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    Modding Jedi Academy
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    Xeby Linux

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    The religion has nothing to do with the truth. In some aspects StarWars is a religion but NOT the truth ! Jesus Christ is The Only Truth ! And NO Force can't change that !

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  1. windows 10 is worse than windows 8.1 ! Windows 95 looks better ! LOL ! Goodbye Microshit ! xD New Microsoft = Apple ! Same shit !

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    2. Cerez


      For beginners, I've found the Ubuntu, Fedora, and Mint distros are good choices. Easiest to install and learn, with Ubuntu being the easiest (as it has most things pre-bundled). Don't start with the Arch distro. I made that mistake! XD

    3. Cerez


      Hey, they said it was highly customisable... :P so I went with the most customisable of all distros -- the one where you have to put the whole system together through the command line! :D Miraculously, I actually managed to put a working system together before I made the switch to the easier to use distros. But it was a daunting experience to say the least... XD

    4. Xeby


      The best Linux Distro is NETRUNNER. This is the future of OS on Pc.

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