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    Modding Jedi Academy
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    Xeby Linux

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    The religion has nothing to do with the truth. In some aspects StarWars is a religion but NOT the truth ! Jesus Christ is The Only Truth ! And NO Force can't change that !

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  1. windows 10 is worse than windows 8.1 ! Windows 95 looks better ! LOL ! Goodbye Microshit ! xD New Microsoft = Apple ! Same shit !

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    2. Cerez


      ...switch to the Windows platform. For everything else, GNU/Linux does the job better anyway.

    3. Cerez


      Worth noting that hardcore games that were made for GNU/Linux run just as fine, if not better, than they run on Windows. It's just a question of popularity. Most games are still made for Windows, though more games are being made for gaming consoles these days.

    4. Cerez


      A couple of great Linux games I can recommend are: Ryzom, Super Tux Kart, Nexuiz/Xonotic, Warsow, Hedgewars, Humble Bundle indie classics such as Aquaria, Osmos, Braid, etc., and of course Steam and Desura games that have been actually compiled for Linux (and not wrapped in WINE).

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