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  • Modding Interests
    Texture Artist
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    Graphical Artist ~ PhotoShop SAI GIMP Modelling ~ SoftImage 3DsMax7 Maya Programming ~ CSharp C++

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Collaborator (3/10)

  1. Sared has always been very iconic. I do miss the laser-eye though!
  2. Never understood why a Jedi Temple, the most sacred place of learning, ever needed a cantina. Other than that, good work.
  3. I've always seen Rosh as that annoying fly on the wall. This has made it a reality!
  4. I'm a tiny bit busy with stuff, but I do the work I can. I rotate, if that is what you're asking! I shall look into Lothal and Tatooine, that's a maybe. No promises!
  5. I'll leave an update soon enough.
  6. Damn son! You keep getting better and better!
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