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Everything posted by Bek

  1. Bek

    Jacen Solo

    Your face when she bends over.
  2. To achieve this, all you need to do is reskin the default astromech droid model.
  3. Thanks @Kualan and @therfiles for the awesome interview!
  4. Vaporwave

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Bek



    3. Bek



    4. Ramikad


      The pain you convey with those unknown letters is powerful.

  5. @@JAWSFreelao The skin looks pretty great, but the dude is a bit cross-eyed lol.
  6. That album art is pretty sweet.
  7. Not illegal per'say, but it's not allowed here.
  8. I think we should. I sent him a game when I first heard about it. I have no idea how we would go about contacting him though. A thoughtful PM wouldn't be much use if he never logs in. I know he has a facebook, but I don't want to bother him on there, out of respect of privacy. If anyone has any ideas on contacting him, then I bet we could put together a community effort to let him know we have his back .
  9. I managed to tweak the game to get it to work, but I forgot how I did it. I'll try to find the files so I can send them over to you.
  10. The model was created by @@ChalklYne, he hasn't completed it though. The last time I saw him here was in April of last year. Last thing he said was that he was struggling with depression. I'm honestly worried.
  11. It's crazy how long you've been doing this @@Kualan! I've been following your stories since you've been posting on imperial shipyards, I was surprised when I came here to find you posting here as well. Keep up the good work I guess lol.
  12. I don't want to imagine what it's like for these guys to aim down a scope.
  13. The textures are very low resolution, and the model itself could use a little more work, but besides that, great job!
  14. Not imperial, but apparently scientist in SW look like this: btw
  15. What are your thoughts on kotor?

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. Bek


      It's funny that all of her contradictions can be chalked up to Kreia trying to achieve her goals. Kreia is my favorite character of all time.

    3. Ping


      I don't see how the aforementioned can.

    4. Bek


      I've spent a full 15 minutes trying to argue my point, but I can't come up with a single example of what I'm talking about, Ping. I guess you could argue that her use of the force contradicts her hate for the force. But I guess that would make her a hypocrite. Ugh I'm confused! >.<

  16. How is everything going?

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