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Everything posted by Xioth

  1. But he should play just fine? Saber too? or nah?
  2. The server is nice, but the community is absolutely horrible. I've never seen a more rude and ignorant group of people in JKA before. If you lose to someone consistently, expect them to repeatedly brag that they beat you in the rudest way possible. Expect them to bully the hell out of you as well.
  3. I guess so, I mean its just a hobby I'd assume. He doesn't have any obligation to release it, we just wanna know why, and that ISN'T unreasonable no matter what anyone says. Lol.
  4. lol, maybe. Like I said, its not to attack him, there are many others besides myself wondering where X2 is. Thats all.
  5. Yes, but it would be fine if he said that instead of ignoring everyone who's ever asked. Then just moves onto other projects immediately and forgets about it. I understand he could be busy, but still. Or confirms that "hey, I'm no longer worried about it". Its been many months, yet he works on Luke and Han, who we have plenty of, over a model thats never been released in any form over the interwebs accurately. Which is fine, the Luke model is great, the Han model is great, but a lot of us have been waiting. After awhile, people do get impatient when someone says "Should have it done in a few days" and then it never gets released or talked about ever again. I sound salty but we just want answers, thats all.
  6. We all have. But one of Luke Skywalker's many iterations is far more important. It sounds like I'm throwing shade, but we've just been waiting a long time dude, and its shady in itself when you ignore anyone that ever asks about it. No one better say its just me when there must have been 4 or 5 other dudes asking for it. I don't think you meant to do it, you just took on SOOOO many damn projects at once, first its X2, then Han, and now Luke all at the same time, and you got more feedback for Luke, so you decided to focus on that.
  7. Not only do I need an INCREDIBLY easy interface, but I'd also need a great and very easy-to-follow tutorial. I don't have the time to put in all of that work, nor the motivation. The point is, its nearly impossible to put together a model in a day or two, not even counting how long it'll take me to learn how to model in the first place. Half the time I have no idea what the tutorial is talking about. "First, open the time-space continuum, do this and this." WHERE ARE ALL THESE THINGS THAT YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT. The way I would do a tutorial, is teaching each insignificant step. I remember showing some guy simply how to open a file in winrar and editing an npc file, it was a very long and detailed tutorial, but I made it so that even a 5-year-old would understand it.
  8. I just wouldn't like to die before I see this model become a reality, but I don't think I'll ever be able to make something even resembling it in blender.
  9. I'd be willing to pay at least $5-$20 for anyone who would do him depending on how good they did. I can't see myself ever being able to make a model like this, but Ik there are some modelers here that can. I'm also willing to pay BEFORE you release it (if I feel like I can trust you)..
  10. Seems too difficult. Looked at a bunch of tutorials and I still dunno what I'm doing.
  11. It can do whatever it wants with me if it makes my Nikkos Tyris skin.
  12. PLEASE PORT IT! Who cares what the community thinks, if I learned how to port then thats all I'd be doing. Jeff does ports all the time and he never receives any flack.
  13. It is, but that isn't anime. The art style isn't even close.
  14. I assumed people would come to that conclusion anyway.
  15. I'm not asking for a skin, I'm asking for a model.
  16. https://jkhub.org/files/file/2224-swtor-revan/
  17. If you want inspiration to do him, look no further then here. General information: http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Nikkos_Tyris How powerful he is: http://comicvine.gamespot.com/forums/gen-discussion-1/nikkos-tyris-respect-thread-1831260/
  18. I'm not trying to be rude but like... c'mon man... He looks like a pruney old man.
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