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    Modding Jedi Academy
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    Xeby Linux

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    The religion has nothing to do with the truth. In some aspects StarWars is a religion but NOT the truth ! Jesus Christ is The Only Truth ! And NO Force can't change that !

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  1. windows 10 is worse than windows 8.1 ! Windows 95 looks better ! LOL ! Goodbye Microshit ! xD New Microsoft = Apple ! Same shit !

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    2. Syko


      If you're not a fan of indie games Linux has Civ 5, Borderlands 2, Torchlight 2, XCOM, Chivalry, Left 4 Dead, Dead Island & more

    3. Cerez


      The thing is, with Microsoft's shift to the Apple mobile device business, Windows will become flooded with the same kind of cheap, causal games, and this will likely turn big game publishers away from Windows as a serious gaming platform. So the future of hardcore gaming is with consoles, really. That's the way I see it, anyway. And for running your older games, Windows XP or 7 will still more than suffice, not to mention that you can run many of them on WINE with today's tech spe...

    4. Cerez


      ...tech specs flawlessly.

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