  11. I remember some time ago when a member of this community stepped forward with a similar vision (with a completely different story, of course.) The problem he encountered was that he wasn't prepared to think about his project from a different perspective - a modding/game development one. It's great that you have the story set out and it's clear that you're passionate about it. However! What you need to do now is start breaking it up into different segments that will ultimately become the mods playable missions. Every mission will need its own series of objectives which the player must complete to move the narrative forward.* When you have those, the modders still start to have a better idea of what kind of work will be involved and they may feel more inclined to get involved. Not being a modder yourself may be a hindrance, but that doesn't mean there isn't plenty else that you could get started with! * - Note that I am in no way a game development expert; I'm simply relaying the gist of what I absorbed from reading about the last person to propose a project of this scale on these forums.
  12. MagSul

    Secret Santa 2014

    Thank you for my gift, Secret Santa! If anyone's curious...
  13. MagSul

    Secret Santa 2014

    :: Rubs his hands together :: Almost time for our presents!
  14. 1,031 downloads

    Description: This is a reskin of Hapslash's Gwethenea model, intended to resemble Lara Croft as (roughily) depicted in Tomb Raider: Anniversary To access the skins, enter the following commands in the game console: /model lara_c /model lara_c/2 /model lara_c/j /model lara_c/j2 /model lara_c/blue /model lara_c/red Installation: Unzip this file and place it in the Base folder of your JK3 directory. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ As always, let me know in the review box below if there're any issues! That's all, and thanks for downloading!
  15. It's rolling out already! (See what I did there?) Why not make it into a vehicle? It worked really well for the astromech pack before. =D
  16. MagSul

    Secret Santa 2014

    Darn it! I just spent ages trying to think of a wishlist for my entry!
    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Circa


      Nobody that matters. Nothing official.

    3. Kessno


      While they may draw inspiration from characters and events in the EU, I doubt we will be seeing much material taken from it.

    4. katanamaru


      While I agree that the saber isn't practical in real life I'm excited about it! That could be a great way to get people into longsword fencing.

  17. MagSul

    Secret Santa 2014

    /me rubs his hands together excitedly
  18. I stopped getting this error when I ran the programme as administrator. (I.e. Just right-clicking the icon, selecting 'properties' and then check the 'Run as administrator' box.)
  19. I'd assume because they'd considered putting Ragnos in multiplayer at some point.
  20. 147 downloads

    Author: MagSul Date: 12 October 2014 Description: Placing this .pk3 in your Base folder will mutate your cursor into a zombie's arm, just in time for Halloween! If you should encounter any errors with this file, please don't hesitate to let me know so I can fix them.
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