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Everything posted by Xioth

  1. Xioth

    Saesee Tiin

    I disagree with the eye change, I thought they were fine before, everything else is a massive improvement. Reference image:
  2. Xioth


    How can you make it so that they can't be grabbed by rancors?
  3. @@MGummelt How high does the Jedi Academy saber skill levels go to? Does it only go up to 3? Or do they both go higher? (I'm talking about FP_SABER_DEFENSE and FP_SABER_OFFENSE)
  4. I can't find out how to open those files either, I've looked everywhere and found nothing. If you figured out how to open them, please lemme know.
  5. Are there any absolute experts of Audacity here? I'm trying to use noise reduction to take out the sounds of a lightsaber, blaster sounds, alarm sounds, all at once in noise profile, to no avail. I am planning on making an X1 from Elite Squadron sound pack.
  6. Scourge model is here (with his saber) if anyone wants to port it: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0Byx_RbLvGhyrOUhJV28tLTF6c3M/view
  7. I can't wait to see what those projects are, my man.
  8. Could you do Lord Scourge?: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0Byx_RbLvGhyrOUhJV28tLTF6c3M/view Awesome Umbaran model btw! Was wondering if those Darth Desolous and Phobos models are gonna be ported? (when you have the time, of course, if you decide to do them)
  9. Not giving HARSH critiques without any experience is a given, but giving critiques in general without any experience is okay.
  10. will do, still an awesome hilt ^^
  11. uh dude, X2 wielded a green one, and X1 wielded a red one. At least, in the released Elite Squadron game they did. X1 was the bad guy.
  12. I don't even know how to rip sound files from games. I gave up trying to even add SP support to a model last night, it was too much for my brain and I got incredibly frustrated and straight up gave up out of anger because I couldn't figure out how to do it. The only way I could learn how to model, is by watching a step-by-step live demonstration that showed me every single aspect of how to model from a person, and if it takes any artistic genius then I'm screwed, because I cannot make art. They would literally have to take full hours out of their day, showing me "this does this, this does that", "here's how to make a circle", "here's how to make a face". None, absolutely NONE of the tutorials on youtube, this site, or any site, have helped me at all, not even the tiniest bit, I'm still utterly confused about how to use it. I'm not trying to be rude, I strive to be nice, but everyone on the website is so stand-offish, and at some point even aggressive towards those who would rather port and request.
  13. I'm not even sure we have ANY straight up modelers from scratch at this point, I think they're all semi-retired.
  14. I agree. We for sure know he can use the force, and even if couldn't he belongs in this game.
  15. Face is a little off, but it looks good. Overall, an awesome attempt.
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