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  • Modding Interests
    Texture Artist
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    Graphical Artist ~ PhotoShop SAI GIMP Modelling ~ SoftImage 3DsMax7 Maya Programming ~ CSharp C++

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  1. Was just about to nerd Clone Wars with my old friend, Cerez. Banned? Does anyone know why?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. AnonMC


      Best to tell it like it is, is it not? Why hide it?

    3. Wolfeye


      Indeed, why hide...

    4. BelugaArts
  2. Sared has always been very iconic. I do miss the laser-eye though!
    1. Noodle


      Nice piece and all, but Shatine doesn't really seem like a good name.

    2. BelugaArts


      Although that may be true, Sha'tine was a character created by Molly. She was quite inspired by Sha'tine from clone wars. She created the character at the age of 14 so that might explain a thing or two. ;)


      Also thanks!

  3. Ever wondered what it was like to wander the Temple of Yavin Four? Although the Temple has been destroyed after standing for over five-hundred years, you can feel the Magical Flow through this music. https://soundcloud.com/belugaarts-thejediacademy/the-jedi-academy-of-yavin-four

    1. Smoo


      Nice, I wanna switch the ffa3 music with this :P

    2. BelugaArts


      Thanks for reposting! :D If you want I can send you the .mp3 :D?

    3. Smoo
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