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Everything posted by Bek

  1. You're gonna need to download and install openjk in order to stop this error. I don't really have a link to it though atm.
  2. The creases and discoloring on the leather looks amazing, a whole lot of detail here.
  3. I think those bevels need to be touched up a bit. Unless you're trying to keep it very lowpoly.
  4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eBhaYi8tXzc
  5. dual monitor setup finally... uh set up. ^.^

  6. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_QnzCZuYKKc
  7. That's because it is on the site.
  8. I'd rather model the entire thing, seen in the original post. Except for the cape, capes always look horrible in jka.
  9. I'm getting tired of seeing traditional Jedi robes, I would love to see Starkiller in something like this:
  10. Of course it would give the character any justice if I didn't model it. It's worth noting that I'm gonna try make some progress on the model when I get the chance. if it doesn't come out in my liking, I just might abandon the project; but of course I'll let you know if that happens.
  11. Man that's badass. I'll save this for a possible project for later.
  12. Let us all learn from the modder that was Hapslash.
  13. Is he still trying to find himself?
  14. New Jkhub feature discovered! Apparently I can collapse the "Latest Files" sidebar.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Circa


      Yes...you just click it again. This has been a feature since day one. xD

    3. Archangel35757


      How about moving the "Full Version" button to the top of webpages... to avoid having to scroll down really long threads???

    4. Bek


      I'm not sure about your keyboard, but my keyboard has a "End" button, which takes me to the bottom of any webpage.

  15. I wish npcs were better at melee. It would be pretty cool to see him just using his fists.
  16. Why are the avatar icons so small on the profile page? :/

  17. namps, nrugs, nellotron...
  18. I guess this thing doesn't need a facial animation rig lol.
  19. Not true. Ruxith did something similar with his tie pilot reskin. https://jkhub.org/files/file/1104-ruxiths-tie-pilot-re-skin/
  20. Haha that's what I was thinking!
  21. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qcOiJnWniWg
  22. Never laughed harder. Check out The New Calassic. http://bit.ly/1hooNLo
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