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    Modding Jedi Academy
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    Xeby Linux

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    The religion has nothing to do with the truth. In some aspects StarWars is a religion but NOT the truth ! Jesus Christ is The Only Truth ! And NO Force can't change that !

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  1. windows 10 is worse than windows 8.1 ! Windows 95 looks better ! LOL ! Goodbye Microshit ! xD New Microsoft = Apple ! Same shit !

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    2. Cerez


      For those generally interested, a comprehensive database on games released for Linux can be found here: http://www.lgdb.org/games

    3. Cerez


      So you can't really say Linux is not for games. ;)

    4. Xeby


      Wine from my point of view is like an emulator. Still has problems with Direct-X routines. But you can keep in virtual enviroment any windows xp or 7 to play games. No big deal.

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