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    Modding Jedi Academy
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    Xeby Linux

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    The religion has nothing to do with the truth. In some aspects StarWars is a religion but NOT the truth ! Jesus Christ is The Only Truth ! And NO Force can't change that !

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  1. windows 10 is worse than windows 8.1 ! Windows 95 looks better ! LOL ! Goodbye Microshit ! xD New Microsoft = Apple ! Same shit !

    1. Show previous comments  27 more
    2. Xeby


      Any other Linux must have a good Wine emulator to eliminate the Windows OS in the future.

    3. Syko


      Wine Is Not an Emulator

    4. Cerez


      WINE is practical for running certain advanced and rare Windows apps (or games) on Linux, but it isn't really a replacement for a full OS. Running Windows and Linux parallel still offers a lot more usability and performance benefits. Why not keep an earlier, popular version of Windows for games (XP/7), and set up a workstation in Linux on the same computer? That's what I've done, and it works great. When I want to really (hardcore) game, I simply restart the computer and switch to...

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