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Everything posted by Xioth

  1. You need to take the pictures in a brighter map, I can't even see what his face looks like.
  2. This is AWESOME! GREAT JOB MAN!!!!!!!!!!
  3. This was... pretty damn good tbh, for your first ever playermodel.
  4. Edit of The4thRemnant's Warrior of Light model, comes with bot support, his sword and shield, and npc support: http://www.moddb.com/mods/warrior-of-light/addons/warrior-of-light
  5. http://www.moddb.com/mods/warrior-of-light/addons/warrior-of-light
  6. Idk, the only thing that really bothers me is the hands, it messes with my OCD so bad, but the fact that Scourge exists now in some form in JKA is just worth praising Jeff enough for, besides that, he's wanted to do Scourge for a very long time from what I remember, so I see him doing more improvements to him when he has the time, I figure he sees people keep asking and is like (Eh, I'll release this for now, fix the rest later on.) The saber was ported correctly, just the main model needs some work, not that I should talk, lol.
  7. Eh, I wouldn't say it's a standard, there are just so few skilled modelers today that either are on hiatus, or have retired, that we don't see much models today. Those that are around who can model and do consistently release stuff just opt not to model things because they consider their models to be inferior to a port, and thats what most people agree with. Stuff like this, though, is fantastic, and it's one of the things that keep JKHub as the standard for Outcast and Academy mods.
  8. Jeff, you are a god of porting and everyone on earth loves you. That is all.
  9. Tbh I think he's been busy lately, what with Christmas having past and New Years around the corner. Particularly excited for Desolous and Scourge when he's done with his Hiatus though.
  10. Ah, thats fine dude, your model was just awesome.
  11. Any news on your snoke model?
  12. Don't apologize for requesting a port dude, for the amount of people who hate it, it's done a lot of good for this website and created a huge JKA world.
  13. Do you think you could port the above model? @@The4thRemnant
  14. If someone could port this model, that would be cool, it's from Brotherhood, which is Ezio in his prime, as well as the definitive version of him: http://best-free-model.net/people-and-related-ware/beds-and-shkaps/ezio-auditore-da-firenze-3d-model-40401/ In case that link is no longer there if someone ever tries to port it, I made my own dropbox link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/55dpw4694hqp5py/ezio-auditore-da-firenze-3d-model_3511.rar?dl=0 This was the only 3D version of Ezio from Brotherhood that I could find, our Altair is pretty good, so I don't think we need to port him. HOWEVER, Ezio does have his own sword as well, I'll try to look for a link, but here's the picture of it:
  15. Any update on the Corvo model? It seems far from finished, no offence. He's blue, the mask is kinda... off, and the sword doesn't look like the sword he has in-game.
  16. all links have been deleted (for some reason).
  17. Was wondering how this was coming along?
  18. Because it makes it sound like you're replacing the lightning, not the sound.
  19. Name is rather misleading. But good job.
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