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Everything posted by Xioth

  1. You need to play 1 and 2 to understand, he's awesome. He is Asian.
  2. The exact Saints Row IV Johnny? Ported?
  3. Every human should know the awesomeness of Johnny Gat. He quite possibly beats out Duke Nukem in terms of cool factor.
  4. I usually got defaulted to Kyle and had some short saber, yeah.
  5. TFS, Yugioh Abridged, and None Piece will always be my favorite, but SAO is good too. Honorable mention to Code MENT. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fNcYtcVn-8k
  6. @@MGummelt How high does FP_SABEROFFENSE and DEFENSE go up to?
  7. Thats not my video, thats Yao Gamers.
  8. Unfortunately, Vaang wasn't able to take down Version 7 of Tulak (Version 8 being a lot more powerful then Version 7), but he is one tough dude.
  9. Not to be rude, but this model isn't that good. It has clipping issues everywhere, the body is screwed up, and there's a lot more wrong to it. BUT, don't give up modeling cause of a few bad opinions, they are just honest criticism that should help when you're making a model next time, and the more you make, the better your models will be.
  10. What's the max "era" this game can reasonably play? Like, PS2? Playstation Vita?
  11. why can't we use super high-poly ps4/switch-era models?
  12. They'd still have to be ported though, wouldn't they? It didn't make much sense to post that, imo.
  13. why post an inferior sonic to the sonic I posted...
  14. This is for the sword only: https://www.models-resource.com/wii/sonicandtheblackknight/model/9857/ And this is the model that I'd like ported: https://www.models-resource.com/wii_u/supersmashbrosforwiiu/model/10116/ Furthermore, if that isn't a good model to work with of Sonic: https://www.models-resource.com/wii_u/soniclostworld/model/10270/ Please and thank you!!
  15. Feolthanos - Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings:
  16. Xioth

    Naboo Plaza

    This is gorgeous, dude. Great job!
  17. Why not try to rig it yourself? You did an admirable job making it.
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